End of the Magic Era

Chapter 1212 - Larvae

Laibo was confused. He wanted to use his deathless aura to help them suppress the poison, but he knew that the deathless aura would also suppress his junior apprentice brothers. The poison had already fused with their bodies and was rooted inside their bodies, they had to suppress it by themselves.

Laibo anxiously looked at Lin Yun while Lin Yun frowned.

“The poison is very complicated and they are poisoned too deeply. Moreover, it would take too long to compound an antidote as I’m missing one of the ingredients. It’s growing in the Undead Plane…”

Lin Yun barely finished his words that Laibo’s expression changed. The expression of the youth in the worst situation greatly changed and he roared out of fright, “Sh*t, what are you saying?! Are you trying to screw us over? Senior Brother Laibo, make this damned guy give us an antidote…”

The youth barely finished speaking when Laibo’s expression worsened and his gaze turned icy, “Shut up Constantine! Have you already forgotten the basic manners you were taught? This is Sir Mafa Merlin, a powerhouse from the Andlusa Kingdom. He isn’t one of my subordinates, he is just as strong as I am. Sir Mafa is also a powerful Artisan!

“It was Sir Mafa that cracked that array and rescued you, yet you don’t even know how to show your gratitude?! If not for Sir Mafa, you would have all died inside!”

Laibo’s eyes were shaking and he almost slapped Constantine.

‘That idiot has been spoiled back in the monastery, he even forgot the most basic manners. Did they not see Sir Mafa saving their asses?

‘Damn, if they had seen Sir Mafa single-handedly dismantle a Heaven Puppet within a few seconds, they wouldn’t be acting like this.

‘If not because I humbly asked for Sir Mafa’s help, why would he bother coming here? If you anger Sir Mafa, who knows whether Sir Mafa would become hostile or not. Does that idiotic Constantine want to die?

‘Did he forget that the Abbot repeatedly said that they shouldn’t offend anyone when outside the monastery? If they casually offended someone and died, the monastery wouldn’t be able to save them!’

Laibo’s horrified expression seemed to scare those few alarmed young Sword Saints. It was apparently the first time they saw Laibo do this kind of expression. He seemed… A bit nervous?

Constantine’s expression instantly froze, his alarmed heart suddenly calmed down and he didn’t dare to say anything else.

Lin Yun frowned. If not for the sake of speeding up the process of cracking the Heaven Grade Array because five days weren’t enough to do it by himself, he simply wouldn’t care about these people.

Laibo looked a bit awkward.

“Sir Mafa, please don’t mind it. These junior apprentice brothers of mine had stayed in the Secret Monastery all along and never came out. They don’t really know how to get along with people outside of the monastery, and they are terrified after encountering such danger for the first time…”

After saying that, Laibo felt ashamed, he then fiercely glared at his junior apprentice brothers.

“You fools, if I had known you would act like this, I wouldn’t have asked Sir Mafa to save you. The monastery’s teachings are wasted on you!”

Hearing these words, the few Sword Saints were instantly terrified, they immediately struggled to stand up and respectfully bowed towards Lin Yun.

“Sir Mafa, thank you for saving us.”

“Sir Mafa, I’m sorry, I didn’t mean it…”

The young Sword Saint promptly apologized before throwing a pleading look at Laibo.

But what could Laibo do? He could only shamelessly beg Lin Yun with a red face.

“Sir Mafa, you see… Is there a way to detoxify their poison? Constantine is the most affected and might not last long. Do you have another method? Or a way to delay the poison…?”

Lin Yun felt awkward. The poison they were infected with was really too complicated…

“It’s not that I don’t want to refine an antidote to save them, but that poison is too complicated and has seeped in too deeply.

“They have been using deathless aura to suppress it and their outstanding vitality to resist, but this poison is a mix of 37 kinds of poisons, many of which could absorb vitality to strengthen their own power. This mix of poisons had been roused by their vitality and it has already taken root inside their bodies.

“I do know a way to make an antidote, but I’m lacking a material that can only be found in a plane like the Undead Plane. The Undead Bone Flower only grows in places with a rich and calm death aura.

“Without this medicinal ingredient, I would have to spend some time studying alternate methods, and this would take over three days.

“But they can’t last three days…”

Hearing Lin Yun’s words, the young Sword Saints’ green faces turned even greener. Constantine foolishly looked at Lin Yun, but his expression kept changing.

‘Sh*t, Senior Brother Laibo said that this guy is as powerful as him, this must be a joke… That guy is only a 9th Rank Archmage, isn’t he? For our sake, Senior Brother Laibo even humbly asked that guy.

‘From that guy’s expression, he must have a method to save us but he wants to retaliate for earlier. Shit, do I really have to apologize to such a repulsive guy?

‘He is only a 9th Rank Archmage, he can’t compare to similarly ranked Sword Saints of our Secret Monastery. I only need one hand to get rid of this guy and cut his head off in one minute.

‘He actually dares to threaten me? I absolutely can’t compromise, no, I won’t be able to continue resisting soon…’

Constantine’s skin turned dark green. His deathless aura and his lifeforce already weakened at a rapid pace. If this continued, it wouldn’t take more than half an hour before his body was thoroughly destroyed and his soul torn apart.

Laibo paled. His junior brothers had just been rescued, but he could only watch as they died. This was even worse than death.

“Sir… Sir Mafa, is… Is there really no other method?”

Lin Yun felt awkward. The puppets they had encountered before didn’t have poisoned weapons. How could he have thought there were 37 kinds of poisons in that area and that several of them could even affect a Heaven Rank powerhouse.

Many of these poisons could even poison Heaven Rank powerhouses to death if mixed according to specific ratios!

Although the mix of 37 kinds of poison was troublesome, it wasn’t that fierce otherwise these few guys inheritors of the Secret Monastery would have already died.

Unfortunately, he really lacked the most important material to compound the antidote, and it couldn’t be replaced. If he used something else to replace it, he would have to do some research to make sure that it wouldn’t just bring temporary relief and fail to eliminate the poison.

After pondering for a bit, Lin Yun suddenly thought of something that could be used among the loot he had recently sorted out.

That was a poisonous insect larva he had obtained from the Abyss. These poisonous larvae were said to have once been Ancient Poison Dragons’ parasites, using poison as food. They fed on poison and relied on toxins to grow, the fiercer the better. Even if they were larvae, something that could grow on the body of an Ancient Poison Dragon should be completely immune to poison.

This drew Lin Yun’s attention. They were collected during the last tribute of the Demons, unfortunately he hadn’t had time to nurture them. Ordinary poison simply couldn’t make these poisonous insects grow so they had been left aside and forgotten.

It was said that once this kind of poisonous insect matured to its peak, the poison of its bite wouldn’t be weaker than an Ancient Poison Dragon’s, it could kill a Heaven Rank powerhouse with just one bite.

As he recalled these parasites, Lin Yun’s eyes suddenly shone. He reached out with his hand, and a crystal bottle sealed with a rune appeared in his hand. The lid was covered with a seal and inside the bottle were disgusting larvae squirming in the sticky liquid. The translucent sticky liquid and light yellow larvae made people feel sick just by looking at them.

Lin Yun awkwardly looked at Laibo.

“Sir Laibo, I just thought about it, and the only solution I can think of is this. Those are poison insects I accidentally obtained in the Abyss, they feed on poison. Moreover, they are only at the larva stage and don’t have any other ability other than absorbing poison.

“If you want to save your junior apprentice brothers, you can only try these poison insects’ larvae…”

Laibo didn’t care so much as long as they didn’t die. Although they looked nauseating, was nauseating as serious as losing their lives?

Laibo took on the appearance of a senior apprentice brother and solemnly looked at the pale green faces of his five junior apprentice brothers. He seemed ready to beat up anyone who would dare to say anything.

Lin Yun undid the seal on the crystal bottle and a foul smell spread out. It felt as if a mix of rot, stink, and sulfur entered everyone’s nose.

Lin Yun couldn’t help frowning, he couldn’t smell the stench when he was a Demon as there were millions of foul-smelling things in the Abyss, but he couldn’t help retching a bit when he smelled this now.

“Sir Mafa, how do I do this?”

A young Sword Saint with a pale green face looked at Lin Yun’s crystal getting closer with an alarmed expression. Under the threat of death, no matter how disgusting the smell was, no matter how disgusting it looked, he had to endure.

Seemingly feeling the fierce poison, the larvae in the crystal bottle got restless and kept squirming as if they wanted to crawl out of the crystal bottle.

Lin Yun released a Mana Hand and grabbed three pinkie-sized poisonous insects and put them on the young Sword Saint’s body. Immediately, that Sword Saint looked as if he had been hit by a Petrifaction Spell. His body turned stiff and he foolishly looked at those damp poisonous insects lying on his body.

Having been deprived of poison for a very long time, these poisonous insects were starving. They started swallowing the poison crazily, and soon, half of this young Sword Saint’s left arm had regained its original color, the green slowly disappeared and those few poisonous insects were no longer able to absorb the poison.

Lin Yun placed poisonous insects all over the Sword Saint’s body and the poison infecting him was rapidly absorbed. After two minutes, although the young Sword Saint was still pale, he was no longer green and there was no trace of poisonous aura on his body.

Seeing how effective this was, Lin Yun grabbed the poisonous insects and had them rapidly absorb the poison of the remaining four people. Five minutes later, three of them were cleared of poison, but Constantine’s skin was still faintly green.

The poisonous insects had absorbed more than half of the toxins, but couldn’t absorb anymore. Moreover, Constantine’s skin turned back to dark green in less than thirty seconds.

“Sir Mafa… What, what’s going on…”

Constantine was terrified. The other four were good, only his poison couldn’t be absorbed cleanly and kept on strengthening after the absorption.

Lin Yun frowned.

“The poison has seeped in too deep, it already infected your internal organs, blood, and maybe even your bone marrow. The poisonous insects can only absorb so much from the surface of your skin, they are still larvae and they are weak, they can’t absorb the poison inside your body…”

Hearing this, Constantine was terrified and couldn’t hold on anymore. His face was already pale green, his deathless aura rapidly weakened and his lifeforce also rapidly declined.

On the side, Laibo was immediately alarmed, but he couldn’t do anything, he could only watch. Everyone knew that this was the poison within Constantine’s body bursting out.

Constantine’s body was stiff. He felt that he had lost perception, but suddenly, Constantine saw a Mana Hand holding his chin in place and opening his mouth while another Mana Hand flew over with a crystal bottle.

In an instant, Constantine’s pupil shrunk as he saw the yellow nauseating larvae continuously squirming within the thick sticky liquid.

Then, the crystal bottle was slowly tilted and that sticky liquid and nauseating larvae were poured into his mouth.

His body stiffened and his eyes were full of despair as he could only watch those poisonous insects, squirming within the thick liquid, slowly enter his mouth. A moist feeling covered his throat as the larvae kept sliding in his throat.

The pile of larvae followed his throat pipe and entered his stomach alongside the thick sticky liquid.

At that moment, Constantine recalled the decomposed corpses he had seen in the past, they had been many similar-looking insects squirming within their bodies.

Seeing Lin Yun’s action, the surrounding few young Sword Saints turned pale, they were 9th Rank Sword Saints, but they couldn’t help taking two steps back.

As for Laibo, his eyelids twitched fiercely, but he sighed in relief. He had just thought that Constantine was screwed, but he hadn’t expected Lin Yun to still have a solution.

‘So what if he suffered a bit as long as his life could be preserved?’

The poisonous insects’ larvae were all poured into Constantine’s mouth in a single breath. At the same time, the toxins erupting from Constantine’s body were like a flood encountering a flood gate, they were frantically absorbed by these poisonous larvae.

Constantine’s dark green skin could be seen recovering at a visible pace. His skin slowly regained its fair color and the poison bursting out of his body also slowly calmed down. After a few seconds, the stiff Constantine suddenly bent down and retched.

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