End of ten days

Chapter 1230 Strengthening

Chu Tianqiu couldn't help but turn around when he heard Qian Wu's voice. Almost at the same time, several "earth-level" people in front of him suddenly took advantage of his dizzying skills to suddenly attack.

He felt that he had just used a tactic to attract the opponent's attention, and he was distracted in less than a minute.

Before the words "I'm careless" passed through his mind, a strong hand grabbed his clothes from behind and gently pulled him back.

Chu Tianqiu felt his feet lift off the ground instantly, flying straight back as if he had been hit by a car. Fortunately, this feeling lasted for less than half a second, and Zhang Shan caught Chu Tianqiu in mid-air.

The two looked at the door. The tall Qiao Jiajin was already standing in front of several "zodiac signs", but he was staring at his right hand in disbelief.

"Hey, tattooed guy." Zhang Shan called from behind, "Fuck, what are you looking at?"

"I lost it..." Qiao Jiajin murmured, "What kind of strength is this...?"

Chu Tianqiu also felt that under this powerful brute force, his body, a normal person's, was like a toy for the two of them.

He once swallowed the eyeball of "Tian Xingjian". Although he could feel infinite power, he was not good at fighting after all.

I wonder what effect this ability will have on Qiao Jiajin?

A pig in front of Qiao Jiajin saw that he was distracted, stretched out its legs and kicked his knees.

Driven by muscle memory, Qiao Jiajin blocked the opponent's knee with his left hand. His other hand turned into a fist and suddenly pushed the opponent's chin.

This attack was different from the previous ones, because each one was accompanied by a slight sound of bone cracking.

"I'm sorry...I'm sorry."

Before the voice of apology could even reach the ground, the pig had already fallen to the ground.

The "zodiac" in front of them has never seen any "participant" knock down an "earth level" at the moment of contact, and there was silence for a moment.

"Ah, I'm really sorry..." Qiao Jiajin said sheepishly, "The force is a bit too strong, I'm not used to it..."

Chu Tianqiu looked at Qiao Jiajin's appearance, and then thought about the local bull that Zhang Shan had just dealt with. He felt that with the same physical strength, these two people should be able to defeat all the "zodiac signs" on the "train".

What's more, they don't have "the same physical strength." The bodies of the "Zodiacs" have been strengthened but cannot heal themselves, which means that their abilities are not "Tianxingjian".

But the opponent's number was indeed quite large, and there were four "earth-level" earth dogs on the side. Qiao Jiajin had just obtained the power of "Tianxingjian", and Chu Tianqiu was a little worried.

"Can he do it alone?" he asked Zhang Shan softly.

Zhang Shan nodded after hearing this: "One person is a bit much, isn't it? If I had known, I would have only allowed half of him to go."


"Don't worry." Zhang Shan said, "I never worry about losing when "Tian Xingjian" is around. What I worry about is when "Tian Xingjian" will dissipate. "

Other "earth-level" people feel that Qiao Jiajin is just a fluke. Maybe he has the ability of "brute force" that can severely damage "earth-level" people, but he should be helpless when facing many "earth-level" people.

Thinking of this, two people took a step forward at the same time and punched left and right from tricky angles. After all, Qiao Jiajin was standing at the door and had no room to hide. The angled attack would definitely cause heavy damage to the opponent.

Qiao Jiajin raised his head and felt that the changes in his body seemed to go beyond "intensity". In his eyes, even the opponent's fists hitting him had slowed down.

He just raised his hand slightly, blocked one of the fists from one side, and then stretched out his hand. The man's fist immediately changed its course in the air and flew towards the other man's fist.

The two fists collided fiercely in front of Qiao Jiajin's eyes. Although there was no sound of bone cracking, the two people were obviously in severe pain and squatted down holding their fists.

"I lost... does it still hurt?" Qiao Jiajin smiled sheepishly, "I feel very light..."

"You..." One of the "zodiac signs" slowly stood up holding his fist, his eyes already extremely angry, "You "participants"... are you teasing us? "

"I really don't..." Qiao Jiajin shook his head and said, "We are not relatives, but I am really afraid of hurting you..."

In just two attacks, the "zodiac signs" in front of them had almost lost all fighting spirit. They felt that what this "participant" was doing was like teasing a child who could not walk yet.

This doesn't make them feel treated well, it just makes them feel insulted.

Unwilling to be reconciled, several "Zodiacs" tried a few more attacks, but Qiao Jiajin easily resolved them all.

"I'm really laughing to death..." The dog in the distance suddenly said at this time, "You don't let me help, and you don't fight well yourself. As a "participant", I don't understand what you are pretending to do? "

The fighting spirit of several "Zodiacs" that was about to dissipate was slowly brought back by the taunt from the dog.

The man in front of me is indeed just a "participant". If the "participant" can unilaterally beat the "zodiac"... then what is the meaning of their hard work to become a "prefecture level"?

Now the enemy has boarded the "train" and turned the small space they live in upside down. Under such circumstances, they cannot even admit defeat.

For all "zodiac signs", the behavior of these people is "aggression".

"We can't get entangled here..." The thin Earth Tiger turned around and said to a "human level", "Go and inform the "heaven level"..."

"Hey! No!" Qiao Jiajin said, "Can't we discuss it? If I don't touch you, don't notify the troublesome people. Let's just pretend we've never met."

Naturally, Qiao Jiajin's proposal had no way of convincing the "earth-level" people in front of him. They stood in front of the "human-level" people, with a solemn and awe-inspiring intention to protect the other party's retreat.

"I think... my negotiation level really needs to be improved."

As soon as he finished speaking, several "earth-level" people started fighting again. Qiao Jiajin slightly increased his strength and hit everyone with a few straight punches, causing everyone to retreat.

He glanced back at the gopher, who instantly understood and stood behind all the "human-level" people, blocking their way.

"Little leaders, no one should leave from here, I guarantee that you will not die." Gopher said in a serious voice. He knew that although alerting the "Heaven Level" at this time was not a difficult problem, it would also waste a lot of time.

More than a dozen "human-level" people were stopped by gophers. They were in a dilemma for a while. They could only pin their hopes on a few teachers, but could their own teachers defeat the "participant"?

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