The biggest problem with blood fusion is that it will trigger strong negative emotions, which greatly limits Meng Fan's improvement speed.

Angelia nodded, and her beautiful eyes looking at Meng Fan showed an indescribable deep affection.

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"Although it cannot be completely eliminated, it can dispel some of it. Lambert asked me to follow Yang Kai all the time, originally to let me reduce Yang Kai's restlessness as much as possible when Yang Kai merged blood."

"If you... Master needs it, I can let you experience it now."


Meng Fan's face was ecstatic!

"Then try it now."

Angelia closed her eyes, and Meng Fan immediately felt a magical power spreading from Angelia to cover himself.

Ignoring his hard defensive skin, muscles and bones, he directly immersed himself in his brain.

There was still a lot of negative emotions left when he entered the blood yesterday, but it was forcibly suppressed by Meng Fan's strong willpower.

But as soon as Angelica's mental power came into contact with Meng Fan's brain, Meng Fan immediately felt a refreshing force cleansing his mind.

Although it was impossible to completely eliminate these negative emotions, it also made Meng Fan's mind clear and felt unprecedentedly relaxed.

Meng Fan roughly estimated that Angelica's [Dispel] could reduce the negative emotions of blood water by about 40%.

Although it was less than half, this effect was already terrifying enough

Moreover, with the improvement of Angelica, this effect may be further increased!

"Okay, Angelica, you are really my baby!"

Meng Fan laughed wildly and hugged Angelica and kissed her hard!

He had to thank Lambert for giving him such a gift that he couldn't even ask for!

This wave made a big profit.

Of course, for such a baby, one "reward" is obviously not enough.

Angelica, who was tightly nestled in Meng Fan's arms, immediately felt that Meng Fan's chest under the pillow was rising and falling more and more rapidly, and the hard muscles were becoming more and more tense, like a fully drawn bowstring.

He was secretly shocked!

She had no experience, but she knew that ordinary men would need to rest for a while after having experienced it once.

Even if he was as tyrannical as Yang Kai, he would have more than ten minutes between each time.

However, the master had just finished, how come...

"Master, you..."

"What, you can't do it anymore?"

Angela looked up and saw Meng Fan's condescending gaze.

It was hot and burning, as if he wanted to burn her to ashes on the spot.

Locked by this gaze, the scene just now suddenly began to surge in Angela's mind again, and at the same time, her pious prayer just now sounded.

Of course, this prayer was not to the gods in heaven, but to Meng Fan!

So pious that she was physically and mentally exhausted!

Angela's face suddenly became hot, and she shrank back carefully: "I... I..."

No more words.

Meng Fan stood up and held Angela horizontally in the air with his muscular hands.

"If you don't refuse, then I will take it as your consent. Accompany me to take a bath first."

"Yes, Master..."

Angela snuggled in Meng Fan's arms with a shy face.

Close your eyes.

My God, please have pity on your devout believers.

This bath took more than an hour.

When she came out, Angela was ripe and staggered, like a peach that could fall from a tree branch at any time.

But he was still obedient and picked up the towel at the first time and knelt on the ground to wipe the water droplets off Meng Fan's body.

She knew how to serve her God.

"Why, do you want to add more time?"

Meng Fan's mouth corners rose.

Angela trembled with fear: "No, I dare not..."

"I don't know what my husband was doing alone this morning."

"Who knows, it's none of my business anyway."

"I slept so comfortably, woo woo woo, I haven't slept so well for a long time."

Chen Yao and other women recovered and walked from the room to the living room, just in time to see Meng Fan and Angela coming out of another bedroom in bathrobes.

Seeing the blush and fingerprints on Angela's snow-white skin, everyone knew what was going on.

Chen Yao was the first to smile coquettishly: "Look, you are still worried that your husband will be bored in the morning. Do you think he can't find food by himself?"

Meng Fan stepped forward and smiled and pinched Chen Yao's pretty face. Chen Yao took Meng Fan's arm. Meng Fan smiled and said, "You two should get along well in the future."

"Angela, call me sister."

"Hello, sisters."

Angela's Chinese is quite good, but with a little foreign accent, sounding a bit like Xinjiang people.

Very cute.

Tong Lu held Angela tenderly: "Oh, there is another new sister. Our big family is getting more and more lively."

Many women immediately surrounded Angela and chattered.

"Let me see, sister, your skin is so good, so smooth, and so white."

"Sister, you have a great figure, and your legs are so long. Sister Luo Yu, you have a rival, come and compare with sister Angelia, who has longer legs."

"Hahaha, right, right, let's compare, you wear high heels every day and look down on us, now you have met your rival."

Laughter and joy filled the air, and Meng Fan smiled with relief.

My harem has always been harmonious, which is very rare.

I am very relieved to hand Angelia over to everyone, and it can also make Angelia forget the pain of the past and integrate into this big family as soon as possible.

Meng Fan did not let Angelia live with other women, but continued to live alone in the previous room.

It was not that Angelia was more delicate than others, but that her perception was too strong, which would affect others invisibly.

"Chen Yao, take these."

"Angelia knows all about the usage, just follow her instructions."

He gave a portion of the blood to Chen Yao, and Angelia knew the specific usage, dosage and dilution method.

With Angelia's [Dispel] ability to protect them, the strength of the women will also improve by leaps and bounds.

Hearing that the blood had such an effect, the beautiful ladies all had their eyes wide open!

"Then won't we be able to catch up with the master's awakening level soon?" Luo Yu jumped up happily.

If he could keep up with the master's level, he would no longer get off the bus halfway due to backaches.


But Zhong Jiawen rolled her eyes at Luo Yu: "Lang Yu, do you think that only we can improve, not the master?"

The excitement on Luo Yu's face suddenly froze.

Zhong Jiawen is right!

The master's improvement will only be faster than theirs! Doesn't that mean that the car will break down faster in the future? !

Meng Fan waved and called Sui Yuting: "Go up and call Misha down, and call Ampere, Lu Jiaqi, Hu Zi and the others together."

Sui Yuting called, and when Lu Jiaqi heard that she could enjoy the blood mist sauna with the goddess, she immediately ran upstairs.

Misha was also radiant when she heard the news.

This means that she finally doesn't have to be chained, and can be truly treated as a woman by Meng Fan.

This is a qualitative leap in status!

If all the women were not here now, and Chen Yao was the absolute master of the harem, she would have wanted to throw herself into Meng Fan's arms and ask for love.

Her choice was indeed right, and the master was so good to them!

"Start with the most basic, don't do too much at a time."

"If you don't understand, ask Angelia, she has more experience in this area than you."

After another careful instruction, Meng Fan went to the rooftop.

His expression gradually became solemn.

He had not forgotten the great changes that the outside world was experiencing.

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