"Hoo, hoo, hoo..."

"Finally, it's out."

On the other side, Lambert and a dozen black-clad guards were gathering in a building.

Take the time to replenish energy while breathing heavily.

[I hope readers will remember our domain name Taiwan Novel Network →🆃🆆🅺♦🅽.🅲♦🅼]

Just now, they didn't dare to stop, and ran all the way out of the subway, and encountered a large number of mutants at the subway entrance.

After a fierce battle, they were forced to detonate three or two modified off-road vehicles before they broke through.

Now they are resting in a shopping mall.

"Damn it."

Lambert was very annoyed, but more of aggrieved.

They had been implementing the plan for so long, the place had been found, and even the blood water had been packed.

They sacrificed dozens of men, but were intercepted by Meng Fan at the last moment! They only got less than two bottles of blood water, and used up Angelia, the trump card that they had trained for many years.

It was a great shame!

Anger filled Lambert's heart. He had never wanted to tear a person into pieces like he did now.

But Lambert was different from Yang Kai after all. He was a veteran killer who roamed the battlefield. The angrier he was, the calmer he was.

He quickly analyzed it.

Although Meng Fan was blocked by him in the end, he believed that Meng Fan would definitely find a way to escape. And he knew better than anyone how powerful the side effects of blood water were.

Meng Fan couldn't use it all up in a short time.

In other words, the blood water was still on Meng Fan. As long as Meng Fan was found and killed, all the blood water could be taken back.

"Meng Fan..."

Chewing this name in his mouth, the burning flame of revenge was burning in his pupils.

"Damn it, what did you do to this young master!"

"Angelia, you dare to touch me, I'm going to kill you, I'm going to make you tonight..."

With a roar, Yang Kai woke up by touching his neck, but was stunned.

What happened, why did they come out?

There were so many people missing, and they all looked sad.

And where was his Angelia?

"Lambert, tell me what happened!"

After a while, Yang Kai was stunned when he saw the battle scene from the camera of the black guard. He was the one who recruited Yang Ying, but he didn't know that Yang Yong had already surrendered to Meng Fan.

At the critical moment, Meng Fan snatched the blood. So many people died, and Angelia also died, but he barely got less than two bottles.

Failed at the last hurdle.

Complete failure!

"Damn it!"

Yang Kai held his head in disbelief: "How is it possible, you bunch of good-for-nothings, how could you be played like this by Meng Fan!"

"It's all your fault, it's all you!"

"What should I do now, damn it, Lambert, why didn't you let me sleep with Angelia directly? Now he's dead, isn't it a waste?"

"You really deserve to die!"

Yang Kai held his head and roared, his eyes full of unwillingness.

The black guards couldn't help but frown.

They all understood that the reason why Yang Kai was not allowed to touch Angelia was that Lambert was afraid that losing her virginity would cause unpredictable consequences on Angelia and affect her supernatural effects.

But now the whole team failed because Yang Kai recruited Meng Fan, but Yang Kai did not repent, but instead cursed them because he could not taste Angelia.

Their lives, their missions, their efforts.

In Yang Kai's eyes, you are not as important as a woman he did not enjoy!

Although they are loyal to the Yang family, they are not stupid.

There was a hint of coldness in the eyes of many black-clothed guards looking at Yang Kai, but Yang Kai did not notice it and was still venting his anger.

"You bunch of good-for-nothings, rescue Angelia, go now."

"And Lambert, why did you leave Angelia behind without my consent? You are fully responsible for this!"

"I want him, you lead the team to rescue Angelia now."

"She will definitely not die, I want you to go now."

Already furious, Lambert could no longer hold back.

He glanced at him with contempt.

"Master, shut up."

"Lambert you..."

Yang Kai wanted to get mad, but he saw the look Lambert gave him.

Horror, cold, murderous intent surged.

As if if he said one more word, Lambert would make him shut up forever.

"What's going on, is Lambert crazy?"

Yang Kai was so scared that his whole body was cold. When he reacted the next second, he found that Lambert's eyes had returned to normal, as if everything just now was his own illusion.

"Master, Angelia is dead. If you want a woman, I can find one for you, but I won't let our people sacrifice innocently again."

As soon as he finished speaking, Lambert's communicator rang.

It's Master Yang Zonghe.

The video call was turned on, and Yang Zonghe's old face appeared in front of him.

For some reason, compared with the last time, Yang Zonghe looked much older, as if he had been drained of his spirit by excessive drinking and sex.

On the other hand, Guan Xuejiao on the side became more and more charming.

"Did you get the things?"

"I got them."

Hearing these three words, Guan Xuejiao and Yang Zonghe's eyes lit up.

"I said our son is fine, right, husband."

Guan Xuejiao acted like a spoiled child in Yang Zonghe's arms, and her plump breasts rubbed against Yang Zonghe's chest unscrupulously.

"Son, come to the camera and let mom see if you are injured."

"Mom and Dad, I'm here."

Yang Kai was extremely depressed now, but he still had the most basic courtesy in front of his parents.

"Well done."

Yang Zonghe and Guan Xuejiao praised Yang Kai fiercely, wishing to describe their son as a peerless genius and an unparalleled monster.

Lambert remained silent until the family finished talking before slowly speaking.

By the time he finished speaking, the atmosphere instantly became awkward.

Their original harvest was dozens of times what it is now, but because Yang Kai recruited Brother Mengzi, more than half of their harvest was cut off by Brother Mengzi? !

Not only did more than half of the men die, Angelia was also sacrificed.

Where can I find the remaining blood pools in the future?

"Yang Kai, this is all your fault!"

Yang Zonghe was furious, and the anger in his eyes was so real that Yang Kai was so frightened that he didn't dare to look directly at him.

This was the first time that my father was very angry.

"Honey, Kai didn't mean it..." Guan Xuejiao also felt distressed, but she felt even more distressed for her son.

In his eyes, his son just wants to sleep with his sister Yang Ying and his subordinate Angelia. What's the big deal?

The eldest son of the world is the eldest. Besides, Yang Ying and Angelia are just marginal figures in their Yang family. They sleep as soon as they can.

She even complained about Yang Zonghe in her heart. If he hadn't favored Lambert and protected Angelia, he had turned a blind eye and let Yang Ying go before.

If Yang Kai had let these two dead girls sleep earlier, wouldn't things be so troublesome?

It's not your own fault.

It has to be said that besides being unable to control her own super male genes, Guan Xuejiao, a mother, plays a major role in Yang Kaicheng's virtuous behavior today.

After being scolded, Yang Zonghe himself felt a little regretful.

After all, when had his son ever been wronged like this?

"Forget it, Lambert, you guys come back first and then deal with Meng Fan's matter later."

"Master, we can't go back yet. We still have a chance to make amends."

Lambert opened his mouth and explained his plan to take back the blood water from Meng Fan.

Yang Kai's eyes lit up!

He didn't care about the blood and water, but he didn't forget the women he saw at the beginning.

Meng Fan not only has Yang Ying, but also the succubus, the nine-tailed fox lady, and other beauties, all of whom must be as beautiful as gods.

If you kill Meng Fan, these will all become your collection!

"Okay, okay, I agree!"

Seeing that their sons were so insistent, Yang Zonghe and Guan Xuejiao found it hard to say anything further.

Yang Zonghe said calmly: "You rest where you are, I will send people to support you again, and we must take down Meng Fan!"

"I, I want to go there with this group of people!"

Guan Xuejiao suddenly spoke, looking at Yang Zonghe and pleading: "Husband, I know you are worried about me, but we only have one son. I have to watch Akai, otherwise I won't worry."

Seeing that his favorite wife was about to cry and beg him, Yang Zonghe sighed: "Okay, with their protection there should be no problem, but you must obey the command and never act without authorization."

"Okay, thank you, husband!" Guan Xuejiao smiled like a flower and kissed Yang Zonghe several times on the face: "Mother Zhang, help me pack my luggage, we will leave right away." ’

"You guys need to rest for two days now. Also, Kai, you should hurry up."

Yang Kai understood what his father was referring to and nodded hard: "I understand, I will never let my father down!"

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