"Oh, how annoying. Xinya clearly knows that she is thin-skinned, but she still says that in front of her sisters."

"It's so annoying."

Bai Feifei was nestled in her bedroom, lying on the bed and covering her head with a pillow.

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Thinking of how he had just been hugged and sat on his lap by his brother, flirting with him in front of Baicheng, and surrounded by many sisters.

Benzai was Bai Feifei's youngest among everyone, and she was thin-skinned. She was so panicked just now that she felt like she was about to have a fever.

To her, this was tantamount to a public execution!


"Ahhhhhh, Jiang Xinya, you bad guy."

"No, it's too hot. Take a shower."

Bai Feifei quickly took off her pajamas and rushed into the bathroom and locked it.

The cool water rushed over her body, finally cooling down her skin that was almost burning.

"Damn Jiang Xinya, stinky Jiang Xinya, look back and see how I punish you. Humph——"

"But my brother just hugged me in front of all my sisters. Hehe, I'm so happy. My brother really dotes on me."

"Why not go further? Everyone is ready. Is it true that my sister has taken too much away from my brother's love for me?"

But, even if my brother changes his mind, he still loves me so much!

Suddenly, I was stunned. I felt so hot and uncomfortable that I seemed to have forgotten to bring a bath towel.

Just then I heard the sound of the door opening.

Isn’t it time to start training now? Someone sneaked back?

Didn't think much about it.

He opened the shower curtain and rushed to the bathroom door, and quickly opened the locked bathroom door a crack.

"Is it Xinya or Yang Ying? Can you bring me the bath towel? Thank you."

He shouted outside and continued to wash himself inside without looking at who it was.

Just as Meng Fan quietly opened the door and walked in, he heard Bai Feifei shout.

Then he took the initiative to unscrew the bathroom door.

The bathroom door was ajar, and there was the sound of running water.

There is also the girl's light singing voice.

"What a cutie. You don't even take a towel to take a bath?"

"That's just right."

Meng Fan's lips twitched into a wicked smile. Pick up the bath towel and gently push the door open to enter the bathroom.

Place the towels on the rack across the shower curtain.

"Do you want to take a shower? I've already done it."

"It just so happens that after washing, let's go down to train together."


Bai Feifei opened the shower curtain and bumped into Meng Fan.

Looking at each other.

Meng Fan is 1.9 meters tall and Bai Feifei is over 1.6 meters tall.


Bai Feifei blushed instantly and quickly closed the shower curtain with a cry: "Brother, why are you here?"

"Did you let me in?"

Thump thump thump thump——

Bai Feifei's little heart was beating wildly.

Before Bai Feifei could react, Meng Fan had already pulled Bai Feifei into his arms.

A gentle kiss.

"I know you are thin-skinned. They all went to the underground parking lot for training. There are only two of us here today."

When Bai Feifei was held in her arms, her body temperature, which had just dropped, rose sharply.

Now I feel like my brain is going to explode.

Just like a volcano about to erupt, hot lava is about to rush out.

She heard the key words.

There is no one at home, only a man and a woman are alone in the bathroom. After taking a bath, the whole body is hot...

Help, did my brother plan to wait for me here on purpose...


Bai Feifei is shy and nervous.

If you look forward to it too much, you will be at a loss when facing Meng Fan.

"take it easy."

Meng Fan's hands and wings pulled Bai Feifei into his arms.

He breathed softly into his ear: "What, did I scare you? How about I come back next time."

"No, no, brother, don't leave."

Feeling Meng Fan let go of her, Bai Feifei hugged Meng Fan tightly without even thinking about turning back, her big crying eyes shining brightly under her lavender hair.

"Brother, I, I'm a little afraid of pain..."

"No, brother is very experienced."

As soon as he finished speaking, a cocktail appeared in Meng Fan's hand.

Pick up the glass and drink it all in one gulp.

But instead of swallowing, she held Bai Feifei's slender waist and kissed her fiercely.

"elder brother!"

Bai Feifei was caught off guard, but she felt that the strong liquor flowed straight into her throat along the gap in the corner of her mouth, leaving behind the multiple stimulations of spicy, sour and sea salt.

Then my body started to feel hot and my head felt dizzy.

The smell of alcohol permeated the small bathroom.

The eyes looking at Meng Fan were blurred.

Before Bai Feifei could say anything, Meng Fan held Bai Feifei up with one hand.

A blush spread on the beauty's cheeks, making the already pretty Bai Feifei even softer and more attractive.

Wine does not intoxicate people, people intoxicate themselves.

Suddenly, a hint of playfulness appeared on Bai Feifei's face, and she put her arms around Meng Fan's neck.

"elder brother……"

"Should I be ready to...cheat now?"

Meng Fan was stunned?

You know it very well!

At this moment, tigers roar and dragons roar!

In the next room, Tong Lu took out an encrypted satellite phone.

This satellite phone was obtained from the Bai family and Baicheng, and Tong Lu never used it.

But what happened today forced her to use it.

He dialed an encrypted number and was answered immediately after a moment, and an anxious voice came from the other side.

"Is it my sister? You finally contacted us!"

This voice is extremely charming. Although you can only hear the voice but not see the person, just hearing this voice can make a graceful figure appear in your mind.

The owner of this voice is definitely a beautiful woman with a national beauty!

Tong Lu was also very excited when she heard the voice: "Sister, it's me."

"It's really my sister, are you okay? Is there any danger? Is anyone bullied?"

The voice was cheerful and excited, but at the same time it was also full of concern.

Tong Lu felt warm in her heart.

This is her sister, Tong Yu.

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