End of ten days

Chapter 437 Cat’s Action

"That's what I mean." Qi Xia nodded, "If you don't agree, the probability of death today is as high as 100%. If you agree, the probability of death is only 90%."

"You..." The gopher gritted his teeth. He wanted to organize his words, but he felt that he was about to be overwhelmed by anger.

"This ten percent is a reward from me." Qi Xia whispered, "If my plan goes well, the probability of ten percent will continue to increase and eventually reach twenty percent."

"You are so naive." Gopher sighed, "If you want to fight against that person... the probability of survival is impossible to reach 20%."

He paused and then said as if talking to himself: "I'm afraid not even 2%..."

"The time is coming soon," Qi Xia said. "This round I will completely destroy all your chances of survival. If you don't come up with a countermeasure quickly, it will be the last moment of your life."

"You are a good player at playing with people's hearts." Gopher sneered, "I can't 100% believe that you can understand this game. This is a game that I racked up all my brains to design."

"Really?" Qi Xia also sneered, "I can even guess "papaya", but you don't believe that I can cut off your "way of survival"?"

"I..." The gopher obviously hesitated. He said absently after a long time, "It's better to be killed by the collar than to be killed by them."


Qi Xia slowly frowned. He didn't understand that he had used threats to such an extent, but the gopher still didn't let go. What was he resisting?

"That's it." Gopher said with a sad face, "Dying here at least proves that I tried hard to go out, but I failed, that's all. I can't regret dying on the way to pursue my dream, but I I will regret my actions."

As the footsteps outside the door faded away, Qi Xia knew that the gopher had made his choice.

"It's really a pity..." Qi Xia said with a lonely look, "Such a scheming person can't be my pawn..."

The footsteps disappeared in the corridor, and Qi Xia's ears heard Saturday's voice: "The bastard is fine."

"That's how it should be." Qi Xia said.

"Tsk, but I didn't expect that the gopher would really give up..." Saturday said puzzledly, "He can obviously regret it. Is the word "papaya" that the bastard said so scary? Even if he guessed it, So what? If I were a gopher, I would catch it."

Qi Xia shook his head helplessly. How could the gopher be afraid of the tortoise?

What he was afraid of was that someone in the five-man team had seen through his game.

Once he can break through the layers of fog and see through this layer, he can't win.

Qi Xia turned her head and looked at the fruits on the table. She got three small oranges, three dragon fruits, three peaches and one pomegranate.

He and Luo Shiyi each consumed a small orange and a peach. The most important thing now is to "rescue" Saturday.

"Saturday." Qi Xia called, "Do you still have a dragon fruit in your room?"

"Tsk, yes."

"Take it up." Qi Xia said, "I will save you next round."

"Take it...?" Saturday was a little stunned, "Am I not being controlled by a "mousetrap"?"

"You have been misled by the rules." Qi Xia said, "Although you are now


You are controlled by a "mousetrap", but before being controlled, you were "searching", and theoretically you should get the fruit. "

"Is it really possible...?" Saturday looked at the dragon fruit on the table doubtfully, "Then wouldn't I have triggered the "transfer"?"

"No." Qi Xia shook his head, "You don't need to carry it, just give the fruit to the bastard passing by the door."

"Then what should I do next?"

"You go to the second room." Qi Xia said, "I will go to the third room. I am going to move all the food this round."

"Tsk...all the food?" Saturday touched his chin and thought for a moment, "Isn't it right? Is this something that can be done?"

"What is the problem?"

"Tsk, the fruits in the five rooms now... If I guessed correctly, the numbers are one, one, four, zero, and one. Except for the pomegranate, which has bottomed out, the other fruits either have one or four left... "

"so what?"

"Tsk, so how are you going to take away all the fruits?" Saturday looked at the dragon fruit in his hand, "Even if the tortoise and I took away two "ones" at the same time, there would still be one "one" left. "Four", if the tortoise performs "carrying", we will need at least three more people to take away the fruits in these two rooms..."

"Oh?" Qi Xia raised his eyebrows.

"Tsk, but do we have enough manpower?" Saturday said, "Luo Shiyi is in the "cat house" and Bastard is transporting. There will only be three of you in the next round. Don't you need a "commander"?"

"It doesn't matter anymore." Qi Xia said, "The game doesn't need six rounds at all, it will be over soon."


Qi Xia thought for a while, grabbed a small orange on the table, and then said to Qiu Shiliu: "Except for the pomegranate, you can pick up any fruit to replenish the "fullness value". Next round, you will Just wait here.”

"Wait?" Qiu Shiliu frowned and looked at Qi Xia, "Don't you need me to go out and "search"? Isn't this game just beginning?"

"Of course not." Qi Xia said, "This game is over after the rules are explained."


The door lock clicked, the door of the "Rat House" opened again, and the third round came quietly.

Qi Xia came to Saturday's room and opened the door. At the same time, the door of the "Cat House" also opened.

Saturday was holding a dragon fruit in his hand, and happened to see Luo Shiyi holding a pomegranate.

"Hey...?" Both of them were in a daze.

"What happened?" Saturday asked, "Tsk, why did you take out the fruit from the "Cat House"?"

"I..." Luo Shiyi smiled bitterly and shook his head, "Last round, Qi Xia went to the "Cat House" for rescue, and I followed his instructions and went in to "search"..."

"Ah?" Saturday was once again startled by the situation in front of him, "Go to the "Cat House" for a "search"...? Is it mentioned in the rules?"

"It doesn't matter whether it's mentioned in the rules or not..." Luo Shiyi sighed, "but the "Cat House" does have a "search" button... At the end of the round, I wanted to leave with the pomegranate, and the gopher didn't stop me. ”

After finishing speaking on Saturday, he looked at Qi Xia: "Is this also your plan? Tsk, but why is there fruit in the "Cat House"?"

"Because the 'cat' also needs to eat, but his food is not just fruit, it can also be 'rat'."

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