End of the Magic Era

Chapter 1092 - Infiltration

Byron advanced to the 5th Rank of the Archmage realm and was already on the verge of being in contact with a Law, but he was unable to make any further progress. Comprehension of a Law wasn’t something that could be stolen.

And thus, Byron thought of other methods. Since he couldn’t comprehend it, he planned on making a great contribution to have the Shadow Tower’s powerhouses slowly guide him.

Then, Byron used the wealth he had slowly accumulated and borrowed the Dark Night Cloak. With the Dark Night Cloak and the Plane of Shadows, he rapidly strengthened his Shadow Stealth to the level of an Ultimate Spell.

He smoothly infiltrated the other forces of the Odin Kingdom and then found a Planar Path leading to the Raging Flame Plane. His original plan was to infiltrate the Raging Flame Plane through the Planar Path and use a Magic Tool that recorded planar coordinates to give the coordinates of the plane to the Shadow Tower.

But when he infiltrated the Planar Path, he suddenly discovered the true use of the Plane of Shadows!

With this Magic Conducting Rune and an Ultimate Shadow Stealth, he could actually hide in the shadow of a Planar Path!

His Shadow Stealth hadn’t truly transformed into an Ultimate Spell, but with the support of the Dark Night Cloak, it could barely display the power of an Ultimate Spell.

The Planar Path was closed, but Byron could still find the shadow of the Planar Path projected at the opening location. A fragment of shadow was the same as a door to Byron, he could follow the shadow to infiltrate the Planar Path and easily get through!

The Shadow Tower was naturally exulting after obtaining the coordinates of the Raging Flame Plane. They made a Heaven Rank powerhouse personally guide Byron and he was guiding Byron little by little. The Extraordinary Power Byron bathed in was like a pond from which he could further his comprehension.

That method was exhausting, but his contribution was huge and the Shadow Tower’s powerhouses were willing to help him as a reward.

From that point on, Byron’s strength advanced by leaps and bounds and he rapidly advanced to the 9th Rank of the Archmage realm.

Now, Byron just happened to see Lin Yun opening a Planar Path, and he could clearly see the location. How could he not be excited? Infiltrating Planar Paths was his strongest ability. Even the mages of the Shadow Tower didn’t know about it, they only knew that Byron’s Shadow Stealth is extremely powerful.

No one knew that the essence of his sneaking ability was planar infiltration, and not just the “stalking undiscovered” part.That was a huge difference.

Byron had a confident smile on his face as he quietly sneaked towards the Planar Path’s location. To an ordinary mage, there was nothing off about that area.

But to Byron, it was like a closed door whose shadow was projected into space. The shadow was linked to the entrance, and to a small a small gap in the entrance.

That small crack was the area connected to the Planar Path and this world. If it was completely closed, the Planar Path would no longer open, it was equivalent to the Planar Path completely disappearing.

Byron glanced at the dozen mages following him and proudly smiled. It was a smile filled with arrogance. If he infiltrated the Planar Path in front of them, they wouldn’t understand the crux of the matter and would only think that this was due to Shadow Stealth.

With the Dark Night Cloak covering everyone, the group, fully integrated with the shadows, was led by Byron and followed the ground’s shadows to infiltrate the Planar Path’s shadow. They followed the small crack in the Planar Path and quietly merged in.

In the others’ eyes, there had been a hidden Planar Path in front of them, yet they had gone through the concealing and easily entered it.

Inside the boundless darkness, Byron led the other and kept sneaking, merged with the Planar Path’s shadows. Soon, the exit of the Planar Path appeared before them.

They followed the small crack to go through it and immediately saw a smooth stone platform, which was located in a simple and crude building. There were all kinds of alchemy tools arranged within this place.

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It was clearly an alchemy laboratory, and the surroundings of the laboratory were covered in a dense bloody mist. The bloody mist seemed to be blocked outside of the laboratory by some power.

As for Lin Yun, he was standing in front of a test tube in deep thoughts while frowning.

Seeing this scene, Byron’s eyes were brimming with light!

‘An alchemy experiment… This is where Mafa Merlin is researching the Beast God’s Blood! The secret of his research is here!

‘I’ll have the opportunity to advance to the Heaven Rank as long as I can find this secret! Ahah this is too easy…

‘No wonder Mafa Merlin is so confident that no one can steal his secrets and the results of his research. It turns out he has a Demiplane! And all his research is here.

‘This is the safest place, as long as he only takes the final product outside, no one would ever be able to figure out the details of the alchemy technique and the research. One could turn over his entire camp without finding anything.

‘Unfortunately, he met me, Plane Infiltrator Byron. His secrets and research will all belong to me!

‘Damn, is that golden potion bottle the legendary potion that can help mages undergo the Extraordinary transformation?

‘I would be able to become a Heaven Rank powerhouse as long as I steal that potion. I would be able to go anywhere I want without needing to borrow the Dark Night Cloak. As long as I know the location of a Planar Path, I would be able to visit any plane and obtain anything I want!’

Byron’s heart was burning fiercely. He merged with the shadows as he dove out of the Planar Path’s shadows before slowly approaching.

At that time, the scene of Lin Yun’s research suddenly changed, the entire world became blurry and space even softly fluctuated.

Byron and a dozen mages were merged with the shadows when they suddenly got kicked out of their stealth. Their bodies instantly took shape and regained their original state while the laboratory disappeared without a trace, along with the stone platform’s surroundings.

Three-meter-tall plant walls appeared on both sides. The walls seemed made of dense Holly plants that had been pruned and numerous tree leaves.

They could only move forward or backward. The ground also looked like a layer of lawn and stepping on it felt like floating on clouds.

The sudden change startled these shadow mages. They were kings in the shadows, experts of ambushing, but their fighting strength was even inferior to an ordinary elemental mage when exposed.

The changes had clearly been triggered by something.

“Sir Byron, what should we do? Have we been found out?”

Byron tried to blend in the shadows, but the result made his heart beat faster. He actually couldn’t merge with the surrounding shadows, even with the shadows he could clearly see.

It was as if those shadows were visible but didn’t exist, as if a power was preventing him from merging with them.

“We should have entered an array, and from the look of it, it should be a maze array. We just need to walk out of the maze.

A mage tried flying up, but after flying for a while, he discovered that the “three-meter-tall” walls were always a bit higher than him and he simply couldn’t fly out.

“There is no need to try. This is a maze array, we will be stuck here forever unless we find the correct path. The only other option is to be powerful enough to destroy the entire maze array.”

Byron had seen many maze arrays, but it was the first time he encountered a strange array that stopped him from merging with the shadows like this one.

Being unable to use Shadow Stealth made Byron feel insecure. He was like a flying bird with crippled wings.

He cautiously led everyone forward and they met the first turn after walking over twenty meters. Just as they turned, Byron suddenly felt a bright flame ahead of them.

In an instant, a three-meter-thick pillar of flames, as thick as the maze’s passage, flew over and engulfed the mage walking at the forefront.

An ashen black ray of light flickered within the flames and disappeared. After the flames disappeared, only the staff of that shadow mage remained as his body had already turned into ashes.

Cold sweat trickled down Byron’s back as he forced himself to remain calm. He then took out his staff and released ten Shadow Arrows.

An angry roar echoed from the flames as they slowly dissipated. A monster with a head half the size of its body was occupying that part of the maze.

One of the monster’s eyes had been blinded by a Shadow Array and its other fingernail-sized eye was filled with malice and savagery. Four short legs were supporting it and its huge mouth opened wide once again as it spurted a pillar of flames.

Byron was the strongest and he used Shadow Shield to block in front of everyone, forcibly redirecting the column of flames. Those flames hit the plant walls on both sides, but it seemed to directly merge with them. The dark green plants still had a lush appearance and didn’t show any sign of being burnt.

“Hurry up and get rid of that monster. You fools! What are you waiting for? We will be burnt alive if you keep waiting!” George’s startled voice echoed.

In just a second, he felt the Shadow Shield frantically devouring his mana and the consumption was terrifying.

The dozen mages behind him promptly raised their staves and hurried incantations echoed. A large number of Shadow Arrows flew out and transformed that monster into a hedgehog in less than three seconds.

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