End of ten days

Chapter 514 Exploring the bag

Qian Wu looked at his palms and felt slightly numb. This body had nothing to do with him in the first place, and now it felt even less like his own.

He came back to his senses, raised his head and looked at Qi Xia, who was looking thoughtful, and said softly: "The person is almost rescued, and we can continue the topic just now."

"The topic just now..." Qi Xia paused, "Isn't it over already?"

"You suspect that the woman named Xu Liunian is a little suspicious...that's all?" Qian Wu said, "Don't you have any countermeasures? If you have any ideas, I will let the "cat" act with you. "

"My countermeasure..." Qi Xia took a deep breath and said, "If I guessed correctly... I don't need a countermeasure at all. Xu Liunian will definitely show up and tell me the answer." 🄲


"Qian Wu, I died twice, and Xu Liunian was at the scene." Qi Xia recalled, "I used to think it was a coincidence, but now because there are too many doubts, I don't really believe it... this time's "Pegasus Moment" , she is very likely to show up again, and as long as she can take the initiative, I will be able to gain insight into her thoughts. "

Qian Wu looked at Qi Xia's stern expression and couldn't help but frown.

He always felt that Qi Xia had changed, a little different from his previous impression.

Now Qian Wu has no idea what Qi Xia is thinking or what decision he will make next.

In the past, would Qi Xia bet his life on something that he was not sure about?

"Then..." Qian Wu asked tentatively again, "Do we still need to help you "echo"?"

"No need." Qi Xia shook his head and looked at Qian Wu with a very strange look, "You also know that it is in vain. If I can't see the real Yu Nian'an, no matter what I do, it will be useless. Today I’m tired, let’s go back and eat something to recharge and go to bed early.”


Qian Wu and Saturday looked at each other. No one knew how to persuade them. Tomorrow would be the "Pegasus Moment" with extremely high mortality rate, but Qi Xia seemed to be spending an ordinary afternoon.

Everyone lost their target, so they had to reorganize themselves on the spot and start marching towards the prison.

Walking on the road, Saturday looked at Qi Xia, Chen Junnan, and Qiao Jiajin in the distance, and always felt a little panicked.

These three people were so calm. Not only did they talk and laugh, they even looked at the scenery on the roadside.

Even if Qi Xia and Qiao Jiajin no longer have the memory of the "Pegasus Moment", what about Chen Junnan? Has he even given up?

Saturday slowly slowed down her pace and landed at the end of the line. After finding that no one noticed her, Saturday gently covered her right ear with her right hand and called softly:

"Jiang Ruoxue, are you dead?"

The voice on the other end came quickly: "Huh? Isn't this Sister Mo? Is it time to contact me now?"

"Tsk, stop talking nonsense." Saturday lowered his voice again, staring cautiously at the team ahead, and continued, "Tomorrow's "Pegasus Moment", remember to run for your life."

"What..." Jiang Ruoxue's voice suddenly became serious, "Are you kidding? The ten days are not even half over yet. What kind of "Pegasus Moment" has this happened?"

"Tsk, damn..." Saturday cursed secretly, "As long as you know, be prepared to take your people to escape, and don't rely on me to die."

"Okay, okay..." Jiang Ruoxue lazily agreed, "On behalf of all the "Jikaku" members, I would like to offer my most sincere thanks to our undercover sister..."



On Saturday, he decisively cut off the sound transmission and slowly joined the team.

Officer Li saw her unnatural expression, smiled and asked, "What's wrong? What happened?"

"No." Saturday shook his head and looked to the side and said, "I just asked the bastards about their situation. They were one step ahead of us and are almost at the prison now."

Officer Li is certainly not an ordinary person. He has interrogated countless people, and he can tell almost at a glance that they are hiding something over the weekend. But if you think about it carefully, you have only known them for a day or two, and there is nothing wrong with hiding it from you. , so he could only nod.

Seeing that Saturday was no longer paying attention to him, Officer Li reached into his pocket and touched it subconsciously. He was very much looking forward to a pack of cigarettes appearing in his empty pocket. It didn't matter what kind of cigarettes he had, as long as it was a brand new pack that could be smoked. Just smoke that smells good.

But the pockets are always empty.

He was obviously a "Tan Nang" that had "resounded", but he couldn't take out the cigarette from his pocket no matter what.

what is going on?

Is it really like Qian Wu described that he must subconsciously firmly believe that there is a cigarette in his pocket?

This is simply an extremely contradictory thing. Just because I don’t have a cigarette, I want to use this ability urgently. But once I know that I don’t have a cigarette, I can’t take it out no matter what. How can this be? good?

"How on earth do you control your subconscious mind...?"

Officer Li's murmur was heard by Saturday. Saturday looked at him with interest and asked: "Tsk, are you exercising your "reverberation"?"

"Exercise...? Can this thing still be exercised?" Officer Li asked doubtfully.



Roughly the same. " Saturday nodded, "We can't start it 100% at the beginning. Others can't help you with this matter. The most important thing is that you "believe" yourself. "

"I understand the truth, but how can I believe it...? My pocket is obviously empty."

"Tsk, you can use your usual behavioral habits to improve your success rate." Saturday said, "Like me, my "echo" is "sound transmission," but if I speak directly, I may fail. So I I usually imagine myself talking on the phone.”

Saturday put a hand to his ear and whispered: "This way I will know that I have entered the sound transmission state, and the success rate will be greatly improved."

"Then how should I use action?" Officer Li shook his head, "I just want to have a cigarette."

"Tsk, why are you so stupid? If you want to smoke, just smoke."

"Smoking..." Officer Li couldn't understand, "But I don't have a cigarette..."

"Close your eyes." Saturday said unceremoniously.

After hearing this, Officer Li could only slowly close his eyes.

"Take out the cigarettes," Saturday said.

"But my subconscious..."

"Take out the cigarette." Saturday shouted coldly, "Take out the cigarette and show it to me."

Seeing the other party being so forceful, Officer Li could only pretend to take out a pack of cigarettes from his pocket. It must be said that it would be easier to imagine with his eyes closed.

Officer Li pretended to take out the cigarette case, and then took out a cigarette from the cigarette case, but he knew that his hands were empty.

In order to make his acting more realistic, after taking out a cigarette, Officer Li put the non-existent cigarette case back into his pocket.

"Smoke one." Saturday said slowly, "This is a public place, no one will mind."

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