Emperor's Stand-in: My physique improves a little bit every day

Chapter 68 The Second Soul Extraction Target

Lu·Aspiring·Hardworking·Changjing did not slack off after the breakthrough. He continued to practice and improve. After stabilizing his cultivation level, he began to cast the fifth spiritual vein.

As long as the bottleneck is broken and enough imperial true qi is accumulated, the difficulty of casting spiritual veins is much smaller. It mainly requires enough time and energy, and of course various resources.

Xiao Yaoxin is worthy of being the daughter of Yaowang Valley. She brought a full food box of spiritual medicine when she came to enjoy imported food for the first time.

Lu Changjing was a little greedy and ate it all up without leaving any.

Xiao Yaoxin ate less than one tenth of it. The rest were killed by him.

If his physique was not strong enough, I am afraid he would have exploded now.

By the time all the medicinal power was digested, several hours had passed, and the fifth spiritual vein had been cast halfway. It can be imagined that the medicinal power contained in those spiritual medicines was amazing.

Of course, because he improved too much and too fast, his foundation became weak, and he felt that he couldn't control it.

Fortunately, the midnight came soon, and his physical fitness increased again. The tree is big and the roots are deep, which helped him consolidate his shaking foundation and become solid again.

However, it will definitely take a lot of time to adapt, which cannot be done in a short time.

Other warriors improve too much at a time, and often need to spend a lot of time on consolidating their foundations, so the adaptation time can be ignored in comparison.

But Lu Changjing is the opposite.

It is easy for him to consolidate his foundation, and he doesn't need to take any additional elixirs.

But the time it takes to adapt is much longer than consolidating his foundation, which is also the special feature of his practice.

Before he could adapt to the sudden increase in Qi training, the second soul-picking hook was bred by Lu Changjing.

Thanks to the soul-picking technique at the small level, the soul-picking hook that had just been bred could be used, but he still planned to polish it again before using it.

While polishing the second soul-picking hook, the third soul-picking hook can also be bred, and neither will be delayed.

Only one soul-picking hook can be bred at a time, otherwise Lu Changjing would have bred multiple soul-picking hooks at the same time, instead of one by one.

The higher the level of the soul-picking technique, the stronger the power of the soul-picking hook bred.

If the power of the soul-picking hook bred by the entry-level soul-picking technique is 1, the power of the soul-picking hook bred by the soul-picking technique at the minor success level is more than 3.

Although the power of the soul-picking hook can continue to increase after it is bred, the power is also limited by the level of the soul-picking technique and cannot exceed the level of the soul-picking technique.

At present, his soul-picking technique has just reached the minor success level, so the soul-picking hook can only be upgraded to the minor success level at most, but it is still no problem to use it against warriors with similar spiritual power to him.

Even if the spiritual power is stronger than his, there is still a chance to take it down, of course, this requires careful design.

The second soul-picking target is still not Cao Wen Zheng, for no other reason, Cao Wen Zheng is a grandmaster.

Although according to Cao Xiuyuan, his true spiritual cultivation has reached the first-level master level, but he is protected by a high-level spiritual weapon.

In addition, his Qi cultivation is high enough, which can weaken and resist various spiritual attacks, so the chance of picking up the soul is not great.

Rather than taking the risk of picking up Cao Wen Zheng's soul, it is better to pick up a wisp of Cai Gu's three souls and seven spirits.

Cai Gu is Cao Wen Zheng's deputy, that is, the commander of the Jinyiwei, and currently the only commander.

Another commander was severely injured in the conflict with the demon suppression department and has no possibility of recovery, so Cai Gu is the only commander.

His strength has reached the sixth-level master level, not far from the seventh-level master, and has steadily suppressed Cao Xiuyuan.

However, Cao Xiuyuan's spiritual weapon is stronger than his, so it is not certain who will win or lose in a real fight.

Although he is a mid-level master, with his equipment and various trump cards, Cai Gu's comprehensive strength is not inferior to that of an average high-level master.

Because Cao Wen Zheng had a lot of things to do during this period, and he was also the chief eunuch, most of the Jinyiwei's affairs were handled by Cai Gu.

As long as Cai Gu could be captured, it basically meant that most of the Jinyiwei had been captured, which was extremely beneficial for Lu Changjing to understand Cao Wen Zheng's movements.

Originally, Lu Changjing wanted to capture the deputy chief eunuch. After all, this eunuch who commanded most of the eunuchs in the palace was the most powerful eunuch after Cao Wen Zheng.

There were a large number of eunuchs in the Qianqing Palace, many of whom were responsible for monitoring his movements. If he could capture him, it would be very helpful for Lu Changjing's safety.

However, considering that the Jinyiwei could not only monitor the officials of the dynasty, but also the eunuchs and palace maids in the palace, Lu Changjing felt that it would be more useful to capture Cai Gu.

Cai Gu's status was also above the two deputy chief eunuchs in the palace, and he could restrain them.

Most importantly, the Jinyiwei commanded by Cai Gu was a military agency, which was not inferior to the Jinwuwei, and even surpassed it.

As long as Cao Wenzheng can be killed, Cai Gu can immediately take over his power and become the commander of the Jinyiwei.

By then, with Jinwuwei and Jinyiwei, Lu Changjing's safety in the palace will be greatly guaranteed.

Jinyiwei is not one of the thirty-six guards guarding Baiyujing, but an independent organization with far more power and influence than any of the thirty-six guards.

After making the decision, Lu Changjing spent more time on improving and polishing the Soul-Picking Hook, while looking for opportunities to capture Cai Gu.

A few days later, the second Soul-Picking Hook was almost polished by him, and it was time to prepare for action.

It just so happened that Cao Wenzheng had left Baiyujing these two days and went to a nearby city to discuss some shameful deal with a top demon king. He was not in Baiyujing, which was just right for Lu Changjing to take action.

That evening, while most of the eunuchs and palace maids around were having dinner, Cao Xiuyuan tricked Cai Gu into the imperial study.

"The junior of General Manager Cai has made great contributions this year. If nothing unexpected happens, he should be promoted several levels this time."

"Your Majesty was also very surprised when he saw the memorial below, especially when he learned that he was the junior of General Manager Cai, he was even more surprised."

"It is worthy of your Majesty's attention, and at least he can get a book."


Cao Xiuyuan's flattery came from outside, and Cai Gu smiled happily: "Commander Cao, you are too kind. As long as our junior can have half of your ability, we will be satisfied."

Cao Xiuyuan used the name of the emperor to confer a title on his junior to deceive Cai Gu, who was obsessed with officialdom, without spending too much effort.

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