Turn ahead and you will find the subway entrance on Dongyang Road.

Meng Fan raised his hand to make a stop gesture and stuck half of his head out of the corner.

A hundred meters ahead is the subway entrance.

Four black-clad guards can be seen guarding outside, and on the top of a heavy truck that was scrapped in a car accident, there is a sniper who keeps scanning the surroundings, looking for any suspicious approaching targets.

There are many human spider corpses near them, and several Level 2 deformed human spiders approaching. There is an accurate penetrating bullet hole near the blood core, which is obviously a fatal blow from the sniper's body.

"Four Level 1 awakeners and one Level 2 were dispatched for you. I can really see that this guy is holding back." Meng Fan teased.

Yang Ying pouted: "Brother, don't mention him, it disgusts me to death."


Yang Ying quickly took out a rope and tied Asakura Yu and Meng Fan together at the waist with herself as the center.

"What are you doing?"

Asakura Yu was still puzzled, and was stunned the next second.

Yang Ying quickly disappeared transparently on the spot, and then one end of the rope connected to Yang Ying disappeared, and quickly spread along the rope to herself.

The three of them completed invisibility at the same time.

"Damn, Xiaoying, your ability can also make the props and teammates you touch invisible? This is too cool."

Asakura Yu exclaimed.

She knew that Yang Ying could be invisible, but she didn't expect that she could achieve the effect of group invisibility through hardware.

"Hehe, it's still far worse than my sister's group charm."

"Come over."

With the invisibility effect, as long as there is no sound or visible movement, it can easily avoid the sniper's detection.

The two followed Meng Fan around the puddles on the ground and went around the back of the heavy truck where the sniper was in the blind spot.

Seeing that the sniper was paying attention to the movement on the other side, Meng Fan made a gesture, and Asakura Yu quietly climbed onto the top of the heavy truck.

The sniper had his back to the invisible Asakura Yu, and he didn't know that the crisis had come.

Asakura Yu quietly walked in front of him, his eyes with a faint blue glow were facing the sniper's scope.

Before the sniper could react, his eyes quickly became distracted, and when he refocused, he had become Asakura Yu's slave.

He did the same thing and quickly charmed the other four people.

After regrouping, there were already 5 more fully armed cannon fodders behind Asakura Yu.

On the other hand, Asakura Yu was very excited.

There were 5 awakeners, and one was a level 2 awakener. The feedback made her attributes in all aspects improve by several stars.

It was much stronger than before.

Meng Fan was very satisfied: "How many people can you charm now?"

"If they are all level 1 awakeners, you can charm more than ten. If they are all level 2 awakeners, it is estimated that there will be no more than 8, but if they are all level 3, you may only be able to charm one or two. But if I have the blessing of Sister Chen Yao, I can be more confident."

Meng Fan felt very good.

The bonus of so many people is almost equivalent to making Asakura Yu 8 to 10 more attributes than the same-level opponents.

Don't underestimate these points. In the range of level 3 awakeners, it is enough to open a clear gap.

Moreover, this is a positive cycle.

Charming perception awakeners can charm more people and improve more perception when their own perception is improved.

Meng Fan feels that after Asakura Yu's perception is high enough, he may be able to do it infinitely.

But Asakura Yu pouted.

"But it's still much worse than Sister Zhao Muqing's effect."

Asakura Yu pouted.

This has always concerned him. Although they are both charms, Zhao Muqing's ability can easily charm awakeners of the same level.

Meng Fan pinched Asakura Yu's nose: "What's there to be jealous of? She is just a simple charm, and she can't get the same bonus as you. And in the future, the perception of awakeners will be improved, and it will be more difficult to charm awakeners of the same level."

"That's right." Asakura Yu was happy and walked in front of the captain.

"What is that pervert looking for down there?"

"Master, who is the pervert you're talking about?"

"Okay, it's your young master."

"I don't know. We are only responsible for protecting the young master. He never tells us about his affairs."

This was within Meng Fan's expectations.

"What is the configuration of your team?"

"The young master has 38 people around him, and there are 36 guards, including 4 level 3 awakened guard captains, 14 level 2 awakened, and 20 level 1 awakened."

"But this is the data before we left. Many people are already on the verge of upgrading.

"Now the team continues to go deeper, and it is very likely that they have awakened."

"The awakening level of the housekeeper Lambert and the housekeeper's granddaughter Angelia is unknown."

"Wait who are you talking about! ?" Meng Fan suddenly interrupted.

The captain repeated blankly: "Lambert, Angelia. "

Meng Fan was secretly surprised.

Because he had heard of Lambert and Angelica in his previous life.

That was the last batch of online news before the Internet was completely cut off. Someone photographed a white man named Lambert breaking through level 5 and killing a level 5 mutant in Huaiyin City, adjacent to Jiangcheng.

At the same time, there was also a beautiful woman named Angelica. The ability of this woman is unknown, but it can be judged that it is a mental ability. It is estimated that she has reached level 5 at that time.

The reason why the two are famous is that they have been paid special attention by the Dragon Country officials. It is not an exaggeration to say that they are wanted.

As long as someone reports their news, they will be rescued by the Dragon Country Defense Force and get a place in the safe zone.

Safe zone quota! There can also be direct rescue by the military. Meng Fan paid attention to this news for a long time because of this.

But in the end, the Internet was completely cut off, and it was in the neighboring city of Huaiyin. I don’t know which lucky person was rescued by the military.

It's not sure if it was just one person, Meng Fan, but now that two people appeared at the same time, Meng Fan was almost 100% sure that it was the two from his previous life.

"The previous life was in Huaiyin City, why are you here in this life?"

"Is it because of Misha that Yang Kai gave up going to Huaiyin and came directly to Jiangcheng?"

These are just guesses, but Meng Fan is becoming more and more curious about these two people.

"Yang Ying, how much do you know about Lambert and Angelia."

"Ah? Their grandfather and grandson?"

Yang Ying recalled.

"I have only met Lambert a few times, but my mother said that Lambert was my father's housekeeper at first, and he visited us several times when my mother was pregnant with us. He even brought a doctor with him."

"Later, Yang Fang and I came here after we were born. Every time we came here, we would draw blood and do physical examinations. After that, we rarely saw each other. We only met occasionally at family dinners during holidays every year."

"But since Yang Kai was born, my father asked Lambert to follow Yang Kai. Since then, we all understand that in the future, our father will hand over the Yang family to Yang Kai. Many younger brothers and sisters have moved out of the Yang family one after another. "

"By the way, Lambert is very skilled. I saw him sparring with those bodyguards at Yang's house. He easily won against a dozen bodyguards at the same time."

"So powerful?"

"Well, I saw him once. He was very strong and strong. You couldn't tell he was in his 70s."

Meng Fan was surprised.

You must know that Lambert has a granddaughter in her 20s, Angelia, who must be in her 70s at least. Moreover, it was before the end of the world and there was no blood mist energy to strengthen the body.

An old man in his 70s can easily win against a dozen strong bodyguards.

This combat power is quite terrifying.

"Tell me more about Angelia."

"Angelia is Lambert's granddaughter. It is said that she studied in their school for aristocratic nuns since she was a child. She is quiet and quiet and rarely interacts with others."

"I was always with Lambert when we met. My father was very tolerant to her and Lambert."

Meng Fan pondered for a moment: "What about her kung fu?"

"I don't know, but aristocratic nun schools abroad teach self-defense, and horseback riding and shooting are also required courses."

Meng Fan nodded.

Yang Ying didn't seem to understand very well.

"Asakura Yu."


Asakura Yu whispered something beside the captain.

The captain took out the walkie-talkie: "Report, we have successfully received Miss Yang Ying. Please report the exact location of the team."

After a few stabs, Yang Kai's impatient voice came.

"Let me hear my sister's voice, quick!"

Meng Fan signaled, and Yang Ying took the walkie-talkie: "Brother, I am safe, your people are very powerful."

"Okay, okay, hahaha, great."

Yang Kai's voice in the communication revealed a hint of madness. But suddenly an experienced voice took over the communication.

"Miss Yang Ying, why are you not with Misha and the others? Where is Yang Fang?!"

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