Suddenly, the spring breeze came overnight, and thousands of pear trees blossomed.

The cold winter month came unknowingly, accompanied by the sharp cold wind, and countless trees were covered with white snowflakes.

It was as if all the trees had turned into pear trees, adding a different style to the Qianqing Palace.

As the end of the year approached, the palace and Baiyujing became much more lively, and they had already started to get busy with the New Year.

Starting from the twelfth month, Lu Changjing also had a lot more things to do, the first of which was to write the word "Fu" and give plaques.

During the royal New Year, Lu Changjing would be busy "blessing the people" on the first day of the twelfth month. First, he would write a word "Fu" on dragon paper and paste it in the Qianqing Palace, and then he would write dozens of words "Fu" and paste them in other palaces.

During this period, ministers would also come to ask Lu Changjing or the queen mother to give them the word "Fu" to take back to their own mansions, and he would also take the initiative to give his ministers the word "Fu" or plaques as New Year congratulations.

The writing of Spring Festival couplets was contracted by the Hanlin Academy. Lu Changjing could write them himself if he was interested, and keep them for his own appreciation or give them to his ministers.

The environment must be decorated for the New Year. The new year brings a new atmosphere, both inside and outside the palace. The elegant and the common people celebrate the New Year together, and the people here also have a beautiful vision for the New Year.

The New Year of the Daning Dynasty is not called the Spring Festival, but the Ningshijie, and the New Year's Eve is called the Ningxiye, which has many similarities with the ancient Spring Festival in the previous life.

This makes Lu Changjing occasionally guess that perhaps this world and the previous life are parallel worlds, otherwise how could there be so many similarities.

Because of the New Year, Lu Changjing's practice time is also a little less.

However, because most things are handled by Cao Wenzheng, Lu Changjing, the fake emperor, will not cause any trouble and arouse suspicion from others.

So Lu Changjing still has plenty of time for practice, and his cultivation, realm, combat power... are constantly improving.

From time to time, he can also communicate with several concubines about imported food, and the relationship is getting more and more harmonious.

Not long after, the palace also began to post door gods and light palace lanterns.

The palace has many gates and large courtyards, and each door must be posted with door stickers that suit the occasion.

The Noon Gate is a common general image among the people, and other large and small doors in the palace are posted with various rare folk New Year pictures such as civil officials, boys, and fairies.

The palace lanterns are hung in rows, and various lanterns made by skilled craftsmen are hung on the eaves and corridors. There will also be tall longevity lanterns at the entrance of the Qianqing Palace.

The gorgeous light strips are embroidered with exquisite dragon patterns, and there are also poems praying for blessings and auspiciousness on them. Lighting sky lanterns to pray for the people is even more majestic and spectacular.

"The sun is bright, the moon is shining, rich and prosperous, long-lived and healthy, the new year is peaceful and long-lasting."

"A year of sorrow and joy is over tonight, the temples are new tomorrow."

"There will be no year next year, I am afraid that my worries will be wasted. I will work hard tonight, and I can still boast of my youth."

"The grass color is confusing in the three paths, and the scenery is moving in all directions. I wish it could be like this forever, and the weather will be new every year."


Various poems praying for blessings and auspiciousness are hung all over the palace, which looks quite spectacular.

Lu Changjing couldn't help but stroll around the Qianqing Palace, and accompanied the Imperial Concubine Rong Xiyao and the Concubine Tang Qingyi to see the grand scene in the palace.

By the way, although it was the New Year, Cao Zongguan was still quite busy. He was being attacked by a group of demons and monsters, and he was about to collapse.

He was about to search through the entire Jinyiwei and mobilized a lot of people to find spies, but unfortunately he didn't find any.

Instead, more secrets were leaked, and the Demon Suppression Division and many other forces severely cleaned up the demons and monsters in Daning, causing the Peace Party to break off relations with many demons and monsters, and even become enemies.

Even if Cao Wenzheng was also found to be a victim afterwards, the losses of those demons and monsters had already been caused, and even casualties were inevitable.

It was not easy to make them trade with the Peace Party as before.

This also saved the Daning Dynasty from many tragedies. In just a few months, at least more than one million people were saved.

The rescue in Donghai Prefecture alone allowed hundreds of thousands of people in the entire county to survive.

It is not an exaggeration to say that the Peace Party is a traitor.

When Ning Xiye arrived, Cao Wenzheng originally wanted Lu Changjing to continue to practice in seclusion and no longer participate in various New Year activities, so as to avoid too many people and see any flaws.

However, he could not resist the high calls from inside and outside the palace. Thinking that Lu Changjing had also pretended to be the emperor for several months, he decided to participate. After all, Ning Zhongyu would also participate in many activities during the New Year in the past.

This was also the time when Ning Zhongyu could best show his presence in the past. At the same time, he also took this opportunity to win over the ministers and maintain his majesty as an emperor.

During the night of Ning Xi, the palace would set up a New Year's Eve dinner and strengthen family ties.

Lu Changjing had to sit with the clan members and concubines to eat the New Year's Eve dinner, and the scene was very spectacular.

Looking at the hundreds of clan members, concubines, etc., he also sighed a little. He didn't expect the royal family's New Year's Eve dinner to be so huge.

During the period, clan members came up to greet from time to time. Lu Changjing responded carefully, and the information of these clan members appeared in his mind from time to time. These were all written down in advance to avoid any trouble.

Fortunately, the banquet started soon, and there were fewer greetings.

The family banquet in the palace was naturally more luxurious and rich than that in the folk. There was one dish of yellow rice, one dish each of bird's nest hanging oven duck, hanging oven meat, wild hot pot, one dish of duck stewed in Wannianqing wine hot pot, one dish of fat chicken stewed in bird's nest and apple in Eight Immortals Bowl, one dish of duck soup in green and white jade bowl... a total of 21 dishes.

There were strict rules for what tableware to use, what dishes to eat, and what order to follow, as well as how to sit and eat.

Dumplings are also eaten at the New Year's Eve dinner in the palace, and a copper coin will be placed in the dumpling. Whoever eats the dumpling with the copper coin will have good luck, and Lu Changjing will also give rewards.

Ning Xiye's imperial kitchen is very busy. They have to prepare a buffet and make sure that the dishes are not cold when they are served.

There are many delicacies, which is the first time Lu Changjing has eaten them. They are far better than any delicacies in his previous life, and no harmful substances have been added.

There are many spiritual meats, spiritual fruits, spiritual wines, etc., which are very helpful for cultivation. This allows many relatives and concubines with limited family backgrounds to enjoy them until their bodies can't bear it.

If he had to consider the status of His Majesty the Emperor, Lu Changjing would have had a good meal.

It's a pity that there are too many people around, otherwise he would have liked to enjoy the imported delicacies of several concubines.

Cao Wenzheng has been watching nearby to avoid any mistakes. Seeing that Lu Changjing's response was appropriate and did not arouse suspicion from others, he quietly breathed a sigh of relief.

Immediately, his face became slightly gloomy again, and he thought of what happened recently.

Not long after returning to the Imperial Study, Cao Wenzheng received another piece of bad news, saying that the deal with a group of demons and monsters around Baiyujing had failed again.

Before leaving, he did not forget to hit Lu Changjing a few more times, asking him to be careful.

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