End of ten days

Chapter 428 The Shaker

"What about the other two actions of "Cat"?" Qi Xia raised his head and asked, "What do "set up a card" and "patrol" mean?"

"The so-called "setting up a trap" means that I will set up a "mousetrap" in a room." Gopher said with a smile, "Since it is difficult for mice in the real world to distinguish mousetraps, we also have to simulate this phenomenon. ”

"Tsk, how to simulate it?" Saturday asked.

"The room with the "mousetrap" looks no different from other rooms, but if you press the "Search" button in the room and a red light lights up, it means that this room has been set up by me. "Mousetrap", this will cause your "search" to fail, and you will be unable to take away food and escape from the room. There are only two ways to get rid of the "mousetrap". One is to have teammates come to the rescue and reopen the room from the outside. The second is to be taken back to the "cat house" by me.

"That is to say..." Qi Xia confirmed, "Even if he is caught in the "mousetrap", although he will not be eliminated immediately, he still needs to be taken back by you?"

"That's right." Gopher nodded, "This is called "setting up a card". As for the third action "patrol", I will designate two rooms and then open the doors of these two rooms at the same time. I "patrolled" within these two rooms and tried to catch the "rats" in these two rooms, but it should be noted that... although I opened the doors of these two rooms, it was different from "searching" Yes, it does not mean that the mice in these two rooms will definitely be caught by me. You can try your best to run back to the "mouse house" as soon as the door is opened. "

Qi Xia nodded: "So 'patrol' expands the 'attack range', but reduces the success rate of catching 'rats'."

"With a smart leader, I can explain it much faster." Gopher nodded, "Like you, I will choose what I want to do from these three actions every round."

Seeing that everyone seemed to understand, the gopher led them out of the house and came to the door of the "Mouse House".

"Because I said I will not enter the "rat house," so please open the door."

After hearing this, Qi Xia took a step forward without saying a word, reached out and pushed the door open.

There were five chairs in the room, and there were five palm-sized holes on the wall, with "1, 2, 3, 4, 5" written underneath them.

"Leaders, this is your safe house. All the food you steal can only be eaten in the "Rat House", and the so-called eating means putting these fruits into your corresponding holes."

Everyone looked at their collars, and sure enough, the serial number was written in an inconspicuous place.

It seems that as long as you put the fruit into the hole corresponding to your number, the "fullness value" will increase.

"Tsk, cheapskate..." Saturday pursed his lips and said, "I thought there were so many fruits that we could at least eat one..."

"Oh!" Gopher suddenly remembered something and said to everyone, "Everyone, leaders, this is my negligence. I forgot to tell you before that as long as you survive, not only can you get thirty "Tao"s, but also You can get all the "fruits" you put in."

"Ah?!" Saturday was stunned for a moment, "All, all the fruits?"

"Yes, yes." Gopher nodded, "It is precisely because of this feature that my game has many "repeat customers". They come to me not only to get "Tao", but also to get fresh fruits. "

""Repeat customers"...?" Qi Xia found this statement very interesting.

What kind of repeat customer is this?

Five people


, each person handed over five "Tao" stones, and finally divided the thirty pieces equally. The gopher would lose five pieces every time he played the game.

If everyone survives, this game is meaningless, but the gopher just took out the "fruit" to entertain everyone.

In this situation where there is no food for ten days, a fresh and sweet fruit is enough to make people desperate.

If "Zodiac" really doesn't value "Tao", then will they value "Food"?

The answer is yes, no one in this world will do a loss-making business. If five people are allowed to get out of here safely, then the "zodiac sign" will not only lose the "Tao" but even the "fruit".

A zodiac sign that can come up with such a method to attract "guests" is definitely not a philanthropist.

He will definitely kill everyone in the game.

"By the way..." said the gopher, "you can only fill your own holes if you put them into them. That means you can't eat for other "rats"."

"Understood." Qi Xia nodded and asked, "Can we keep the 'fruit' in this room after we get it?"

"Of course." The gopher nodded, "The leaders are a little out of their minds. This is a "mouse house". To put it bluntly, it is a "mouse hole." Of course, you can store food here and use it when you need it. "

Everyone now generally understands the rules.

Although it is said to be a "cat and mouse game", it sounds like there are very few aspects of "chasing" and "physical strength". It is more about testing the strategies of "cat" and "mouse". If you want to survive in this game, you must Consider something more than just "filling your stomach."

"Now that the leaders understand the rules, the game will start in ten minutes this time."

The gopher gave everyone a cold look at the end, and when he was about to leave, he was stopped by Qi Xia.

"Wait a moment."


"You seem to have forgotten to mention something." Qi Xia said.

The gopher thought for a while and said, "It should be gone."

"Really...?" Qi Xia slowly narrowed his eyes.

"This leader, I've said everything that needs to be said, and I won't tell you the rest of the questions you ask me." Gopher said, "With these rules, you can survive in this game."

Qi Xia nodded after hearing this, and then asked again: "I have a personal question to ask you."

"Personal issues...?" Gopher frowned, "Now?"

"That's right." Qi Xia nodded, "This issue will affect my next game strategy."

"I may not answer, but the leader can tell me." Gopher said with a frown.

Qi Xia took a step forward, got close to the gopher's hairy face, and asked softly: "If you find that you can never become "Heaven", will you choose to resist the people above?"

As soon as the words came out, the gopher's eyes shook violently and he quickly took two steps back.

He could never imagine that a participant would ask questions that would shake the position of "Zodiac".

Does this matter have anything to do with the participants?

"You...you..." The gopher blinked, slowly calmed down, and then said with a strange expression, "I don't know what you just said, but my leader is my god." , I will never do anything detrimental to the leader.”

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