End of the World: My Items Can Be Upgraded Infinitely

Chapter 29 Super Bullet, Certification, and Employment

"Don't you want to try it?"

Liu Yueqi held the Qian Zhan Dao and walked behind Lin Feng.

"What if they want you to go back and die?"

Lin Feng asked back, it happened to be an urgent mission and the remuneration was generous. It was hard not to think of the crisis surrounding the insect wave behind him.

If he was dragged over to participate in the rescue, he would definitely die, and it would be a life-saving job.

Even if you want to join, you have to wait until this crisis passes.

Lin Feng went back to the car and took out the receiver left by Ding Chenghai, which had the files he had sent.

The latest information on super awakening.

Currently, there is a certain chance of awakening superpowers after seven enhancements, but those awakened in advance are relatively weak, and will be officially fully awakened after nine enhancements.

Therefore, awakening after nine times is inevitable.

Some people awaken early because they have a certain natural affinity with the dark energy that stimulates life potential. Such people do not even need to kill giant insects to be strengthened in their daily lives.

Sister-in-law Yurou is an example.

However, such cases are very rare and the triggering conditions are not yet known.

Most of the strengthened people have completed the super awakening in the cross-level upgrade after nine strengthenings, that is, killing a black spine insect of level 10 or above.

These are basically front-line soldiers in the army. In addition to most of their physical enhancements, some of their awakened abilities are shooting superpowers.

The strengthening of the physique can rapidly increase the basic data by more than 50% in a short period of time, which is called a berserker.

Shooting superpowers include, but are not limited to, precise sniping, high-speed self-aiming, super bullets, etc.

Although there are various types, they are all inseparable from the basic occupation of soldiers.

Therefore, these superpowers are too simple. The institute hopes to obtain some special superpowers as material samples for experiments.

The ability to control the shape changes of objects that Lin Feng had shown before was one of them.

And this is not too unusual. Those who can create flames or manipulate certain types of substances make researchers even more confused and excited.

As for the process of super awakening, it usually involves two to three hours of fever, with the blood all over the body boiling. Under the influence of dark energy, life potential is stimulated.

The specific time and intensity vary from person to person.

Of course, this situation suddenly occurs after killing black spine worms on the battlefield. Usually, after a fierce battle, when returning to the camp to rest, the whole body relaxes and calms down, and then gradually awakens.

After awakening, any wounds on the human body will automatically heal as before, but they will only be limited to minor injuries, such as missing arms and legs, and they cannot heal on their own.

After understanding the general situation, Lin Feng felt confident.

At this time, the promotional truck coming from the front stopped at the end of the traffic jam, where Lin Feng and the others were.

I thought that the staff of the recruitment office would just drive out and turn around, then turn back and continue their loudspeaker propaganda, but I didn't expect that they would stop here directly.

In other words, they stopped near Lin Feng and the others.

Soon, a man and a woman in gray-green military uniforms got out of the pickup truck and saw two pairs of giant black spine jaws fixed with straps on the RV, with yellow-green insect blood dripping from time to time. Come.

So they walked straight to the passenger side of the RV.

Knocking on the glass window, Lin Feng pressed down the window.

The female staff member wore simple and elegant makeup and showed a professional smile to the car:

"Hello, is this Lin Feng, Mr. Lin?"

Lin Feng nodded slightly and remained silent.

The beautiful woman smiled and continued:

"We learned from Lieutenant Qin that you are a super awakened person? There are temporary regulations here. All newly awakened people need to register their identity information."

Lin Feng took out his wallet from his backpack and took out his ID card.

The woman handed it to her companion behind her, filled it in, and then said:

"Can you please demonstrate your super power?"

Lin Feng pulled out the pistol from his waist, and the two of them were startled and stepped away, their hands unconsciously reaching towards their lower backs.

"Don't be nervous. Didn't you ask me to demonstrate?"

Lin Feng spoke calmly, raised his gun and pointed it at the green trees beside the highway. With a bang, the explosive bomb hit one of the large trees with a diameter of half a meter.

The exploding warhead directly tore through the thick trunk of the tree, causing the nearly twenty-meter-tall tree to collapse suddenly.

The huge power stunned the nearby onlookers. When they looked at the RV, they were less greedy and jealous, and more fearful and respectful.

The super power of physical enhancement is not that obvious, but the deterrence of bullet enhancement is intuitive and dangerous.

The beautiful woman who came to register saw with her own eyes the red light flashing from the muzzle of the gun, and the fired bullet set off a heat wave that blew on her face.

Feeling the power of the bullet firsthand, the woman was frightened with a hint of excitement, and her legs were a little weak. She leaned against the car door, blushing slightly, and her attitude became more and more respectful:

"It turns out that Mr. Lin has awakened super bullets."

"My name is Han Yuxin. I am a staff member of the Recruitment Office of Section 2 of Jianghai Expressway. I have now completed registration and certification for you. Here are the temporary safety management regulations. Please keep them and be sure to abide by them."

"Right now, the frontline is in urgent need of capable people like you, and the treatment is very generous..."

As she said that, Han Yuxin saw the woman in the driver's seat:

"Your family members and relatives can go directly to the emergency lane and go to the special canteen and rest point we have set up in the service area. If you are willing, please inform me in time."

Lin Feng nodded and took the A4-bound regulations and his ID card.

"Thank you."

Han Yuxin handed over a business card and walked to Liu Yueqi with her companions. The treatment there was not so good. She only briefly introduced the entry treatment, and did not give the regulations.

Lin Feng flipped through it casually. It was probably stipulated that the super-awakened should not abuse their superpowers to deal with other awakened people and ordinary survivors.

But after joining the official, there will be preferential treatment in the position, such as serving as a security manager on this road, or joining the patrol team to deal with sporadic insect swarms that harass from time to time.

Of course, if you are willing to accept front-line missions, the rewards will be more generous, and there will also be preferential treatment in promotion.

And if you join the army directly, there will be more requirements, but the military will also provide more powerful assistance and guarantees, such as immediate family members picking up and dropping off at the rear, weapons and equipment are all provided free of charge by the logistics, and there will be a considerable pension after sacrifice.

In short, each has its own advantages and disadvantages.

Of course, Lin Feng prefers the former, wandering between the rear and the front line. Not only is he a little freer, but he also doesn't have to worry about the system being exposed.

The official attitude towards civilian awakeners is pretty good. There is no compulsion. They probably know that these people who suddenly gain superpowers are difficult to discipline, and they may turn against each other under coercion and inducement.

It is better to adopt the principle of voluntariness.

Anyway, people who desire power will definitely stay on the front line or the edge of the war zone, because if they don't kill insects, they can't continue to strengthen their awakening.

After reading this, Lin Feng had a bottom line in his heart. When Han Yuxin and the others returned, he agreed:

"No problem, I will join the Public Security Administration."

Han Yuxin showed a trace of joy, and the smile on her face was much more sincere, because she could also get a lot of rewards if she found and recruited a powerful awakener with super bullets.

"Well, we will handle it for you right away."

She took the man back to the car, printed an employment identity information card, and handed it to Lin Feng.

"Mr. Lin, you can go with us now. You can also come to the temporary office set up in the service area later."

"After choosing a specific position, you can get a job bonus, including a week-long ration for three people and 50 liters of gasoline or diesel."

"This is the job ID card. Please keep it safe. It is also your emergency pass."

Lin Feng nodded, which was considered as an agreement.

"Okay, I'll go in the evening after I finish some things."

Watching the pickup truck leave, Lin Feng took out the business card of the recruitment office given by Han Yuxin. In addition to the official contact number, her personal contact information was also written on the back.

Lin Feng took out his mobile phone to add it, and it was accepted instantly.

Han Yuxin also sent a message soon:

"Mr. Lin, do you want to know the urgent task?"

"You probably guessed it, that is, the crisis on the front line. Now we need a high-quality enhanced awakening team to carry out harassment and guerrilla warfare against the newly emerged insect tide, and try to slow down the speed of the insect swarm closing the encirclement."

"Buy time for the main force to escape the encirclement."

"It's not that you are directly involved in the rescue and fight against the frontal attack of the insect tide."

Lin Feng replied "I know, I will consider it", then turned off the phone and plugged in the car charger.

Chen Yanyan, who was looking through the management regulations, said:

"Do you want to turn back? Are you alone?"

Lin Feng shook his head. It was still too dangerous to go there with his current strength.

First complete his own evolution and see what new changes can be made by the awakened superpowers and the binding RV.

"After killing the black-spine worm, I need to rest for a while to complete the cross-level awakening after nine enhancements."

"This process will take about two or three hours. You watch it. If it is really dangerous, take this and go to the emergency lane."

After that, Lin Feng handed the employment ID card to the woman, then opened the door and walked into the rear compartment of the RV.

Lying on the bed, activating the armor shield form, the whole body is wrapped in a layer of lv7 red and silver armor shield, and there are five times of absolute domain use reserves, so the safety is naturally beyond doubt.

Everything is ready, Lin Feng clicks the upgrade button to start his own lv10 upgrade, which is also a cross-level super power awakening.

A surging and hot energy is released from the grenade gun...

Instantly flooding Lin Feng's whole body.

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