End of ten days

Chapter 573 Extremely Good

"Chu Tianqiu...you..."

Dr. Zhao's mouth moved slightly. He knew that the other party was very crazy, but he felt that he could not beat him at all.

"So have you decided?" Chu Tianqiu turned his head, his face was cold and dangerous. He smiled slightly, licked his lips and said, "If you can't catch the wings of my crazy eagle, how can you fly in the sky and see the eyeballs of the "God" in the sky with your own eyes?"


The two looked at Chu Tianqiu, whose temperament had completely changed, and couldn't say a word.

A "crazy eagle", this description is too suitable for Chu Tianqiu now.

His eyes are particularly sharp, and he has a bloody aura.

This "crazy eagle" will have bombs and gunpowder on its wings. It does not look for prey, but flies towards the most dangerous sun in the sky.

Either destroy the sun or become the sun.

The two people behind Chu Tianqiu swallowed their saliva at the same time, and Dr. Zhao spoke first:

"You said you need our help, so what do you want us to do?"

"To hunt down "Echoers." Chu Tianqiu said, "I need a lot of "Echoers."

Dr. Zhao frowned after hearing this: "Chu Tianqiu...you...you need their bodies? And then put them in your basement for you to eat?!"

Han Yimo was shocked by this sentence: "What...eat corpses?!"

"Ha..." Chu Tianqiu smiled, glanced at Dr. Zhao, and then looked at Han Yimo, "Han Yimo, do you think people who eat corpses are "good people" or "bad people"? "

"How can it be considered good..."

Before Han Yimo finished speaking, Chu Tianqiu took out a gold ingot from his pocket.

The ingot was in the shape of a saddle, with arcs at both ends and a waist in the middle. At this moment, it was emitting brilliant golden light in Chu Tianqiu's hand.

"Han Yimo, in your opinion, who can get this gold ingot?" Chu Tianqiu asked.

Han Yimo's eyes widened after hearing this, and he took the gold ingot and examined it carefully, then he muttered:

"Those who are judged to be "good" will be rewarded with one tael and seven cents of silver, and those who are judged to be "evil" will have the "Seven Blacks" pierce through their dantian... Chuqi, a chivalrous man in the Jianghu, used the "Seven Blacks Sword" to reward good and punish evil countless times in his life, but only once gave the other party a gold ingot."

"Which time was it?" Chu Tianqiu asked.

"The other party has a pure heart and is like unpolished jade and gold. He has done countless good deeds in his life and has never done anything wrong." Han Yimo said in disbelief, "This kind of person... This kind of person should not exist in reality..."

"So will "Seven Black Swords" lie?" Chu Tianqiu continued to ask, "It thinks I am qualified to get this ingot of gold, maybe it is a misjudgment?"

"No..." Han Yimo frowned and replied, "Since the death of "Chuqi", "Seven Black Swords" has been flying in the martial arts world with the soul of "Chuqi". It can see a person's past and can also see the good and evil of a person's soul... So it should be..."

"So I am a "good person"." Chu Tianqiu said with a pair of slightly scarlet eyes, "I have also done countless good deeds in my life, and helped anyone I can help as much as I can, but so far I have not received any rewards, and I am even covered in bruises."gōΠōγg

"You..." Han Yimo seemed to be a little unconvinced by Chu Tianqiu's words, but he found that the ingot of gold in his hand was particularly real, and it was obviously from the story of "Seven Black Swords".

Could it be that Chu Tianqiu... is really a good person?

Even he himself said that there are no good people in this world, they are just bad to different degrees.

Could it be that the person who said this has never done anything wrong in his life?

"So you are an innocent person..." Doctor Zhao was slightly startled, "That's not right... Chu Tianqiu, if you have never done anything wrong in your life, why are you here?"

"Heh..." Chu Tianqiu looked at Doctor Zhao, his expression became more and more distorted, and then he uttered a few words heavily, "I want to know too..."


"I also want to ask them!!" Chu Tianqiu suddenly shouted, "I have more questions than any of you! What mistakes did I make that made me keep reincarnating in this hell?! Is this the "good fruit" I have finally cultivated for my life of doing good deeds?! Is this the retribution for my selflessness?! I have helped countless people in my life, and even here I am still insisting on helping all those in need to find hope... But where is my hope?! Where is the "road" left for me here?!"

Chu Tianqiu kept roaring, and a few strands of hair fixed by blood fell to his forehead, making him look even more crazy.

"Why?! Why are there so many hardships waiting for me on my life path? Is this what I deserve?!" Chu Tianqiu clenched his fists, shaking all over. "I have been doing good deeds for 28 years. When my life was just about to begin, a tumor was found in my brain. I thought this would be a place for me to "redeem myself"... But what I insist on is just a joke here, the person I fall in love with has become a monster here, and my "goodness" is worthless here! My tumor is always hurting, and I have never had a moment of rest...!!"

"Tumor..." Doctor Zhao felt a little strange. He had previously dissected Qi Xia's body for Chu Tianqiu, and Qi Xia also had a malignant tumor in his brain.

Is "tumor" a coincidence?

But according to the situation of the tumor, if Chu Tianqiu has the same condition as Qi Xia, the life expectancy of both of them is only half a year at most.

"No wonder you don't want to "escape", but instead want to "become a god"..." Dr. Zhao nodded after hearing this, "Because escaping from here means "death"."

"I have done enough..." Chu Tianqiu said, "I have been here as a "lighthouse" to illuminate everyone for a long time... Now I want to do something for myself..."

"So what you have to do is collect their bodies..."

"No." Chu Tianqiu shook his head and regained his indifferent expression, "I don't need corpses anymore, I need their eyes."


The two of them looked at the eyeball necklace hanging around Chu Tianqiu's neck.

"I need a lot of eyes." Chu Tianqiu said with a hint of sadness, "As long as you can help me collect the eyeballs of the "Echoers"... I will not treat you badly, but if you can't bring them back to me every day, If you have ten eyes... I won’t need you anymore.”

"Ten...?" The two looked at each other, "In other words... we have to kill at least five people every day... or five "Echoers"..."

"Yes, you can rest assured that as long as you can meet the requirements, I will give you a large number of rewards every day." Chu Tianqiu smiled, "Whether it is food or other resources, as long as I have it, I can give it to you. "


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