Lambert glanced at Angelia, who shook her head: "I can only vaguely sense a little danger, but I have no idea what the source of the distance is."

"It should be that that thing also has a very powerful perception, which blocked the depth of my spirit."

Lambert pondered.

Sense of crisis? Could it be the septic greedy devourer?

It's possible, after all, the mutant level should have reached level 4 by visual inspection.

But the cautious Lambert also thought of Yang Ying.

This change left him with a lingering sense of crisis.

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"Check where they are."


The captain of the black-clothed guard immediately opened an instrument, which was the location of the tactical watches of the seven black-clothed guards!

But in the ventilation duct, Meng Fan had a sneer on his lips.

"Good guy, I knew you still had this skill!"

Meng Fan had already guessed that Lambert would have a back-up plan, so he ordered Yu Asakura to have seven guards in black take off their tactical watches and put them on the seven saw-toothed man-eating rats.

The results displayed in the location monitoring are as if they were alive.

Lambert breathed a sigh of relief when he saw the seven black guards still staying in place and moving slightly as if patrolling.

It seems that Angelia's uneasiness comes from the septic greedy devourer, so there is no problem.


Lambert and Angelia immediately found a place to hide and sprayed a large amount of powdery substance to completely cover up their scent.

The guard captain who was injured by Yang Kai in anger gave an order, and his team immediately attacked the septic greedy devourer.

Be careful to stay within striking distance.


Several people simultaneously threw high-explosive grenades at the feet of the septic greedy devourer.


The chain explosion woke up the sleeping septic greedy devourer. The heads that were still half asleep opened their eyes at the same time and let out frightening screams.

But soon his head was blown to pieces by a bullet fired from the opposite direction.

The explosion tore apart part of the Septic Greedy Devourer's body, and several people immediately aimed at the Septic Greedy Devourer and started shooting.

There is no need to aim at all, it is difficult to miss with such a huge body.

The septic greedy devourer was quickly enraged and twisted its body to rush towards the attacker.

But another part of the body issued a similar command in the opposite direction, and they stayed still, still entrenched at the entrance of the cave.

Suddenly, there seemed to be two commanders with different opinions appearing in the huge body of the septic greedy devourer.

The part that was not attacked wanted to stay, but the part that was attacked tried desperately to break free and kill the food in front of it.

This strange scene caught Meng Fan and Yu Asakura from their expectations.

"Intensify the offensive."

Their goal was to draw this thing away completely. The captain of the black-clothed guard immediately increased his firepower and at the same time took out a dagger and pierced the palm of one of the team members. Blood flows.

The many heads on the septic greedy devourer immediately stared. The huge body trembled slightly under the stimulation of the smell of blood.

They can endure the pain, but they cannot bear the temptation of fresh flesh and blood.

"Ho ho ho."

The septic greedy devourer finally spread his legs and charged towards the black-clad guards. The densely packed hands and feet climbed on the ground, and the bloated body exploded at incredible speeds.


The black-clothed guard captain immediately ordered a retreat, carried out stepped cover shooting, and kept approaching the subway turnout where the trap was built.


Every once in a while, a black-clothed guard was caught by the septic greedy devourer's tentacles, which made the septic greedy devourer constantly excited, and even his body gradually turned blood red.

Meng Fan saw everything, and his vigilance towards Lambert and the Yang family increased to a new level.

He could see that this was all intentional!

This group of people could obviously retreat without any injuries, but they deliberately sacrificed a team member. It is to continue to increase their attractiveness to the septic greedy devourers and prevent the septic greedy devourers from turning back halfway.

Yu Asakura and Yang Ying also noticed this, especially Yang Ying, who looked at Lambert with a little fear.

This Lambert is really going to any lengths for that thing behind his back.

Likewise, these black-clothed guards are truly worthy of being trained warriors by the Yang family, and they can carry out such orders so resolutely.

"What is at the end of this tunnel..."

Meng Fan watched helplessly as the septic greedy devourer was drawn into the subway turnout. With a glance, Asakura Yu had already ordered the rats to follow.

In this way, no matter what happens, they can pay attention to it immediately.

"Lambert and the others are moving."

Yang Ying exclaimed as she saw the hidden Lambert and Angelia quickly emerge from the hiding spot and rush to the dark end of the tunnel as fast as possible. Yang Kai was also carried on the back of a guard in black and acted together.

"Let's go too."

Meng Fan moved the shutter baffle at the exit of the ventilation duct. Under the radiation of Yang Ying's invisibility effect, everyone, including seven guards in black, also became invisible.

Ten people quickly followed.

But the further he walked, the more Meng Fan frowned.

The blood mist ahead was thickening rapidly, obscuring everything. Lambert and his team could no longer be seen, and Meng Fan could only barely lock onto them through perception.

At the same time, the nauseating smell of blood was so strong that both Yang Ying and Yu Asakura became seriously ill.

At this moment, Yu Asakura suddenly exclaimed: "Master, look at our feet!"

Meng Fan lowered his head, his eyes suddenly condensed!

A bloody river appeared along the railroad tracks under my feet!

But this was not real blood, but a thicker blood mist than the ordinary blood mist that gathered and deposited on the ground, like a river flowing backwards.

The sticky and heavy feeling reminded Meng Fan of the back mountain!

Blood Lake!

Could it be that what Lambert and his team were looking for was the same thing as the blood lake on the back mountain of the Doomsday Villa Shelter!

The further they walked, the thicker the blood mist under their feet became. From the beginning, it was not over their ankles, but now it was not over their knees and waists.

Meng Fan's eyes were gloomy.

He knew that they were almost there!


Lambert ran all the way, and the excitement in his eyes became stronger and stronger.

"It's just ahead." Angelia pointed to the front, and Lambert's eyes suddenly brightened when he passed a corner.


Lambert laughed ecstatically when he saw what was in front of him.

"Very rich, good, good, good!"

"Quick, prepare to sample."

Meng Fan behind him also reached the target point, released his senses to perceive the things in front, and Asakura Yu almost screamed.

"Master, this is..."

"I saw it too, don't make a sound!"

Ahead is the end of the subway, a subway that has not been repaired yet. The steel frame has not been laid yet, and various machines are placed in a mess on the open space.

But in the center of the open space is only a small blood pool covering an area of ​​more than ten meters, and there is a spring in the center that is bubbling out thick blood mist.

"That's it!"

"Do you want to do it?"

Yang Ying asked, and Meng Fan shook his head.

"See what Lambert and the others are going to do."

Meng Fan always has a feeling that this blood pool is dangerous.

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