Emperor's Stand-in: My physique improves a little bit every day

Chapter 49 Coveting the Queen's Position

Just after he understood the soul-picking technique and began to conceive of the soul-picking hook, Lu Changjing received news that the mountain barbarian envoy had arrived.

Therefore, in order to avoid suspicion, as the king of a country, I will receive the mountain barbarian envoys at the morning meeting tomorrow.

"The Mountain Barbarians are one of the ten barbarians in the southern part of China. Even among the ten barbarians, the Mountain Barbarians are at the forefront."

"They have always made a living by hunting and roaring proudly in the mountains and forests. Their ancestral home is in the Fulong Mountains. This mountain range is thousands of miles away. Almost all of them are occupied by mountain barbarians, which shows how strong their power is."

"Although the Mountain Barbarians have a population of only tens of millions, the number of Grand Masters is as high as nearly ten, and there are about 300 Grand Masters. They are best at fighting in the mountains and forests. Our dynasty has entered the Fulong Mountains many times before, wanting to wipe out the Mountain Barbarians. But none of them succeeded, and we had to get married in the end.”

"This clan has three major magical skills to suppress the clan, namely the Green Demon True Body, the Shadowless Arrow Technique and the Divine Hidden Scripture. Among them, the Green Devil True Body is a low-level body-refining magical skill, the Shadowless Arrow Technique is an intermediate magical skill, and the Divine Hidden Scripture It is said to be a high-level magical skill. The three can be effectively coordinated, which can be called a magical system. "

Before the morning court, Cao Wenzheng told Lu Changjing in detail about the situation of the mountain barbarians to prevent him from revealing any flaws during the morning court.

After explaining for more than an hour, we set off for the Hall of Supreme Harmony.

The dragon chariot was swaying, accompanied by eunuchs, guards, palace maids... there were nearly a hundred people, and the scene was extremely shocking.

At this moment, all the civil and military officials from the entire court had arrived, and the Shanman envoys were also waiting outside the palace, waiting for Lu Changjing's arrival.

"Greetings to Your Majesty, long live my emperor!"

After sitting on the dragon chair and accepting the worship of the ministers, he summoned the Shanman envoys to enter the palace.

Soon a group of people walked into the Hall of Supreme Harmony. They were basically dressed in standard mountain barbarian clothing.

He wears a green scarf wrapped around his head, a long gown with a large skirt, basically snakes and insects hanging from his neck, and green straw sandals on his feet.

Although there is armor, this armor is also green and is basically made of animal skins. A barbaric aura swept over the Hall of Supreme Harmony.

The leading old man was short and dark, with sunken eyes. He looked like a standard mountain man.

But this old man is an elder of the three tribes of the Mountain Barbarians. His name is Zhai Fang Yingfa. He is a grand master of the tenth level of pulse casting. He has already entered the tenth level of pulse casting many years ago in his Qi refining cultivation.

His body refining skills have also reached the level of a fourth-level body refining master. Once he uses the green devil's true form, he can transform into a green giant several meters tall, bursting out with astonishing combat power.

This reminded Lu Changjing of the Hulk in a certain movie in his previous life, and there were some similarities.

His spiritual attainments, if Lu Changjing was not mistaken, should have reached the level of a master, but he was only at the level of a first-level master.

Even so, his strength is still among the top three in the Hall of Supreme Harmony. It is definitely not comparable to Lu Changjing at this moment. Even Cao Wenzheng is not his opponent.

But what annoyed the civil and military officials of the Manchu Dynasty the most was that Zhai Fang Yingfa was wearing a yellow dragon robe, dragging it on the ground casually, looking a little dirty.

In the Daning Dynasty, generally only Lu Changjing, the emperor, could wear a yellow dragon robe. Now that Zhai Fangying was wearing such a dress, the insult was self-evident.

This made many ministers look a bit ugly. They had not yet given a warning to these barbarians, but they did not expect that these barbarians would give them a warning first.

"I've met Emperor Daning!"

Entering the Hall of Supreme Harmony, several Shanman envoys saluted lazily without showing much respect.

Lu Changjing waved his hand, and before he could signal them to get up, these mountain barbarian envoys stood up on their own, clearly not taking him, the Daning Emperor, seriously.

"I wonder if you have anything to discuss when you come to Bai Yujing?"

Even so, Lu Changjing asked calmly based on Ning Zhongyu's character.

I thought I would have to exchange a few words, but I didn't expect that these mountain barbarian envoys were not polite at all. After hearing Lu Changjing's words, Zhai Fangying, the mountain barbarian envoy with a braid on his side, walked out immediately.

"I heard that Emperor Daning will favor the harem in three years and will no longer be a monk emperor, so our king is going to marry the Seven Saints to you, become your queen, and give birth to a prince for you."

As soon as the words fell, the entire Hall of Supreme Harmony fell silent, followed by the roar of mountains and tsunamis of reprimands.

"No, how can a mere barbarian saint be qualified to be the queen of Daning? My mother's territory is thousands of miles away."

"Let alone a queen, I don't think she is even qualified to be a concubine. A concubine is enough."

"The barbarian tribe is quite greedy. Not only do they want the position of queen, they even dare to covet the throne."

Faced with the rebuke from the civil and military officials in the hall, the expressions of several mountain barbarian envoys also changed suddenly, some of them unable to bear the overwhelming momentum and frenzy.

Among the several mountain barbarian envoys, except for Fang Yingfa, the old villager of the three clans, who was the grand master, the others were only mid-level grandmasters and high-level grandmasters. How could they withstand the angry anger in the hall.


Seeing that his companion behind him was about to make a fool of himself, Zhai Fangyingfa's expression changed slightly, he snorted coldly, and released his billowing momentum, colliding with the momentum of many ministers around him.


In the Hall of Supreme Harmony, there was a faint sound of golden swords, and a gust of wind appeared out of thin air.

Seeing this scene, many ministers snorted coldly and wanted to increase their momentum.

But at this time, Lu Changjing's voice came from the dragon throne: "This matter still needs to be considered in the long run. The position of the queen is related to the safety of Daning. Let's wait until the court and the people have discussed it."

"In addition to this matter, I wonder if the envoys have anything else to do. If not, then let's withdraw from the court."

These words eased the tense atmosphere in the Hall of Supreme Harmony. The two sides looked at each other and then slowly put away their momentum.

The Shanman envoy with a braided hair came out again: "In addition to this matter, our king also invited the Daning Emperor to hunt in Zama Blood Forest. Recently, many blood beasts have appeared there, which are the treasures for warriors to practice."

"For the blood beasts obtained from hunting, our king is willing to share 90% with Daning, and will definitely not let the Daning Emperor suffer."

The leader of the Shanman tribe is called the Shanman King, and his status is similar to that of the emperor of the Daning Dynasty.

Zama Blood Forest is the ancestral land of the Blood Barbarian Tribe, one of the Ten Barbarians in the South. Its territory is not inferior to the Fulong Mountains, and even exceeds it.

The Blood Barbarians have always been known for their warlike nature in the southern land, and they are considered the most warlike tribe among the ten barbarians.

Now that the Mountain Barbarians have invited Lu Changjing to go hunting in the Zama Blood Forest, there is obviously something fishy going on. There may be a conflict between the Mountain Barbarians and the Blood Barbarians, and the conflict is not small.

Otherwise, how could the Mountain Barbarians dare to go hunting in the Blood Barbarians' ancestral land? This is almost the same as going to war.

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