Subway entrance.

Meng Fan, Asakura Yu and Yang Ying have already walked down the subway and walked along the tracks.

As Yang Kai said, this place has been cleaned up.

There are mutant corpses everywhere, lying in all directions on the subway.

But Meng Fan is more concerned about the way the corpses died.

A few of the corpses were killed by bullets, but most of the corpses were cut on the spot by a force.

Meng Fan squatted in front of a deformed septic spider corpse. This guy's huge body was directly cut into slices, as neat as bread slices.

The incision was smooth, and it was impossible to tell what weapon caused such a wound.

The key is that the bodies of these deformed septic spiders are tougher than ordinary deformed spiders, and the defense power is almost the same as her Frost Defender bulletproof vest.

It can be cut so easily. This thing is enough to threaten herself.

"Brother, what weapon is this?"

Yang Ying was curious.

"I can't tell. It's more like a kind of ability."

Meng Fan looked up at the densely packed corpses in the subway passage, frowning: "Ask them."

"Who among you has such ability?" Asakura Yu asked the captain.

The captain said: "It's Butler Lambert."


Meng Fan chewed on the name, and his vigilance against him increased by one level.

"Keep going."

Already approaching the target location, Meng Fan nodded, and the three of them re-entered the invisible state and sneaked forward, and the five charmed black guards walked behind.

"Who's over there!"

The two black guards who were responding here spotted a few people from a distance, with their guns raised high.

The captain of the guards made a gesture: "It's our own people."

From the map of the tactical watch, the two also confirmed that they were their own people and put down their guns.

But his brows tightened.

"Where is Miss Yang Ying you captured?"

As soon as he finished speaking, a pair of blue eyes appeared out of thin air in front of one of the black guards, and the black guard was quickly charmed.

"Who is it!"

The other man hurriedly retreated and drew his gun, but was clamped by Meng Fan from behind with both hands.

Before he could fight back, he was seduced by Asakura Yu again.

The two were stunned.

Meng Fan glanced at the tent beside him, unzipped it, and the things inside were visible.

He sneered.

"Yang Ying, your brother has a very strong taste."

Looking at the whips, ropes, candles, clamps, syringes and a small box of contraband scattered in the tent, Yang Ying was a little scared.

If she hadn't met her brother, she might have been forced to ask Yang Kai for help, and every day would be worse than death.

"This disgusting guy."

Yang Ying turned and left. He felt disgusted if he looked at these things for one more second.

Meng Fan looked at the two black guards: "Where is Yang Kai?"

"Butler Lambert left us here to meet them, and they took people to find that thing first."

Meng Fan's brows tightened.

This Lambert is really cunning, how can he follow him like this?

Suddenly, the communicators of the two black-clad guards rang.

Meng Fan immediately silenced Asakura Yu and Yang Ying.

"Did they pick up the call?"

It was Lambert's voice.

"Yes, everything is normal."

"Okay, you stay there and wait for us to come back."

Hang up.

"This Lambert is really perverted, he doesn't give us any flaws."

Asakura Yu pouted. They had obviously gone through many tests, but they were still being suspected.

Meng Fan didn't say anything. After a long time, he spoke cautiously: "Lambert should have noticed it."

No matter how the external appearance changes, the master will have his own judgment.

Lambert must have felt something intuitively, so he has been suspicious of Yang Ying.

If Yang Ying is fine, they can still catch Yang Ying when they return.

If there is a problem, it will just cut off the possibility of Yang Ying continuing to track. After all, Yang Ying has the ability to be invisible, which Lambert is probably also very afraid of.

This old guy is really flawless.

But, Lambert underestimated Meng Fan too much!

"Then how do we continue to track now?" Yang Ying was very distressed. Now that the clues are broken, how can they continue to track?

Meng Fan raised a sly smile: "Asakura Yu."

"I understand."

Asakura Yu walked to the side of the subway. He began to smash the subway tracks with the butt of his gun. The clang clang clang sound spread along the tracks to both sides.

Yang Ying was startled: "Brother, what are you doing?"

"You will know later."

As soon as Meng Fan finished speaking, a series of rustling sounds appeared from both sides of the subway.

The dense sounds sounded like rain at first, but after careful identification, it was the sound of countless claws scraping on the ground and rails.

Then countless blood-red little eyes appeared in the darkness, staring at the few people with bloodthirstiness and desire.

"Rat swarm!" Yang Ying was shocked.

That's right, it was the sawtooth man-eating rat swarm in the subway that was attracted!

After these rats mutated, they were the size of puppies, and their mouths were full of sharp sawtooth fangs.

With one bite, the mutant bacteria in the mouth can make people sick immediately and turn them into lambs.

Most of them are level 1 and level 2, but there are also level 3 mutants! These level 3 sawtooth man-eating rats are bigger than Tibetan mastiffs, and have keratinized armor on their bodies.

This is not the first time Yang Ying has seen this kind of mutant, but it is indeed the first time she has seen so many!

There are more than a thousand of them!

"Squeak, squeak, squeak--"

The humans in front of them made the rats scream bloodthirstily. Groups of sawtooth man-eating rats rushed towards everyone, blocking the railways in front and behind.

"Brother... what should we do? Run away."

Yang Ying was frightened, but a gust of wind exploded around her.

"Run away? It's so hard to attract these things, why run away?"

Meng Fan rushed to the side like an arrow from a bow, and a cold ice ball appeared in his palm in the blink of an eye.

Ice explosion!


The ice ball was thrown into the rat group and exploded. In an instant, all the sawtooth man-eating rats within 20 to 30 meters in front were frozen into ice sculptures!

They still maintained their original charging posture, but they were instantly killed by the ice explosion!

Then Meng Fan turned into a cold light and rushed in!


A strong sound of shattering exploded. All the frozen sawtooth man-eating rats were blown into pieces of ice. Just this one blow killed hundreds of sawtooth man-eating rats on the spot.

"Leave this side to me, and the other side to you and Asakura Yu."

"Okay, master!"

Asakura Yu had already formed a tacit understanding with Meng Fan, and had already taken action the moment Meng Fan launched the attack.

The seven black-clad guards under his control quickly found cover and started shooting. The dense firepower immediately blew up pieces of flesh and blood from the vanguard of the sawtooth man-eating rats.

After all, Yang Ying had just joined, and it was her first time to go on a mission with Meng Fan. It took her a few seconds to react and join the battlefield.

There was no need to aim at all. It was difficult to miss the huge group of rats in front of her.

At the same time, Yang Ying also discovered that these sawtooth man-eating rats were not as strong as she had imagined.

With one shot, the bullet could actually directly shatter three or four sawtooth man-eating rats arranged vertically.

Even a level 3 sawtooth man-eating rat could not withstand Yang Ying's two shots. The bullet hit the level 3 sawtooth man-eating rat and half of its body would be blown off on the spot. It was impossible to stop it.

The large amount of blood mist energy harvested was integrated into her body, making her feel unprecedentedly happy.

"Sister, what's going on? Are these sawtooth rats so weak?"

Yang Ying looked at Asakura Yu in surprise.

Asakura Yu's previous magazine ran out, and he quickly switched magazines and smiled at Yang Ying: "It's not that the sawtooth rats are weak, it's that the weapons the master gave us are too strong."

Yang Ying then realized that the weapon she was using was an enhanced version with Meng Fan's return of critical hits. The armor-piercing bullet with enhanced performance can kill even level 3 sawtooth rats with one shot!

No wonder my brother is not afraid at all, because this is completely a one-sided explosion!

But suddenly Meng Fan shouted: "Be careful, the big thing is coming!"

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