The imperial qi in the body was still close to overflowing, and the second spiritual vein could be cast.

Lu Changjing did not waste time and immediately began to cast the second spiritual vein.

The casting of the spiritual vein starts from the Dantian, and then follows a fixed order, circling around the body, and finally returns to the Dantian.

From the Dantian, through the five internal organs, to the root of the human body, and landing on the left foot...

The second spiritual vein was cast at a speed visible to the naked eye. During this process, Lu Changjing could clearly feel the improvement of his cultivation level, and his physical and mental strength also gained a lot of growth.

During this period, he took another elixir. When it was close to midnight, the second spiritual vein had been cast by one third.

Lu Changjing did not continue. After midnight, his physical fitness increased again.

At the same time as his physical fitness increased, the originally somewhat frivolous cultivation foundation also became stable.

There were also some minor scars caused by the impact that were too fierce, which were also completely recovered without any damage.

The cultivation level has completely stabilized, and the next thing to do is to adapt. Lu Changjing is ready to rest for a while before adapting to the skyrocketing cultivation.

Although the second spiritual vein has not been completely cast, Lu Changjing is already qualified to be called a second-level master.

It took several days for Lu Changjing to successfully cast the second spiritual vein, but it will take some time to fully adapt, so he is not busy attacking the next level.

Although the cultivation level of Qi Refining is improved quickly, it is also consumed quickly, and dozens of low-grade spiritual stones and several elixirs have been used up.

The only gratifying thing is that more than ten years of cultivation time has been saved. It is very difficult for ordinary masters to cast a spiritual vein without about ten years, and it may even take longer.

In these few days, several concubines knew about Lu Changjing's sale of the property, came to appease him, and some gave him resources and treasures.

However, Lu Changjing did not confiscate most of them. The reason is that some concubines are not so reliable.

Even if Lu Changjing reminded them, they might "accidentally" leak it out. For safety reasons, it is better not to collect it.

Otherwise, once Cao Wenzheng knew about it, he would take away these resources and treasures at best, or severely punish him.

While adapting to the Qi Refining Cultivation, Lu Changjing spent more time on body refining. A drop of silver dragon blood falling into his stomach could at least save him a few months of practice.

Before, he only took one or two drops a day, but now he takes at least three or four drops a day.

This is a treasure that is also of great benefit to the Grandmaster. Lu Changjing absorbed it so crazily, and you can imagine how fast his body refining cultivation progressed.

In just a few days, his body refining cultivation reached the extreme of the first-level Grandmaster, and he could break through the bottleneck.

Before the breakthrough, he took two drops of silver dragon blood, and felt the surging power of the spiritual blood, and Lu Changjing began to break through.

"Boom boom boom..."

Compared to the Qi Refining Breakthrough, the Body Refining Breakthrough is more noisy, as if there is a roaring flood in the body, constantly bombarding the bottleneck dam.

For a warrior, every breakthrough is a crisis, but every breakthrough is also a manifestation of the culmination of practice.

Most warriors will make a lot of preparations before the breakthrough, and they must comprehend the breakthrough skills of the learned exercises to the point of being thoroughly familiar with them.

It seems to be an ordinary impact, but in fact, the knowledge and skills contained in it are enough to make college students in the previous life collapse.

To put it bluntly, the methods and skills that a first-level body refining master needs to use when impacting the second level can be written into a thick book.

The strength and method required for each impact on the bottleneck dam, the situation of the surrounding parts when impacting the bottleneck dam, and the feedback of the bottleneck dam when impacting the bottleneck dam... The complexity of the content is enough to dazzle ordinary people.

Even Lu Changjing, who has a talent that is more than one in a thousand, feels a headache when seeing these materials and notes, let alone those warriors with average talent.

No wonder the population of the Daning Dynasty exceeds one billion, but the number of Grandmasters is less than one thousand.


At a certain moment, accompanied by a roar, the bottleneck dam finally collapsed, and the five elements of spiritual blood became vigorous and pure at a speed visible to the naked eye, and it was improved by several percent before it stopped.

Immediately, these five elements of spiritual blood began to flow to various parts of the body, tempering and improving these parts.

Strength began to increase dramatically, defense began to increase dramatically, speed began to increase dramatically... When everything settled, Lu Changjing's body training also entered the level of the second-level Grandmaster.

Such warriors who have entered the Grandmaster realm in both Qi and body training are also called dual-subject Grandmasters.

If the spiritual training can also be improved to the Grandmaster realm, and the spirit, Qi and spirit are not far apart, they are called three-subject Grandmasters, or all-subject Grandmasters.

At this moment, Lu Changjing can be called a dual-subject Grandmaster, and his combat power far exceeds that of ordinary Grandmasters.

When he gets used to the surge in strength, and then improves the Royal Sword Skills and Royal Dragon Steps, he will basically be able to dominate the low-level Grandmaster level, and even compete with the mid-level Grandmaster.

Cao Wenzheng is only a first-level Grandmaster in body training, and Lu Changjing has surpassed him in this aspect.

When he improves a few more levels, he may be able to compete with Cao Wenzheng.

With a slight smile, the days are getting more and more promising.

After midnight, Lu Changjing began to rest after consolidating his foundation and the surge in strength.

The next morning, before I had practiced for long, and before I had read a few memorials, I saw Cao Wen Zheng walking in tiredly.

"The disaster relief in Chengyu County has been handled, and my family has sold some more properties to prepare some resources and money for you to use."

"Don't waste your Majesty's resources and money next time, otherwise even if my family doesn't want you to die, I won't let you go after your Majesty comes out of retreat."

"But so many concubines have come during this period, and you didn't confiscate anything?"


Cao Wen Zheng was still a little unwilling and couldn't help asking.

Lu Changjing smiled bitterly and shook his head: "Didn't Lord Cao arrange people to guard outside? Lord Cao should know better whether I accepted these things."

"Besides, the imperial study is so small, Lord Cao knows it better than me. If I hid anything, Lord Cao would have found it long ago."

"That's true." Cao Wen Zheng thought for a while and said: "It's a pity. If we can accept some, we will have a better life later. There are many rich ladies, especially the Imperial Noble Consort, Concubine Duan and Concubine Zhen."

Seeing Cao Wen Zheng, a great master, almost drooling, Lu Changjing thought to himself that it was no wonder that many people said that eunuchs were greedy for money. Now it seems to be true.

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