End of ten days

Chapter 143 Unusable Tactics

The speed of the room's ascent increased again.

Qi Xia lay on the dark window and looked outside. At this moment, the other person's room was like an elevator that had lost its rope, sinking continuously towards the flames.

He felt a little uncomfortable.

Is there also a team in the opposite room? 🄲

Also four people?

They might die inexplicably like this.

Just when the opponent was about to fall into the flames, the speed of descent suddenly slowed down.

Qi Xia frowned, knowing that the other party had also thrown out all the stools.

It seems that the other party also has a strong guy.

Now the weight of the two sides is about the same, and it is even possible to return to the state at the beginning.

Qi Xia thought for a moment, then immediately took off his shirt, rolled it into a towel, and threw it out through the dark window.

He turned around and was about to say something when he realized that Qiao Jiajin had also taken off his shirt.

"Take mine and throw it away!" After saying that, he started to take off his pants.

"Ah you..." Yun Yao covered her eyes in embarrassment, "Why did you suddenly..."

"Don't worry! I won't take it all off!"

"Then... what about us?" Tiantian asked awkwardly.

"Forget it, you two." Qi Xia shook his head, "Your clothes don't weigh much, and it's useless if you take them off."

Qi Xia took Qiao Jiajin's shirt and jeans and stuffed them out without saying a word.

Then he took off his and Qiao Jiajin's shoes and threw them out.

Yunyao and Tiantian also imitated them and took off their shoes, chopped them up with a knife and threw them out.

The two grown men stripped down to their shorts, then came to the wall and looked out nervously.

Sure enough, the balance was broken again.

The other party's room had a rising trend just now, and then sank again.

There is indeed a smart man on the opposite side, but his strategies are always one step behind Qi Xia.

In this kind of life hanging in the balance


In an online game, needless to say, if you are slow even for a moment, you will fall into hell.

This time, the other party could only fall into the sea of ​​fire.

When Qi Xia saw the rapidly falling room in the distance, his brows suddenly furrowed.

Something suddenly occurred to him.

"No!" He quickly turned around and shouted to the three of them, "Hold on to the iron net on the ground!!"


The three of them were stunned, and immediately followed Qi Xia's example and squatted down, then tightly grasped the iron net on the ground.

They found that they could see the situation far below from the iron net under their feet.

I saw the room in the distance crashing into the flames with great force, and countless streams of fire splashed out, instantly illuminating the nearby area.

The next second, the room bounced back from the fire due to the reaction force of the impact, like a real seesaw.

A loud sound also erupted from the metal pillar connecting the two rooms.

The rooms of Qi Xia and others also synchronized with each other, rising suddenly and then falling suddenly. If a few people hadn't grabbed the iron net in advance, they would all have been injured by the fall.

Waves of very ethereal screams came from the room far away, and they couldn't be heard clearly at all.

But everyone knew that the other party was either burned or bruised, and the losses at this moment should be very heavy.

Although they only fell into the fire for a moment, the sudden high temperature was enough to burn their clothes and hair.

"Damn..." Qi Xia gritted his teeth and hammered the ground hard, "Why on earth...?"

He closed his eyes, unable to bear to see or hear any more.

The expected screams did not come again.

"Hey... the liar... something doesn't seem right..." Qiao Jiajin shook Qi Xia, "Look at it!"

Qi Xia opened her eyes and found him

Our room is slowly descending, while the other's room is rising steadily like a sun with flames hanging on it.

"what happened?"

Although the reaction force of hitting the ground will make them rise briefly, it is absolutely impossible to continue to rise...

Do they have another plan?

Is there something else that can be thrown away that I haven't thought of?

"What is it?"

Qi Xia kept looking around. There was nothing extra on them.

But why is the other party still rising?

At this time, Tiantian slowly stretched out her hand and raised it in front of Qiao Jiajin.

"What to do?" Qiao Jiajin asked with eyes wide open.

"My hands are very thin, I should be able to throw them out." Tiantian said with a trembling voice.

"I said no!" Qiao Jiajin kept shaking his head, "There must be another way! Let's think of another way!"

"There is no time to think of other solutions!!" Tiantian shouted, "We will fall into the fire in less than a minute! I would rather die of pain than be burned to death!"

"No, no, no..." Qiao Jiajin continued to shake his head, "There is still a liar here, he will find a way!"

"If you don't want to chop, then I will do it myself!" Tiantian said, "Give me the knife!"

"I said no!"

The noisy voices of the two people made Qi Xia's brain throb with pain.

He definitely couldn't let Tiantian cut off his hand, but...

Is there any other way besides doing this?

Maybe cut off one or both of Tiantian's hands...


Qi Xia frowned suddenly and slapped herself hard.

"Qi Xia, what the hell are you thinking?" He murmured to himself, "You can't do this to her, calm down... calm down... think carefully about what knowledge you should use!" \u003c



Yun Yao turned to look at Qi Xia. He looked very painful, and the despair in his eyes was stronger than usual.

"Lansden's principle...? No, no, no... the law of disaster bias... no... this is not..." Qi Xia grabbed her hair and kept mumbling to herself.

The room slowly descended, and the frightening heat had permeated the entire room.

The four people began to sweat profusely, and every second at this time seemed as long as a year.

Qiao Jiajin looked at Qi Xia unbearably, then walked to the corner of the room with the knife and swung it hard at the iron mesh on the ground without saying a word.

"What are you doing?" Yun Yao asked, wiping her sweat.

"I want to help deceive the people." Qiao Jiajin said calmly, "But I'm stupid, and the only way I can think of is to cut off part of the iron net."

"Cut down...the iron net?" Yunyao and Qi Xia paused at the same time.

"Yes, this is the only way I can think of."

"Yes!" Qi Xia stood up in a panic, his expression abnormally distorted, "What a great idea!"

He stumbled to Qiao Jiajin and stared at him cutting the iron net.

But the iron net was extremely hard, so Qiao Jiajin used a lot of strength and slashed many times before cutting off one of the iron wires.

At this speed, everyone will definitely fall into the sea of ​​fire.

Yun Yao also squatted down and covered her forehead in frustration. Everything was over.

But Qiao Jiajin and Qi Xia still didn't give up. They put the knives aside, reached out and grabbed the gap in the iron net, and then pulled hard.

A huge sound was made, and the iron net was pulled up by them, but it did not break at all.

Their weight remains the same.

"Qiao Jiajin, chop here again!" Qi Xia pointed to the connection of the iron net.


He turned around to touch the knife, only to find that it was gone.

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