End of ten days

Chapter 724 The Last Holy War

On the first night of the next reincarnation, I came to Sister Si Si with the dagger in my hand. As long as I could kill her here, everything would get better, right?

This was my first time killing someone, and my whole body was shaking.

I want to protect her, so I want to kill her. Can someone tell me if this idea is right or wrong? Why have I never heard of this kind of thing...

But that doesn't matter, as long as I can get Sister Si Si's "thinking" back, everything doesn't matter to me.

If she could forget all this... it would be the happiest thing for her.

I must not be able to escape from this "prison". I am waiting for death, but Sister Si Si is different. As long as this swallow has never seen the "Happy Prince", she will not stay here.

Whether it’s Uncle Wan, me, this family, or everything that has happened over the years, I can’t forget it, but she can.

I don’t know what sins I have committed in the real world, but I am indeed going to commit a heinous crime here. I want to personally kill the thinking sister who loves me the most in this place.

Before, I was waiting to escape from this place. Now I have figured it out. I can't get out at all, so it doesn't matter if I kill people. Let the memories between me and Sister Si Si be the deepest in my heart forever. It’s a secret, as long as I’m the only one in the world who remembers it.

When I held the dagger close to her neck, her smell suddenly changed, and then she opened her eyes.

In the silent night, her eyes were exceptionally bright, and she was staring at me with a strange light. Her whole body exuded a terrible smell, and I couldn't even smell the name of this smell.

"Sister...sister..." I choked and said, "Sister, don't be afraid...I will kill you...everything will be fine..."

"It's not necessary," she said softly, "Put the knife down and go to sleep."

"But sister, you..." I held the knife and trembled all over. I knew that only by killing her could I solve all this, otherwise the next time I opened my eyes, she would be a different person.

"I'll fix this," she said.


"I've thought of a way, let me solve all this." She smiled bitterly, "Hero, I've thought of a way to free us both."

"Really?" My voice changed when I heard my sister's words.

"Really." Sister Sisi nodded, "Soon... you can ride your bicycle as fast as you can on the street, you can shout happily, and you can do everything an eight-year-old child wants to do. No one will control you anymore."

"elder sister……"

She smiled and touched my head: "Hero, you just need to remember that no matter how bad the smell on my body becomes, I can't possibly want to hurt you."

"Yeah." I nodded.

"So the next thing we can do is wait." She said, "Now I just need to wait for an opportunity, and I will have a way to make changes."

"what chance?"

"An opportunity given to us by Zhou Zhenglong."

Later, although we didn't go out in the room, we could still feel that Zhou Zhenglong's tyranny was changing the place. He established a law enforcement team specifically responsible for violent law enforcement and revised the "house rules" on a large scale.

At the beginning, the family members who came to me for trial in the morning began to have injuries on their faces, but there was no smell other than "fresh fragrance" on their bodies.

Every morning I had fewer and fewer people to judge, and the ones that remained smelled angrier and angrier.

Sister Sisi would step forward every time, use her own abilities to treat these people's injuries, and then whisper a few words of comfort into their ears.

People who have been comforted by her will always lose the smell of anger on their bodies and come back the next day with an even more angry smell.

Could it be that the era Wan Cai said is coming?

He said that after the "Age of Order" came the "Age of Chaos", but Brother Gu Yu and Sister Si Si relied on their own efforts to integrate the era of chaos into the "Age of Heroes", but the third era will not change in any case. of.

The "Age of Collapse" is coming.

On an ordinary night, there was a lot of shouting and fighting outside the cell, and someone began to rebel.

My sister told me that since the city can be ruled by force, someone will naturally use force to overthrow it.

There were all kinds of "fragrant" sounds and the sounds of fighting outside, but my sister and I just sat expressionlessly in the corner and listened to the incident quietly, no one said anything.

Is this the so-called "opportunity"?

But I'm worried that "Jade City" will just change to a new king, and we will still be the prince and the swallow.

As I expected, Zhou Zhenglong won the previous chaos, and all the people related to the rebellion were collectively tied up and sent to the executioner's sister's venue for execution.

Countless rebels emerged in two years, but the result was that almost half of them were executed. There were fewer and fewer people I needed to "judge" every day. My sister said that they have no time to do anything else now. As long as they start forming gangs to fight and fight as soon as they land, as long as they can drag people to the executioner's venue and use extreme means to force them to gamble their lives, then they can forever weakening the opponent.

But I always feel a little inconsistent. These people clearly know that they can't defeat Zhou Zhenglong, so why do they choose to die one after another?

Finally, one night when I was about to despair, the small door of our storage room was broken open, and the light from the bonfire outside penetrated into the room, making my eyes hurt.

"We saved the hero and the saint!" A woman turned around and shouted, "We won!"

A group of people rushed in and pulled me and sister Siwei out, who looked dead. Each of them was injured, but they shouted and cheered, crazy.

My sister held my hand and whispered to me: "In this sick city, brainwashing and rule by force are unstable, only faith is."

She let go of my hand, walked into the crowd alone, and then raised her arms and shouted: "The holy war is victorious!"

A group of people followed her and shouted: "The holy war is victorious!"

I don't seem to recognize my sister. What's the difference between her and Wancai now?

She ascended the new throne surrounded by her family. She raised her arms and shouted "holy war" and worshipped "heroes" loudly, but now I know that she is in power now. She is another Wancai.

After Wancai, Zhou Zhenglong and countless rulers, it is finally sister Siwei's turn.

What will happen in the future?

Sister Siwei stood in the hall, surrounded by countless people. As her hand gently pointed at me, everyone walked up to me, lifted me up, and threw me into the sky.

I was thrown up and down with the cheering crowd, ups and downs, never stopping.

I turned my head to look at Sister Siwei. She had no expression on her face and smelled bad.

And my heart, like my body, rose to the sky with the victory of the "holy war", and fell to the bottom with Sister's rule.

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