Meng Fan picked up a piece for himself and dumped the whole plate of glutinous pork ribs directly into the trash can under the table!

This is the lobby, everyone is watching, too shocked to speak.

You two just took a bite, how come you dumped it!

"Meng Fan, what are you doing, this is such a waste." Shen Yanran couldn't help but be coquettish.

The lobby manager was also scared and ran over quickly, with a smile on his face: "Hello, is our food not to your taste?"

Meng Fan smiled faintly.

"No, it's delicious."

"It's just that I don't have the habit of taking a second bite of the same dish."

Seeing the 10,000 plates of glutinous pork ribs appearing in the space, Meng Fan's mouth corners rose.

The more types of food you stock up, the better. How much can Shen Yanran's little stomach eat? You can only eat one bite!

I don't want the same dish to be eaten tens of thousands of times.

His eyes fell on Shen Yanran's pretty face with a smile: "Don't feel sorry for me, try something else, don't eat it all at once."

Shen Yanran was shocked beyond words.

Is Meng Fan really so arrogant!

Meng Fan used his actual actions to tell Shen Yanran: That's what I think.

Whether it's Buddha Jumps Over the Wall, Farewell My Concubine, or Fried Rice with the King of Ships... He only ate one bite and then asked them to deal with it. He would never eat a second bite!

As a result, the lobby manager urgently summoned several waiters to serve, and kept serving and removing dishes.

The Manchu-Han banquet, which was originally a table of dishes, was eaten by Meng Fan as a buffet!

Everyone at the scene dropped their jaws.

This is the first time in my life that I have seen rich people eat like this!

No, it's only been ten minutes, and the price of the dishes taken away has reached six figures!

Even rich people can't eat like this!

Only the emperors in ancient times had this treatment!

Who is this guy!

Shen Yanran tried to persuade Meng Fan at the beginning, but she was so distressed that she was numb in the end.

Meng Fan kept picking up dishes for her.

"Eat, there are so many delicious dishes."

"Don't feel sorry for one dish, there are so many dishes waiting for you to taste."

Seeing the space full of delicious dishes, they are still at their freshest and most fragrant moments, and they can be served at any time.

Goal accomplished!

Shen Yanran didn't know anything yet, she only knew that the two of them had tried all the famous dishes in the restaurant, but she was still not full.

Is there anything more outrageous than this!

Meng Fan immediately took her hand: "Let's go to the next one."

Meng Fan and Shen Yanran were eating and drinking all night, and they almost ate all the commercial street. All the restaurant owners knew that there was a weirdo like Meng Fan.

He fell down after eating one bite, so arrogant that it was shocking!

At the last restaurant at the end of the street, Meng Fan finally released the restrictions: "You can eat whatever you want in this restaurant, and we will go home when you are full."

Shen Yanran glared at Meng Fan fiercely.

How could she eat more, she was full long ago.

But being fed with thousands of dishes one mouthful at a time was an unprecedented feeling.

But at the same time, an indescribable feeling spread rapidly in my heart, and I couldn't help but think of the time when they held hands and went shopping crazily in the afternoon.

Many things that I had liked for a long time were too expensive to buy, but Meng Fan bought them for me without hesitation.

He also bought things for her parents, from daily necessities to furniture and electrical appliances.

Now he takes her to eat the best delicacies that she didn't dare to dream of in the past.

It's like saying:

I will buy you the things that Luo Tianyou didn't buy for you.

I will make you happy with the things that Luo Tianyou didn't make you happy with.

You are my woman now, and I will spoil you to the sky!

The blush on her face was beyond description.

There was no place to put her little hands.

Originally, Meng Fan forced herself on her, and Shen Yanran hated Meng Fan to death, but now she felt that she couldn't hate him!

There was even a weird feeling.

The few shots that Meng Fan forced on her were not worth so much money!

Moreover, although it was forced, she did not feel nothing.

Luo Tianyou was a waste. It was a flattery to say that he was only hot for a few minutes. It was weak and powerless.

It was not until she met Meng Fan that she really realized how extremely happy a woman would be when she was thoroughly explored.

So in front of the dance mirror, she half-reluctantly cooperated with Meng Fan to explore his posture for the first time.

Shame, but also lost herself in shame

In the end, her legs collapsed to the ground. In addition to resentment, only she knew how intoxicating that feeling was.

The look she gave Meng Fan became more and more complicated.

After all, who is her man!

Meng Fan did not notice Shen Yanran's changes, but was looking through his phone.

"Meng Fan, you son of a bitch, you dare to lie to us."

"You dead waste, you ruined my brother-in-law's plan to go public. If my brother-in-law can't go public, I will kill you!"

"Meng Fan, didn't you promise us not to talk nonsense! You don't keep your word!"


Meng Fan grinned.

I haven't checked my phone for a day, and I didn't expect these scumbags to be so excited.

Didn't I just make a big mess for you on the day of the audit?

I didn't kill your whole family, why are you so excited?

Typed a reply.

"Keeping your word is for people, why keep your word for animals."

Sure enough, the message was sent out and the other side immediately exploded.

At this time, a phone call came.


"Damn it, why did you harm Tianyou. We have already given you 3 million, and you promised us not to tell outsiders, so what does this mean!"

"Do you know how much loss your actions have caused our company? How are you going to compensate us?"

On the other end of the phone, Liu Linlin was so angry that she was spitting fire with almost every word.

The Liu family members around her also followed suit and cursed Meng Fan, and their voices continued to destroy Meng Fan's eardrums through the phone.

Meng Fan curled his lips: "I only promised you not to tell outsiders, and your family's beasts are not outsiders."

There was a dead silence on the other end of the phone.

Liu Ziang, Wang Fang and Liu Dezhu were stunned, and lowered their heads in Liu Linlin's murderous eyes: "We are indeed not outsiders..."

"Your head!"

Liu Linlin wanted to kill Liu Ziang: "Then you can't instigate them to come and make trouble! You clearly know how important today is to Tianyou..."

"I told them to make trouble because I knew it."


"What do you mean you? I'm hanging up now. I'm eating. Don't come and disgust me."

"By the way, quickly unbind my credit card. If you dare to spend my money again, I'll kill you!"


Meng Fan hung up the phone directly.

He also reminded Liu Linlin to continue spending money for him.


Liu Linlin was so angry that she was trembling all over while holding her phone.

"Damn it, ahhhhh!"

Wang Fang and Liu Dezhu were also furious.

They were actually used!

Only Liu Ziang's eyes were shining: "Sister, do you still have that useless credit card? Is there money in it?"

Liu Linlin glared at Liu Ziang: "That's mine, it has nothing to do with you!"

"Sister, you are my real sister! I want to buy a car and go for a ride with Jiajia, please."

"Get lost!"

Wang Fang and Liu Dezhu also reacted.

This is a good opportunity to get money back from Meng Fan!

He grabbed Liu Linlin: "Tell me quickly, how much is his credit card limit? It should be 150,000?"

"Can you withdraw cash? Take it out and spend it for us. We can't let that kid get it for free."

"Why are you standing there."

Liu Linlin rolled her eyes.

You guys, you got a house from Luo Tianyou, what else do you want!

Get lost!

This credit card is mine!

On the other side, Meng Fan just hung up and got another call.

“Where are you, Meng Fan! I want to talk to you!”

Meng Fan was a little surprised.

It turned out to be Zhao Muqing.

But come to think of it, it’s time for her to hold back.

The corners of her mouth rose proudly.

“Okay, I’m at the Kowloon Hotel on Nanhua Commercial Street.”

“I’ll wait for you.”

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