End of the World: Investment Goddess, I have a 10,000-fold return system

Chapter 129 A Gift for the Vampire Sophora japonica

"A-choo, A-choo, A-choo!"

"Who is thinking about me?"

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Meng Fan came out of the bathroom and sneezed.

If it weren't for his terribly strong body, Meng Fan would have thought he had a cold.

However, these episodes were quickly thrown away by Meng Fan.

After all, the driving experience just now made Meng Fan unusually satisfied.

Other women, even if they are not petite and cute in front of Meng Fan, are much shorter.

But Luo Yu is the only woman who can keep pace with Meng Fan.

Especially that pair of peerless beautiful legs.

Can you believe that they can be so long that they can't be stretched in the bathroom.

Meng Fan was shocked at the time.

But now all of this has become Meng Fan's unique collection.

Zhong Jiawen swallowed her saliva: "Where's Luo Yu?"

"She needs to rest and adapt to her new identity."

I just fed her two physical strawberries, and she should be able to recover in a while.

Without talking much about this, Meng Fan grabbed the jar in front of him and looked at it carefully.

It's only been an hour, and the roots and stems soaked in this herbicide have already shown signs of withering.

Other herbicides have changed, but not much.

It's you!

Meng Fan's mouth was full of boundless excitement!

But before that, some preparations need to be made.

Meng Fan took out the bottle of herbicide and walked towards Feng Qianqian. In his horrified and frightened eyes, he pinched Feng Qianqian's chin and poured the herbicide down.

Because she is the woman he has bound himself to. Meng Fan heard the prompt as soon as the herbicide was swallowed.

There are 100,000 more bottles of the same herbicide in the system space.

Perfect closed loop, comfortable!

"Woo woo woo...I don't want it, let me go..."

Feng Qianqian still wanted to resist.

"Feng Qianqian, I'm saving you. Don't you want to kill the monster in your body?"

What, this is saving Feng Qianqian?

Zhong Jiawen was stunned, but Feng Qianqian was ecstatic.

She had indeed seen how this herbicide killed the rhizomes of the vampire locust tree.

"Give it to me, Master, give it to me, I want to drink it."

Feng Qianqian didn't care whether she could survive or not. She only knew that this might be the only way for her to survive.

Without Meng Fan forcing her to drink, Feng Qianqian took the initiative to open her mouth and drink violently.

Sure enough, she felt that the rhizomes that had originally grown in her body began to die, and she drank even harder.

Gulp gulp gulp!

Swallowing frantically, by the time Feng Qianqian reacted, her entire stomach had swelled like a ball, and she had drunk at least a dozen liters.

The rhizomes of the vampire locust tree in her body had shrunk to only the heart.

She couldn't drink a single sip, and she felt like she was going to spray when she opened her mouth.

But her face was full of ecstasy.

"Master, I survived. Hahaha..."

But the next second Meng Fan sealed Feng Qianqian's mouth with tape.

He took out a super-large syringe and needle for injecting cattle.

"This amount is not enough."

"I'll give you some more! Zhong Jiawen, hold him down for me!"

"Woo woo woo!"

Feng Qianqian's eyes fell from ecstasy to despair. Zhong Jiawen didn't dare to disobey and rushed up to hold Feng Qianqian. Meng Fan extracted the herbicide and injected it directly into Feng Qianqian's stomach.

He didn't stop until he injected dozens of liters and turned Feng Qianqian into a round fat man.

Feng Qianqian was half dead, and Meng Fan was very satisfied with his work.

He carried Feng Qianqian.

"I'm going out for a while, you guys pack up, and we'll leave when I come back."



Meng Fan drove the violent warrior and killed directly to the location of the vampire locust,

the blade was sharp, crushing all the way!

Along the way, the ground was left with chopped vines and parasitic puppets.

The familiar enemy appeared, and the vampire locust immediately fell into a violent state.

Countless tough vines of the original body rushed towards the violent warrior, trying to overturn the vehicle directly.

Meng Fan controlled the violent warrior to charge left and right, and all the vines that rushed towards him were chopped by Meng Fan.

The main body of the vampire locust was in front!

"Wuwuwu... Don't..."

There was a cry from the co-pilot.

Meng Fan turned his head and saw that the bloated Feng Qianqian was fixed tightly in the seat, and tears kept flowing down.

Even the torn stockings were wet.

Her eyes looked at Meng Fan. Full of pleading and despair, but more of it was boundless resentment!

Now even if there was a chance, she wanted to bite Meng Fan to death.

Aiming at the vampire locust in front, she stuck the lever and pressed the accelerator to the bottom, kicked the door open and flew out.

Rolling to the ground, looking back, I saw the violent warrior was rolled up in the air by the vines of the vampire locust.

A sneer appeared at the corner of his mouth.


The violent warrior's body is solid, but it is just a tin can after all.

The car body was quickly dismembered by the vines, and Feng Qianqian was dragged from the car into the air.

The plant mutants could not distinguish, and mistook Feng Qianqian for Meng Fan. Dozens of blood-sucking vines pierced into Feng Qianqian's body and began to suck frantically.

Feng Qianqian's face was full of despair, and the originally bulging ball was quickly sucked dry.

Meng Fan laughed: "Enjoy the human flesh gift package I prepared for you!"

This is not the slow soaking process before, but the blood-sucking vines directly swallowed the herbicide into the body.

What's more, every drop of herbicide Meng Fan injected into Feng Qianqian's body is the highest concentration! There are dozens of liters.

In normal times, such a large amount of high-concentration herbicide is enough to strangle all the weeds and trees in several streets!

Now it is all concentrated in the blood-sucking locust tree!

The huge vampire locust tree began to tremble, and the rolling roots on the ground became feeble. The leaves quickly wither and turn yellow at a speed visible to the naked eye, and then fall to the ground like rain.

The entire vampire locust tree was trembling and making violent rustling sounds. All the vines began to change from green to yellow, and they were twitching painfully in the air.

The parasitic puppets hanging on the branches oozed smelly blood, and then they all fell to the ground like rotten fruit.

The time has come!

The rain had just stopped this time, and there was nothing that could save the vampire locust tree.

"Hey, let me die!"

Meng Fan rushed out of his hiding place and pulled the trigger of the Destroyer again.

Boom boom boom!

The bursting flames enveloped the vampire locust tree again, and the dead leaves and yellow vines were ignited by the high temperature in the blink of an eye, turning the surrounding area into a sea of ​​fire.


The vampire demon was twisting wildly in the sea of ​​​​fire, trying to use its vines to extinguish the flames around it.

But the effect of the herbicide continued to work in his body, and the withered vines were ignited by the explosion before they could extinguish the flames.

Meng Fan continuously launched attacks around the vampire locust tree, and individual napalm bombs hit the vampire locust tree one after another.

Attacked from both inside and outside, Meng Fan didn't believe that this guy was immortal!



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