End of the World: My Items Can Be Upgraded Infinitely

Chapter 21 External Situation, Secrets of the Zerg

After the two women packed their luggage and supplies, Lin Feng's wound bandage was also coming to an end.

Liu Ruojiao's skills were superb, perhaps because she had been teaching for many years. After the treatment, the bandaged tiger's mouth picked up the gun and moved without any impact.

"Thank you, Teacher Liu."

Lin Feng thanked him sincerely. Liu Ruojiao's skills allowed him to stay in perfect condition, which was very important.

Liu Ruojiao nodded and told him again not to do strenuous exercise to cause secondary damage. Then she carried the medical kit and returned to the group of teachers.

Lin Feng did not comment, but looked at his hands with broken armor, which showed that the shield was damaged. The remaining fifteen minutes of use time were reduced by ten minutes.

Fortunately, he still had two upgrade reserves. He consumed one of them again. With the flash of white light, the shield that was originally stained with blood and insect residue was restored to its original state and was brand new.

Wait and then go to the pile of red beetle corpses downstairs to find out if there are any intact red back armors. Collect them and continue to upgrade the red armor shield.

This set of equipment is also a life-saving trump card, so we can't be careless.

Liu Yueqi witnessed this scene and muttered in her heart. She couldn't guess Lin Feng's true ability.

Maybe it's a very rare one.

Seeing that Lin Feng had finished his work, Zhang Yurou and the other girl came over with bags on their backs. She handed a backpack to Lin Feng:

"There are supplies and food in it. Take it. I don't need it."

"Now we just wait for the military to contact them and send a rescue helicopter from the rear. The helicopter is still very fast and can arrive here in 20 minutes."

As soon as Zhang Yurou finished speaking, three or four people fiddling with communication equipment in the power distribution room on the rooftop exclaimed:

"We've made contact! The coordinates are East longitude: 126.46, North latitude: 28.03, the dormitory building next to the Haicheng University Research Institute, and all the personnel have arrived."

"Received, the rescue will arrive within half an hour!"

Hearing the sonorous and powerful sound of nature coming from the microphone, the people who gathered around were filled with joy on their worried faces.

After enduring a day and night of fear, they can finally leave this hell on earth.

Lin Feng brought the two women over. He knew very well that not everyone could leave. The military had its own considerations.

At this moment, there were as many as fifteen survivors on the rooftop, including Lin Feng and the other two, which made eighteen people. The ordinary transport helicopter in service in the Federation could only carry twenty people.

Apart from the crew members on it, there were also medical equipment and weapons. It would be good if ten people could be rescued.

So Lin Feng and the other two were not as happy and excited as the teachers and professors in front of them, but just watched them silently.

When the crowd dispersed in groups of three or two, Lin Feng saw an old friend sitting next to the communication equipment who seemed familiar.

The other person was sitting cross-legged next to the two red beetle corpses with his head drooping, his hair was unkempt, and his beard was untidy, and he was fiddling with the organs in the insect corpses with a wooden stick.

Lin Feng slowly walked up and sat opposite him.

The man slowly raised his head, his eyes changed from disbelief to shock, and finally he excitedly stepped forward and hugged Lin Feng's arms:

"Good boy! Why are you here?!"

"The outsider who just came downstairs, is it you?!"

Lin Feng nodded and asked:

"Fatty Ding, weren't you transferred to the Northwest Research Institute? Why did you come back without saying a word?"

"Are you hit by He Jie?"

Hearing the word He Jie, Ding Chenghai's joyful expression dimmed, and he replied bitterly:

"Hey, don't mention it. She is like your mother, a little obsessed... Sorry, I didn't mean that."

Lin Feng and Ding Chenghai's unexpected acquaintance originated from He Jie, the first disciple of his mother He Yiwen, who has now become a senior researcher.

Ding Chenghai fell in love with her at first sight, but unfortunately He Jie perfectly inherited her mother's will and devoted herself to research, and had no idea of ​​falling in love at all.

After his father disappeared, He Jie often came to visit Lin Feng, who had just entered college, because of the order of his mentor. Ding Chenghai used a roundabout way to save the country and became familiar with Lin Feng.

Later, He Jie went to the northwest, and he gave up the high-paying position of his alma mater and followed without hesitation.

As a result, after going around in circles, he returned to this place again.

Lin Feng shrugged and said that he didn't mind. Anyway, he didn't have much affection for the mother who gave birth to him but didn't raise him.

Compared with emotional issues, he was more concerned about the news from the outside world:

"Do you know the current situation? Including the situation in various places, and the response measures of the outside world?"

Ding Chenghai nodded, picked up a wooden stick, dipped some juice from the insect corpse, and gestured on the ground:

"Almost all coastal cities are now invaded by alien Zerg. They are very smart and understand the social structure of humans very well."

"So far, humans have not recovered any city, and most of them have even fallen completely and become the landing springboard for the Zerg."

"The red beetles we encountered are just the most common workers in the Zerg. Insects, but what the military encountered were soldier insects that were several times stronger than worker insects. "

"A kind of giant black insect that is five meters long and three meters high, with four sharp legs and a pair of two-meter-long pincer jaws. They are like light tanks on land, moving very fast. Ordinary rifle bullets can't penetrate their thick armor at all. Only large-caliber sniper rifles and heavy machine guns can break through their defense. "

"If you want to kill them completely, you have to use artillery!"

"But our army has long been useless, and they can drill into the underground tunnels dug by worker insects, so that human artillery support and air force bombing have little effect. "

"But the only good news is that their parent body, a giant biological fortress, which we call the Mother Queen, moves extremely slowly, and the worker bugs and soldier bugs cannot leave the Mother Queen too far..."

"So as long as you can get out of the city, you can escape."

Speaking of this, Ding Chenghai suddenly realized something. His expression changed. He raised his head and looked around. After confirming that no one was nearby, he slowly came forward and lowered his voice:

"There are only a few important people here who can leave. You may not be able to get on the plane."

Lin Feng frowned slightly and looked at Ding Chenghai in front of him with some surprise. He didn't expect that he would tell him:

"How did you know? Are you one of them? Didn't you notify others?"

Ding Chenghai spread his hands and said confidently:

"If I told you in advance, who would save me? Help us guard the aisle below?"

"In order to pretend to be more like you, I tried to keep a low profile. You made such a big noise and I didn't even take a look."

"Yes, I research equipment, so the military wants to take me away to develop new weapons to deal with alien insect swarms, but those people don't know how."

As he said that, Ding Chenghai secretly pointed at the scattered teachers and professors. Most of them were in management and academic research, and were of little help to the current situation.

Professor Zhang Xuan, who had come forward before, and his fiancée Liu Ruojiao were among them.

The few people who were able to leave were several engineering professors who were debugging communication equipment.

Ding Chenghai looked at the two women behind Lin Feng. They came with Lin Feng and said with some regret:

"You have to rely on yourselves. I can't convince those tool men who only follow orders."

"But you were downstairs just now and successfully blocked the attack of the worker insect swarm. You must have awakened your superpower, right?"

Ding Chenghai held a wooden stick, pointed at Lin Feng's red and silver shield, and said with interest:

"This is the back armor material of the worker insect. Is your ability to change the shape of objects?"

Lin Feng shook his head. Fatty Ding was very smart. He didn't want to reveal too much to avoid exposing the system:

"I don't know either. Anyway, it's okay to survive."

"I heard Liu Yueqi talk about the enhancement of insecticide. Do you know the secret behind it?"

As he said this, Ding Chenghai's expression gradually became serious:

"Yes, this is what the Federation is stepping up research on. Many frontline soldiers have gained enhanced effects after killing giant bugs. It is currently speculated that these alien bugs traveled from far away to the Blue Star through some kind of space tunnel. ”

"And they carry some kind of dark energy in their bodies that can activate life potential. After they are killed, they can be transferred to us."

"Starting from the seventh strengthening, dark energy accumulates in the body, and it is possible to activate special abilities beyond comprehension."

"This may be God's blessing. While it brings disaster to mankind, it also opens a new era of evolution."

With that said, Ding Chenghai put down the wooden stick, rubbed the dirt on his hands, and said expectantly:

"I've been hungry all night. Have you brought anything to eat?"

Lin Feng rolled his eyes at him and took out a box of canned fish from his backpack, which was in his sister-in-law's refrigerator.

After taking the canned fish, Ding Chenghai swallowed unconsciously, but he did not open it directly. Instead, he put a wooden stick in the red beetle's body, turned it over, and finally picked out a milky white sac and peeled it out. .

Then he asked the old professor aside and borrowed a lighter.

Ding Chenghai was seen holding the hose at the mouth of the bag tightly with one hand, and pressing the lighter with the other hand. The flame jumped and was placed next to the mouth of the hose. Then, a light blue flame suddenly burst out from the port of the hose.


It screams like a flamethrower!

Hold the mouth of the flame hose tightly and aim it at the can to heat it.

Lin Feng's eyes widened as he watched Fatty Ding's miraculous operation. He never imagined that the white pouch organ in the insect's body could have such a function!

Ding Chenghai chuckled and explained proudly:

"I have been thinking hard all day about how these alien bugs solve the problem of energy consumption. You must know that with such a large size and speed of movement, their demand for food and oxygen is not low..."

"After the autopsy, that's what I discovered."

"In the insect's body, there is an air sac that stores hydrogen. The air sac can secrete a certain substance that effectively reduces the liquefaction conditions of hydrogen. At the same time, it can slowly release the chemical energy contained in liquid hydrogen..."

"So the alien bugs cannot do without liquid water, and they landed from the ocean."

"The heat generated by burning hydrogen per kilogram is about three times that of gasoline and four times that of alcohol. It has the highest calorific value among all fossil and biofuels, second only to nuclear fuel."

Ding Chenghai introduced in detail and said with emotion:

"Tsk, tsk, what a perfectly designed creature."

"Look, it's heated up so quickly. Do you want to eat together?"

He pinched the airbag hose tightly to extinguish the fire, tied the knot, and opened the can. A smell of fish came out.

Ding Chenghai was so greedy that he twisted it with his hands and ate it. He seemed to be very hungry.

Lin Feng shook his head. The more he understood the power of the Zerg, the more worried he became about the future fate of mankind.

The worry and eagerness in my heart have increased a bit.

Fortunately, at this time, the upgrade to lv7 was finally completed:

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