Stepping into the blood mist for the first time, the two elders were extremely nervous.

Fortunately, the mutants Meng Fan and Lu Jiaqi on the road had already been cleaned up when they arrived, and they were safe all the way downstairs.

As the power system was still running, Meng Fan took the two elders directly to his door through the elevator.

Seeing Meng Fan's home, the two elders were stunned.

Warm and clean, no mold, the air is no longer humid, and there is no ubiquitous odor.

You must know that after the blood mist arrives, the most inescapable thing is the humid air and the ubiquitous stench.

That kind of smell can't be blocked even if you reach out to the upper floor and seal the windows.

It had been a long time since they had breathed such fresh air.

It’s like a dream!

Shen Yanran was also shocked: "Old...Meng Fan, am I hallucinating?"

"I installed a self-circulating air filtration system. Not only that, I also have a water source circulating filtration system. Water can be used at will, ensuring a 24-hour hot water supply."

"All water has been triple filtered and does not contain any bacteria, viruses or harmful electrolytes. It can be drank directly. Of course, there is also a 24-hour automatic temperature-adjusting water dispenser. Those who like mineral water can drink that one."

"There are several guest rooms on the second floor. You and I can choose any one to live in. They all have independent kitchens and bathrooms, where you can watch TV, surf the Internet and take a shower."

Air circulation, water circulation, and 24-hour hot water for bathing? !

Shen Yanran and the two elders were shocked.

Nowadays, the water sources outside have long been polluted, and there is very little drinkable water. Meng Fan actually has extra water for bathing! ?

Is this really how people live!

Meng Fan smiled lightly: "Of course I also have a request, that is, I have many secrets here. Without my approval, I hope that the two elders can stay in the room with peace of mind and cannot move around randomly."

"Of course."

"It should."

The two elders burst into tears of gratitude, and now even if Meng Fan said he wanted to imprison them, they were willing to do so.

Compared with the outside, this is heaven!

Father Shen held Meng Fan's hands tightly and shed tears of gratitude: "Thank you, Meng Fan, our daughter will be left to you from now on..."

"What did you say?" Mother Shen glared at Father Shen and smiled: "Meng Fan, come here with me, and Auntie will have a chat with you."

Walking to the corner, Mother Shen looked at Meng Fan carefully, the love in her eyes almost overflowing: "Meng Fan, you are a good person like your parents. Auntie wants to ask you something."

After a pause, Mother Shen stared at Meng Fan: "Our bodies know that we can't live long, so can we trouble you with something?"

"From now on Yanran... I will entrust it to you."

Meng Fan nodded calmly.

The blood mist can strengthen the human body after fusion, but there are more harmful things. Healthy people can still eliminate these toxins, but the elderly cannot withstand such devastation.

The second elder had serious underlying diseases and died very quickly in his previous life.

"I will."

After saying these three words, Mother Shen showed a hint of relief.

They can feel at ease.

After sending the two elders back to their room, Meng Fan called Chen Yao, Tong Lu and Sui Yuting out to introduce each other.

"From now on, you will live in peace and no quarrels are allowed."

Shen Yanran took the initiative to salute: "Hello, sisters."

Although she is the oldest here, she is also the first to follow Meng Fan. But it can be seen from the order of entering the shelter that everyone has a different status in Meng Fan's heart.

Shen Yanran sees things clearly, but she is not a competitive person.

As long as Meng Fan has a place of his own in the future, it will be enough.

Chen Yao smiled broadly: "Since we have moved in, we are all good sisters, so we don't have to be so reserved."

"Thank you sister."

"Husband, thank you for accepting my parents." Shen Yanran turned around and kissed Meng Fan.

The infatuation in his eyes almost overflowed.

Only when Meng Fan truly loves himself can he accept everything about himself.

For this reason, I was willing to work as an ox or a horse for him.

Meng Fan looked at Shen Yanran: "The two elders don't have much time. Please spend this time with them, Yanran."


"I think the old man is in good health."

Chen Yao and Sui Yuting were both shocked.

But Shen Yanran and Tong Lu were not surprised.

Shen Yanran saw her parents' bodies visibly decaying every day. She was filled with despair at first, but now she has recognized the reality.

Meng Fan gave them a decent place before his death, and that was enough.

"Husband, thank you."

"You don't have to go there these days. Please spend more time with me. Tong Lu, you are a nurse. If Yanran needs anything, you can help me."

"Okay. Sister, let's go do a physical examination on my uncle and aunt first, and then help the second elder take a bath."

"Okay, sorry, sister."

"Husband, thank you!"

Shen Yanran finally couldn't hold back her tears.

I have never followed the wrong person in my life!

After settling Shen Yanran, Meng Fan turned around and the smile on his face quickly turned cold.

It’s time for a certain guy to deal with you!

Went all the way to the underground garage and opened a bathroom. Lu Jiaqi was busy inside.

"Brother Meng, everything is ready."


Beside him was Li Hong.

His hands and feet were tied to the chair, his mouth was taped shut, and his eyes were filled with fear.

He stepped forward and ripped off the tape with a stab.

"Brother Meng, please spare me. I didn't know that Shen Yanran was your woman."

"If you know, I wouldn't dare to smash this door even if I have ten thousand guts."

"Give me a chance, I am willing to work for you like a cow or a horse. I am also an awakener, and I have the ability of self-healing. I can do any dirty work for you!"

He cried bitterly, and even the muscles on his face twitched with fear.

A fishy smell filled the air, and strings of water beads flowed from under the stool.

He was actually scared to pee on the spot.

Li Hong is known as the number one thug under Li Yandong. He was arrogant and domineering in his previous life. Is this the courage?

Meng Fan sneered, picked up a Chinese cigarette and started to get busy.

He set up a mobile phone stand on the table in front of Li Hong, and took out Li Hong's mobile phone.

Just like picking cucumbers, he broke off Li Hong's fractured right index finger with a click.

"Ahhhhhhh...Meng Fan, you son of a hurts me to death..."

Ten fingers are connected to the heart, and Li Hong is heartbroken.

Even Lu Jiaqi trembled.

But think about the scene when Meng Fan killed more than a dozen people with one gun.

This is nothing!

Unlock the phone, point the camera and the phone screen at Li Hong.

"You... what do you want to do..."

Li Hong's face was twitching with pain, and his eyes seemed to be looking at a devil.

Meng Fan glanced at his watch.


Then he lowered his head, a grim smile appeared on the corner of his mouth: "Do you want to live?"

Li Hong was completely confused.

Who wants to die if you can live!

He nodded frantically without thinking.

"I'll help you call Li Yandong, you can ask him for help, and cry as much as you can."

Li Hong had no idea what Meng Fan was going to do, but Meng Fan actually clicked on the video.

It doesn't matter, I want to live, I want to live!


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