End of ten days

Chapter 175 Combat Team

Even if Zhang Shan didn't retain his memory, he had heard that "Jidao" was a group of lunatics.

But this group of people is too crazy.

"Why must we decide the outcome in the game?" Zhang Shan asked.

"Because there is a "referee." Xiao Xiao said with a smile, "If I kill you in the game, the other members of "Tian Tang Kou" will have no reason to retaliate, right?" .🅆.🄲

Qi Xia felt something was wrong the more he listened.

"Wait, wait..." He raised his head blankly, "Are you betting on "me"?"

"Yes." Xiao Xiao nodded.

"What do you think I am?" Qi Xia said, "Even if you win, what does it matter? I don't want to join you, don't you understand?"

"If you don't agree, we will kill you every time we see you, unless you stay in "Tian Tang Kou" forever and never come out, otherwise you will rot here again and again." Xiao Xiao said with a smile.

Qi Xia was so angry at this lunatic, but he didn't know how to stop them.

Yun Yao thought for a moment and asked, "What if we win? If we win, will you never harass Qi Xia again?"

Xiao Xiao thought for a moment and said, "If you win, I promise you that I will not use force to kidnap him in the future."

This answer made Zhang Shan change his face.

"Damn, are you playing word games with me?" He frowned, "You don't need to use force, you can use other methods, right?"

"This is the biggest concession I have ever made as a "Jidao". Xiao Xiao said with a smile, "What do you want to choose? Endless fighting? Or a one-time fighting?"

Yun Yao thought for a moment, she knew what "Jidao" was like.

If she didn't agree, Qi Xia would probably never have a good life again.

"What game are you going to play?" Yun Yao asked.

"I know there is a newly built "Dihu" game at the intersection ahead. It's three-on-three and no one has set foot in it so far." Xiaoxiao said, "How about we fight there tomorrow morning?"

""Tiger"...?" Qi Xia


paused and asked Yun Yao in a low voice, "What kind of game is "Tiger"?"

"It's called "physical type" but it's easier than "cow", it's called "fighting type" but it's gentler than "chicken", it's called "team type" but it doesn't need to cooperate like "dog"." Yun Yao said.

Yun Yao gave three examples in a row, all of which were about the shortcomings of "Tiger", but Qi Xia heard a strange feeling from them.

"In other words..."Tiger" is a game that includes physical strength, fighting, and teamwork at the same time?"


Xiaoxiao saw the two whispering and said, "Let me make it clear first, Qi Xia himself is not allowed to participate, otherwise we can't kill him. If he participates, this game will be directly invalidated."

After hearing this, Yun Yao and others looked at each other and did not respond.

"Accept or not, I just want your word." Xiaoxiao said.

There is no choice in this question.

Yun Yao naturally knows that Qi Xia's strength is extraordinary. If you want to escape from the "End of the Land", you must keep him in the "Heaven's Mouth".

But is it worth it to rashly participate in the "Earth Tiger" for this reason?

"Who will you send to participate?" Yun Yao asked, "Just the three of you?"

"You don't have to ask about this." Xiaoxiao replied, "You can send your strongest lineup, and we won't interfere."

Hearing this answer, Yun Yao turned his head to look at Qi Xia and whispered, "What do you think?"

"Do I have a choice?"

Qi Xia felt that the current situation was a bit disgusting. A group of lunatics gained superpowers. Their purpose was to find ways to entangle himself and expect himself to become a lunatic like them.

But he thought about it, this...

Isn't it a good thing?

"Heaven's Mouth" and "Extreme Road" are fighting openly, and he doesn't have to participate.

Who is strong and who is weak is clear at a glance.

This is a great opportunity to stay out of the matter but see the methods of both sides.

"Do you want to agree?" Qi Xia asked.

"Chu Tianqiu is not here, everything is up to me." Yun Yao said, "We must keep you."

"Then you just agree." Qi Xia said nonchalantly, "If you lose, I will say "Long live Jidao" to you next time we meet."

"You are sick."

Yun Yao curled her lips helplessly, turned around and said to Xiao Xiao: "Then it's settled, see you at the "Dihu" at the intersection ahead at sunrise tomorrow." .🅆.

Everyone left the scene in a subtle atmosphere.

The matter was of great importance, and Yun Yao could only lead everyone back to "Tiantangkou" immediately to discuss the next matters.

Chu Tianqiu listened to the story of the incident with a serious expression, and then immediately summoned the existing staff of "Tiantangkou" and gathered in a classroom to start an emergency meeting.

Because some people went out to participate in the game, there were only a dozen people on the scene.

"Dihu?" asked Lao Lu, "Has anyone here participated in Dihu before?"

No one in the room said anything.

"Zhang Shan has participated before." Chu Tianqiu said, "He is very suitable for "Tiger" games."

"Really?" Zhang Shan didn't remember this.

"Yes, you are still needed to lead the team this time." Chu Tianqiu nodded, "For some reasons, we can't give up Qi Xia, so thank you for your hard work."

"It's okay." Zhang Shan nodded, "But which teammates should I choose?"

Chu Tianqiu looked around at everyone in the room and found that the second suitable candidate was not here: "Qi Xia has a teammate named Qiao Jiajin, bring him with you."

Qi Xia was slightly startled after hearing this: "Qiao Jiajin? Why?"


? "

"Why?" Chu Tianqiu glanced at Qi Xia, "Because he is now a member of Tiantangkou, he should be at my disposal. Besides, his fighting ability is extremely strong, and he fits well with "Tiger"."

Qi Xia originally wanted to refuse, but then she thought about it, today Qiao Jiajin and Lin Ye acted together.

Ringo will find a way to touch him no matter what.

Next, the probability of Qiao Jiajin's "response" will be greatly increased, and this "Earth Tiger" game is an excellent opportunity.

"White Tiger" once said that if you want to escape from here, Qiao Jiajin's ability is crucial.

But what about "security"...?

Qi Xia raised his head and caught a glimpse of Zhang Shan, who was like a giant.

He suddenly felt that he was a little worried.

If Qiao Jiajin and Zhang Shan form a team and cannot win this "fighting" game, then Xiaoxiao can be regarded as invincible.

Qiao Jiajin's teaming up with Zhang Shan is even safer than teaming up with himself.

But what about the third candidate...?

Qi Xia also figured it out at this time, what is this team lacking now?

Chu Tianqiu thought for a while and murmured to himself: "It's a pity that Jin Yuanxun is not here..."

But even if Kim Yuanxun is here, the situation is not optimistic. His character is very similar to Zhang Shan and Qiao Jiajin.

Chu Tianqiu paused, then looked at a dark and thin girl sitting in the corner.

"Li Xiangling." He called.

"Here." The girl stood up with a "pop" like a gust of wind.

"After much thought, you are the most suitable." Chu Tianqiu smiled at him, "There will always be something wrong with two rough men teaming up. It's up to you to make up for their shortcomings."

The girl smiled competently and actually made a hand-over-hand salute: "You have the order!"

Qi Xia took a closer look and saw that the girl's palms and backs were covered with calluses.

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