End of ten days

Chapter 165 Wisdom and Courage

"What?" Su Shan stood up suddenly, "You obviously..."

Qi Xia stretched out a finger and pointed at his brow, and then "beated slightly".

"You said this?" Qi Xia asked, "Have you noticed it?"

Su Shan stared at Qi Xia, thought for a moment, and then slowly sat down.

She admitted that she had underestimated the enemy.

She and Zichen have been wandering around this ghost place for more than a day and have met many opponents. This is the first time they have encountered a situation where they will lose their lives in the game, and it is also the first time they have met someone as smart as Qi Xia.

He actually used micro-expressions to control his opponent's thoughts.

Why is this game different from those I've encountered before?

Why is the opponent this time obviously much more powerful?

The situation is very difficult now.

According to the attributes of "battle", "shields" must be very rare. If there are a sufficient number of "shields" in the deck, it is very likely that no one on both sides will be injured.

Therefore, how to use the "shield" skillfully has become the main strategy to protect one's own "combatants".

What was before her now was the worst case scenario.

"Rope" versus "Shield".

Su Shan seemed to be using his "fairy horse" against the opponent's "inferior horse".

"Now it's interesting." Qi Xia held all the cards in his hands and asked, "Looking at my expression, can you guess whether there is a "knife" in my hand now?"

Su Shan slowly frowned. She knew that if she wanted to win over the person in front of her, she had to think more thoughtfully.

At this time, you cannot follow the other party's train of thought under any circumstances.

Regardless of whether he has a "knife" in his hand, he must think more than he does.

In the glass room, props fell on their heads again.

There was a loud "clang" in front of Zichen, and a round shield fell down.

This is a wooden shield with metal edges, almost one meter in diameter.


\u003eHe quickly picked up the shield and stood it in front of him, then looked nervously at Doctor Zhao opposite him.

Dr. Zhao lowered his head and looked at the rope on the ground with a particularly complicated expression.

This is the third time I have fallen off the rope.

"Qi Xia...you gave me so many fucking ropes, do you want me to weave a net for you?!"

He picked up the hemp rope angrily and stared at the man holding the wooden shield in front of him.

I finally got a valuable opportunity to attack, but I didn't expect to use the rope to draw the wooden shield.

The more he thought about it, the angrier he became, and he turned to look at Qi Xia outside the glass room.

"How bad is your luck, kid...?"

Outside the glass room, Qi Xia shrugged helplessly at Dr. Zhao, then moved her lips and said with lip language: "Slap him."

"Slap him...?"

Dr. Zhao was hit on the thigh by the brick just now. At this time, he was full of anger and had nowhere to vent his anger. He saw the man opposite him blocking himself with a big iron shield and hiding there like a turtle with a shrunken head. He couldn't help but look more and more. gas.

"Fuck, just smoke..."

He took a few steps forward, picked up the rope in his hand, spun it around in the air a few times, and then swung it hard towards the opponent's wooden shield.

It's a pity that Dr. Zhao has never experienced using a hemp rope to whip someone in thirty years. Although this swing made a lot of noise, the angle was ridiculously wrong.

Dr. Zhao was seen pulling one end of the rope and swinging it down from above. After the middle part of the rope came into contact with the shield, the angle of the end of the rope suddenly changed, and unexpectedly hit the opponent's head.


Zichen immediately wailed and dropped the shield in his hand to the ground.

Doctor Zhao also looked at the other party in disbelief. When the rope was waved just now, he clearly knew that

A sound similar to a slap was heard.

Did he slap the other person in the face?

Qi Xia turned around and looked at Su Shan slowly, and found that the girl was stunned.

What is the probability that using a rope to draw a shield will end up hitting the person behind the shield?

It's a coincidence that there are only two prerequisites for triggering this effect.

First, the person holding the shield is completely motionless.

Second, the two sides are far enough apart.

This is a situation that can only arise after gathering two cowards.

Su Shan frowned at this time.

The person holding the "rope" injured the person holding the "shield". Doesn't this mean that he used the "fairy horse" to fight but lost to the "inferior horse"?

Zichen covered his eyes and slowly raised his head, his whole expression already a little crazy.

He slowly put his hand down, and Dr. Zhao found that his entire left eyeball had turned red, as if there was some internal bleeding.


Dr. Zhao was stunned for a moment, wondering if the rope just hit him in the eye?

"You, you..." Zichen pointed at Dr. Zhao, "You want to kill me?!"

"No, no, I didn't..." Dr. Zhao waved his hand quickly, then took a few steps forward and stared at the other person's eyes carefully, "Brother, your eyeball should be slightly ruptured now and you need to close it immediately. Rest your eyes, otherwise the wound may worsen and your eyes will not be saved..."

"Fart!!" Zichen shouted, interrupting Dr. Zhao, "You, wait for me!!"

Under Diji's command, the two threw away the props again.

Qi Xia raised the corner of his mouth, feeling that the current scene was very interesting.

Originally, he just wanted Dr. Zhao to give the other party a blow, but in the end, he directly injured the other party's eye. This is not a bad thing.

The crickets in the jar have no external interference and it is difficult for them to kill each other. \u003c



It's just that Qi Xia's previously customized tactics failed, and the opponent's state will be like a mad dog, and ordinary tactics will no longer be useful.

"Please touch the cards." said the chicken.

After hearing this, Su Shan reached out and grabbed a card, followed closely by Qi Xia.

He held it in his hand and looked at it.

It's "stick".

Now Qi Xia's hand is perfect.

Knives, sticks, rocks, rocks, shields.

These five cards can be used to attack or defend.

The most difficult "rope stage" in the early stage has been passed. As long as Qi Xia stabilizes the cards in his hand and plays the "rope" he touches in time, he will take full control of the initiative.

From the perspective of "fighting wits", Qi Xia has completed the early layout and is gradually gaining the upper hand.

If his guess was correct, Su Shan should have accumulated a lot of "rope" in his hands. The only blame was that her early offensive was too fierce, ruining the chance of settling.

It seems that she has not read the art of war and does not know how to accumulate knowledge. Then she will enter a short period of weakness, and she will only have "murderous intentions" but no "killing moves".

But this game can't be won by just "fighting wits".

From the perspective of "fighting courage", Dr. Zhao is completely at a disadvantage.

Zichen looks very angry now, and he may be able to hit the "stone" like a "knife".

I just don't know if there will be "stones" in the other party's hands...

"In the fourth round, please play your cards!" Di Ji waved his hand again.

Qi Xia thought for a moment, took out a "stone" and held it in front of him.

"Now Dr. Zhao doesn't have enough killing intent, so this is the only way..." He muttered silently and pushed the card out.

Su Shan also played a card after thinking briefly.

The two opened it at the same time.

They are all "stones".

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