End of the World: Investment Goddess, I have a 10,000-fold return system

Chapter 233: Be careful Lambert, once bitten by a snake

After a moment, the dead guard's cold voice sounded on the intercom.

"The first team of the Death Guard is in position."

"The second team of the Death Guard is in position."

"The third team of the Death Guard is in position..."

"Mother, you can contact Young Master Yang Fang."

Guan Xuejiao then opened her eyes, her eyes with a faint light like pearls trembling in the water with the waves, took out her mobile phone and handed it to Lambert.

Lambert quickly sent the message.

Got a response after a moment.

"There is a team patrolling now. The patrol team will return to the residential area in half an hour. Meng Fan's dog named Ampei usually goes to bed at 9 o'clock."

"I found two bottles of wine, and later I went to the guy responsible for checking the surveillance to drink and play cards."

In order to increase trust, Yang Fang also secretly sent a selfie video.

The camera shakes. In the dark underground garage, Yang Fang is inspecting the underground garage with the patrol team.

"Yang Fang is quite thoughtful." Guan Xuejiao's bright eyes moved slightly.

Lambert was unmoved.

He was scared of being tricked, and now he felt like he couldn't believe any news until he confirmed it with his own eyes.

"Send a miniature ground-moving robot into the underground garage."


This miniature ground-moving robot is only about the size of a palm. It is the latest type of tactical robot and is difficult to detect even without blood mist. What's more, there is blood mist as a cover.

Soon the image of the miniature ground-moving robot was transmitted back to the large screen hanging from the roof of the car.

The miniature ground-moving robot has found the patrol team, and the one at the back is Yang Fang himself.

The miniature underground robot quietly followed the team to observe. The various laser structure line frames on the screen overlapped back and forth, which was scanning the 3D configuration of the entire underground garage.

Soon, the 3D modeling diagram of the entire underground garage appeared in front of Lambert and Guan Xuejiao.

There are many red dots on the ceiling, walls, cement square pillars and various corners, which are the hidden cameras of Meng Fan Security.

No suspicious hiding spots will be missed!

Guan Xueying stretched out two fingers. The maid next to her immediately took out a thin cigarette and placed it between Guan Xueying's two fingers. Another maid quickly helped her light it.

Guan Xueying took a slight sip, and fruity green smoke slowly floated out from the gap between her delicate lips: "It seems that Yang Fang didn't lie to us."

"Mother, we can't make a conclusion yet. Let's take another look."

Even now, Lambert is not completely reassured. Order the micro-terrain robot to continue following the patrol until they enter a residential area.

Time, 8:45:38 pm.

Soon Yang Fang sent another message. In the photo, he was carrying two ten-pound bottles of 56° bulk liquor, as well as a large bag of spicy strips and peanuts.

"Now I'm going to the control room to find those idiots."

Time passed by minute by minute.

Nine o'clock, ten o'clock, eleven o'clock...

"Fuck it, Lambert, can you do it?"

Yang Kai was already impatient with waiting. At this moment, the two maids beside Guan Xuejiao had all fallen under her body and fell into convulsions, and the last one was almost useless by her.

Still have to wait!

But Lambert stared at the time: "Wait!"

Finally at twelve o'clock, Yang Fang sent a message: "It's done."

Send a video.

The video is shaky.

The four guys responsible for checking and monitoring were already drunk and staggering, and the spicy strip bags they had eaten were scattered everywhere.

Yang Fang himself was flushed and his phone was unsteady: "Auntie, I have turned off all surveillance systems. Meng Fan's damn dog must be twitching on one of his women at this time. I don't have time to watch the surveillance."

"Auntie, you'd better hurry up. I'm not sure when that bitch will be finished. Maybe I just want to get up and check the cell phone monitoring, and then I'll be finished."

Yang Kai's breathing became rapid, and Guan Xuejiao's beautiful eyes suddenly shone, but she knew how to advance and retreat, and still looked at Lambert.

Of course, professional matters should be left to professionals.

Lambert still didn’t give the order!

"Damn it, Lambert, what are you afraid of!"

Yang Kai cursed loudly, but Lambert turned a deaf ear and took out his walkie-talkie.

"Let the miniature ground-moving robot go take a look first."

The robot went deeper and found that all the surveillance cameras had been lowered, and the red lights symbolizing the silent state were slowly flashing.

All signs indicate that there is nothing wrong with Yang Fang's actions.

Lambert finally decided to wake up.

"The first and second teams enter first, the third and fourth teams outflank from both wings, and the fifth and sixth teams are on guard from the rear. The remaining teams are on standby."

"I'll be right away."

After speaking, Lambert put on a special black suit and a high-tech helmet.

The jet-black suit is made of nano-alloy and is hard enough to withstand a full blow from a level 4 mutant. Coupled with Lambert's own physical fitness, it can also buffer the attack from a level 5 mutant.

Helmets provide better defense than suits! It also comes with an infrared imaging system, which is extremely clear in the dark, as well as an air filtration system and air quality detection equipment.

While filtering the peripheral air, it will detect the components in the surrounding air every minute. If there are any abnormal components, it will immediately alarm.

Everything is ready.

Lambert put all the special Kevlar threads into the two-handed robotic arms.

"Mother, I'll be back as soon as I go. You and the young master had better wait for me in the car."

"No, I want to go with you. You guys, stop lying down and put on my battle clothes quickly!"

Yang Kai kicked the maid who was almost fainted by his beating on the ground, his eyes were hungry like a hungry wolf!

Several beautiful figures appeared in his mind.

Nine-tailed lady Zhao Muqing, the succubus Asakura Yu, and Chen Yao, who was a fairy from heaven, and Yang Ying, who had the same temperament as his mother...

Mom, how could he hold it back!

He must push their women down as soon as he kills Meng Fan.

Lambert frowned. He really didn't want to take Yang Kai, a troublesome guy, with him. He had to distract himself to protect this young master, which added a weakness to his team.

But Guan Xuejiao had already spoken: "Son, go if you want to, have fun."

Guan Xuejiao gently stroked Yang Kai's face and looked at Lambert coldly: "Lambert, my son's safety is in your hands, don't let me down."

I don't know why, Guan Xuejiao was a little flustered today. After thinking about it, she felt that it might be because of Yang Kai.

If Lambert left, and only Yang Kai and herself were left in the car, Guan Xuejiao was not sure whether Yang Kai would do something immoral.

Guan Xuejiao could not let herself and her son stay alone in a car.

Besides, since her son had a new toy, Yang Kai would naturally not have any ideas about her.

Lambert frowned, but Yang Kai was like a bull in heat and could not be pressed down.

"Okay. But you must obey my orders, young master."

In a blink of an eye, the team had entered the underground garage.

Yang Kai's body was so excited that he began to tremble.

His uncontrollable laughter of excitement kept coming from the intercom.

"Hehehe, hehehehe..."

"Sister, and the nine-tailed fox girl, and that succubus, I'm here..."

"Get ready, you will have a hard time tonight, hahahaha!"

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