End of ten days

Chapter 96 What a pity

An old tungsten lamp hung in the center of the room by a black wire, flickering dimly.

The quiet atmosphere is like ink dripping into clear water, spreading in the room.

As the clock on the table pointed to "twelve", a low chime rang from far away.

The ten people next to the table suddenly woke up and looked at this strange scene.

Qi Xia's eyes widened, looking at this familiar scene, her heart felt like thousands of horses galloping, unable to calm down.

He is back.

Everyone is back.

The goat head was still standing beside everyone, exuding a unique smell of decay and odor.

Although Qi Xia had long expected to come back, when Qi Xia sat down at the round table again, she felt only despair.

"Good morning, nine." The familiar voice of the human-goat sounded again, "I'm glad to meet you here. You have been sleeping in front of me for twelve hours."

Qi Xia took this opportunity to look at the familiar faces quietly and found that they behaved just like when he saw them for the first time.

Qiao Jiajin looked at the human-sheep blankly and asked, "Who...are you?"

After asking this question, Qi Xia frowned.

What are you doing? Doesn’t everyone remember what happened before?

If that's the case, why do you still remember it?

"Since you all have this question, let me introduce it to the nine of you..."

Just when Renyang was about to wave his hands and make an impassioned speech, Lawyer Zhang said: "There is no need to introduce you to us. I advise you to stop your behavior as soon as possible. I suspect that you have detained us for more than twenty-four hours, which constitutes a serious crime." "Illegal detention", everything you say now will be recorded by me to form testimony against you. "

Qi Xia looked at Lawyer Zhang blankly, and then looked at Dr. Zhao.

It was his turn to question.

Sure enough, Dr. Zhao said: "Wait a minute.


, we all just woke up, how do you know we were imprisoned for "twenty-four hours"? "

"What's going on..." Qi Xia's lips moved slightly. It was as if these people didn't know each other. They were saying the same words and doing the same actions as last time.

Everything seemed like nothing had changed, just starting over again.

Lawyer Zhang arrogantly explained to Dr. Zhao, which aroused everyone's attention.

Yes, in Qi Xia's impression, Lawyer Zhang's behavior at the beginning was very suspicious. She was taking every opportunity to promote her strength. This was probably a protective color under her calm appearance.

After she finished explaining, everyone fell into silence.

The silence lasted for ten seconds.

Qi Xia felt a little strange. Last time, someone seemed to say something at this moment, but this time he didn't say anything, so the following series of things did not happen.

This sense of separation between reality and memory made Qi Xia very confused.

"You may have noticed that there are clearly ten people in this room, but I call you 'nine'."

"The Yan family shovel...I don't care how many people are here, I advise you to be sensible!" Qiao Jiajin said viciously, "You may not know the consequences of messing with me. I will really kill you. Life!"

Qi Xia suddenly thought of something and turned to look at the young man on his right.

It was a face that was both familiar and unfamiliar.

He was also someone Qi Xia had only met once, the tenth person in the room.

He still looked at everyone with a weird smile on his face.

Since he has already walked here once, Qi Xia understands a little bit.

Almost all the people with such smiles on their faces are "aboriginal people".

Is this tenth person just brought by the sheep to make up the number?

The man-goat walked up to the young man and put his hand on the back of his head.

Qi Xia was startled and quickly turned her face to the other side calmly.

The last time the young man's brains splattered on his face, he didn't want to experience that warm feeling again.

There was only a muffled "bang" sound, and the young man's head exploded on the table.

At the same moment, a bell sounded in the distance.

And it was this sound of bells that made Qi Xia suddenly think of something.

This man who died just now may not be an "aboriginal person", but an "echoer"! .🅆.

But why is his performance so sluggish? Why is his role so ridiculous?

"The reason why we have prepared ten people is to use one of them to calm you down." The man-goat said as he shook off the blood on his hand.

Ringo heard a scream instantly, and the timing was exactly the same as last time.

Qi Xia should have thought that the bells were heard the moment they woke up, indicating that at least one person had received a "response" at this time.

When the young man dies the bell rings again and the "echo" ends.

If something happened only once, it could be regarded as a coincidence, but the two deaths of the young man in succession sounded the bell.

He must be the "Responder".

As Ringo's screams suddenly stopped, the man-goat laughed a few times:

"Very well, nine, it seems you have all calmed down. Please allow me to introduce myself. I am the "human sheep" and you are the "participants"."

"The purpose of bringing you together now is to participate in a "game" and ultimately create a "god"."

This time, Qi Xia was not frightened by the dead man, so he focused all his attention on Ren Yang's explanation.


But now everyone fell silent again.

Qi Xia somewhat forgot who had spoken at that time. He only remembered that someone asked Renyang, "What kind of god should we create?"

But why didn't he speak?

"Aren't you curious about what kind of "god" we are going to create?" Ren Yang looked at everyone blankly.

"You want to talk or not!" Qiao Jiajin gritted his teeth and snorted, "Will I obey you if you kill someone in front of me?"

"That's all..." Renyang shook his head and said, "We want to create a god like "Nuwa". He can realize all our ideas! A great task is waiting for "God" to do it!"

Looking at the silent crowd, the goat head sighed helplessly: "You are so boring, are you okay?"

Several girls were obviously frightened, and Qi Xia looked at the remaining men.

Officer Li stared at the man-goat with a serious face, no different from last time.

Doctor Zhao and Han Yimo also trembled after seeing the dead person, with a somewhat frightened look on their faces.

Qiao Jiajin, on the other hand, looked disdainful and showed his unique expression.

Seeing no one to speak, Qiao Jiajin became angry because others were afraid of humans and sheep, but he was not afraid.

"The Yan Family Tuan, the "God List", right? If we win the game with you, you will make us a god? What if we can't win?"

"We can't win..." Ren Yang looked at the blood on his hands and said in a somewhat disappointed tone, "It would be a pity if we can't win..."

"It's a pity for whom?" Qi Xia asked coldly.

The man-yang turned back to look at Qi Xia, his eyes extremely cold.

"Sorry for this world."

"For this world?" Qi Xia was stunned and seemed to understand something, but there were more questions in his mind.

In other words, if "god" cannot be created, the "end" will suffer the most?

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