
The door kicked open startled Luo Yu and Zhong Jiawen who were sleeping.

But what was more frightening was Feng Qianqian who was no longer human or ghost.

"Ah! What happened to her...what happened to her!"

Luo Yu screamed in fear.

"What are you yelling for? I tried something with her and she was unlucky and almost died."

Tried something.

She was unlucky and almost died!

How could you say such a terrible thing so lightly! ! !

Luo Yu and Zhong Jiawen curled up in fear.

She had a new understanding of Meng Fan again.

But compared to Luo Yu, Zhong Jiawen had a little more understanding.

She finally understood why Meng Fan kept Feng Qianqian!

From the beginning, Meng Fan just wanted to squeeze out the last value of Feng Qianqian!

Playing with Feng Qianqian until she was half dead before the drug test was also part of squeezing out the last value.

Under the gentle appearance, he was extremely fierce, cold and realistic.

This is the man in front of them, and the future master of their sisters!

Meng Fan tied Feng Qianqian to the cabinet and nailed the chain to the wall.

He threw a walkie-talkie to the two of them.

"I'm going out for a while, you keep an eye on her. Tell me if there's anything going on."

"Ah, are you leaving? We want to go with you!"

Luo Yu was scared. She didn't want to stay with Feng Qianqian like this.

But Zhong Jiawen quickly grabbed Luo Yu to stop her from saying, "We will do it, but I'm worried that if Feng Qianqian turns into a monster, we won't be able to hold on until you get back."

Meng Fan's eyes kept looking between Zhong Jiawen and Luo Yu, and finally fell on Zhong Jiawen's face until she blushed.

He shrank back.

"I... I'm telling you the truth, I'm not lying to you..."

"I know."

He sneered.

This woman is very smart.

A smart woman is easy to keep.

As for those who don't listen, they are only worthy of being a venting tool.

He took out three physical strawberries and stuffed them into Zhong Jiawen's mouth.

"You are very smart, this is my reward for you."

"Don't worry, the seed in her heart will grow very slowly without water, and I will definitely come back before she fully matures."

At the same time, he glanced at Luo Yu, stretched out his hand and patted Luo Yu's pretty face three times, suddenly pulled Luo Yu in front of him, quickly tore open the front collar with his right hand and reached in to pinch it hard.

"You should thank your bestie, she saved your life again."

"But I will warn you one last time: I will help you kill her this time, but next time you have any little thoughts, Feng Qianqian will be your fate!"

"I like to collect beauties, but beauty has never been a death-free gold medal for me."

"Be obedient."

Meng Fan turned around and closed the door and left.

Luo Yu was shivered by Meng Fan's last glare, and then she realized what Meng Fan meant.

"He knows."

After eating the physical strawberry, Zhong Jiawen felt much better and felt that she could get out of bed to exercise.


"So don't think this guy is just a pervert. He has a strong insight."

"If we want to enjoy his protection in peace, we can't make demands, at least not now. We have to do whatever he says."

"So domineering..."

"But this kind of domineering can ensure our survival. So next time you must do what he says, whether you like it or not. I don't want you to become the next Feng Qianqian."

Luo Yu's exposed long legs were clamped together and trembling: "I... I know. This scary guy."

Luo Yu didn't say anything else, and hurriedly found two kitchen knives from the kitchen, and he and Zhong Jiawen held one each.

Do today's work well, and you can gain more trust from Meng Fan tomorrow.



Meng Fan walked on the road in the community.

It can be seen that the vampire locust tree was severely damaged after the previous battle.

The vampire vines that originally covered the avenue have all gathered towards the body of the vampire locust tree, revealing the broken road surface.

The perception was dispersed and there was no sense of parasitic puppets wandering around, probably protecting the body.

Thanks to the vampire locust that occupied the entire community before, all other mutants were strangled. Now that they have retreated to defend, Meng Fan can easily leave the community even in the blood mist.

While walking quickly, Meng Fan took out his mobile phone and opened it, which showed the picture of the apartment where Zhong Jiawen and Luo Yu were.

How could Meng Fan leave the two of them at home so easily when they just met for the first time?

Before leaving, he secretly put down a surveillance camera, which could see everything that happened in the house, even the sound could be collected.

Hearing the conversation between the two, Meng Fan had a complete insight into the personalities of the two.

Zhong Jiawen was soft on the surface and did not fight or compete, but she actually saw everything clearly and had her own opinions. It was just that she was used to considering things from the perspective of others, so she was always controlled by Feng Qianqian.

Luo Yu looked tall but indecisive inside, and a little naive like a girl. Otherwise, she would not be torn between Zhong Jiawen and Feng Qianqian.

The contrast between the inside and outside of the two was very interesting.

Meng Fan turned off his mobile phone with confidence. With Zhong Jiawen around, he believed that Luo Yu would not have any problems.

Now you can execute your plan.


If everything goes well, you can kill the vampire once and for all!

But at this moment, a series of fluttering sounds suddenly exploded in the night sky above.

Meng Fan quickly hid in the shadows and released his perception.

He could feel a group of strange birds circling in the acid rain, and there was a breath that Meng Fan was very familiar with.

"Ice Sparrow? This guy is not dead."

Meng Fan looked up and saw a blue figure hovering over Chunjiang Community.

It seemed to be looking for or watching something.

But it obviously didn't find it, and it flew away soon.

"What is this guy trying to do in the middle of the night?"

I didn't think much about it.

As long as it doesn't cause trouble for me, I don't bother to deal with it.

After leaving the community, Meng Fan summoned a brand new violent warrior.

There is a farmer's market a few kilometers away.

I should be able to find what I need in it.



Inside the house, Luo Yu and Zhong Jiawen were all awake, staring at Feng Qianqian's every move.

Finally, at dawn, they received an order from Meng Fan's intercom.

"You two go downstairs and help me move things!"

The two went downstairs in silence, only to see boxes of supplies in the trunk of the violent warrior, and they didn't know what they were.

The two women didn't dare to delay, and stepped forward to do hard labor, and Meng Fan was responsible for keeping watch and ensuring safety.

Zhong Jiawen's injury had not healed yet, so she could only carry some light items, and most of the goods fell on Luo Yu.

It took four trips for those long legs to carry all these things upstairs, and they were exhausted and panting.

After all, Luo Yu was still an ordinary person,

Meng Fan was watching from the side.

Watching those long legs, which were estimated to be 1.2 meters long, going up and down in front of him was really pleasing to the eye.

In the future, I must let Luo Yu give me a good foot massage.

But now there are more important things to do.

When Meng Fan opened the box, Zhong Jiawen and Luo Yu were stunned.

This... What does Meng Fan want to do!

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