Emperor of Nine Suns

Chapter 1585: Scarlet Purgatory


In the long groan of the giant whale, the whole world suddenly became endlessly dark, as if all the light had been absorbed cleanly.

At the next moment, all the monks felt their bodies suffocate fiercely, and the entire space seemed to freeze suddenly.

At this moment, everyone found their bodies imprisoned by an invisible force.

You can't even raise your hand and blink your eyes.

The monks seemed to have entered a blocked world instantly!

This is... This is one of the most terrifying abilities of Ningkong Behemoth, the space is frozen! !

The eyes of all monks were filled with despair. The Ningkong Ancient Whale could solidify a space at any time, making the void space harder than steel. This is its natural supernatural power!

At this moment, the void seems to have become an invisible cage, which locks everyone firmly.

At this time, the huge Ning Kong behemoth groaned in excitement, the huge figure turned a direction, and flew straight toward the huge mountain where everyone was!

It's over, it's dead now!

The cultivators were extremely frightened, and the female disciples of Beiming's Po Formation Group also lost their expressions.

At this moment, even Chu Chen's eyes skipped a touch of surprise.

The pressure of the surrounding space is really terrifying. He has a sky-fire protection, and the power of the ancient barren creek is smelted in his body. When trapped in this space, he can't escape completely!

The Ningkong behemoth is still hundreds of miles away from here, but compared to its huge body, this distance is probably only a few breaths away. Within this time... escape Can't drop! !

Chu Chen's eyes instantly solidified. At this moment, death was so close, it was like someone holding a peerless magic weapon on his neck, and he could feel the cold murderous intent and excitement on his skin. The whole spirit became tense.


At this moment, a huge roar rose to the sky. The naked eye can see that a huge shock wave suddenly appeared in the void that seemed extremely calm after solidification, which stretched for hundreds of meters.

The peaceful void is like a lake with a stone thrown into it, and the entire space is shattered with a clear sound of cracking!

Everyone looked up subconsciously, and saw the figure of a black-clothed old man who had been lying in the corner at this time leaping away fiercely.

The old man is thin and old, and has been silently nesting in the corner without any movement. Some monks even thought this was just a bad old man who came to join in the fun.

But at this moment, the breath that exploded from this bad old man was as huge as a wild beast.

Duan Xiong's body burst out with a strong and unparalleled light, and his whole person seemed to be a flash of lightning, and he rushed out in an instant, fled to a place thousands of feet away.

good chance!

The void shattered, the pressure disappeared suddenly, and his body lightened abruptly. Chu Chen knew that Duan Xiong, an old thing, could finally make a move.

Before he could think about it, his figure slammed into a gray shadow and rushed out in an instant, escaping this huge suspended mountain.

"Run away!"

"Oh my God, the Ningkong Giant Beast rushed over!!"

"Everyone, run!"

Under the life and death crisis, everyone has exploded with great potential.

In this second, the cultivators reacted one after another, and quickly grasped this fleeting opportunity, and everyone urged the spiritual power in the body to its limit.

Several mysterious powerhouses in the square took the brunt and turned into streamers and flew away!

The girls of Beiming's broken formation group, also in white clothes, flew away one by one.

Shi Yuyan, Xuan Ke, and Lan Xuan grabbed Zhou Lin and rushed for their lives!

The monks in the square scattered like birds and animals, as the tide receded.

All of a sudden, dazzling streamers flew in all directions, as if dazzling meteors crossed the void and fled to the distance.

All this is a long story, in fact, from the Ning Kong behemoth solidifying the space, to Duan Xiu breaking through the space blockade to escape, and then other people also took advantage of this opportunity to escape, and only a few breaths in total.

Almost just as some cultivators had just escaped from the void-blocked space, the huge body of the Ningkong Ancient Whale had crashed into the floating giant mountain!


A huge wailing sounded up into the sky, and the prehistoric golden horned python carrying the Xuanbai Mountain had no time to escape. It was hit by the huge body of the ancient whale and broke from the middle. The blood rained all over the sky and broke into two pieces towards the earth. Roll down.

In fact, in terms of physique, this golden horned python is much larger than the ancient whale in the sky, but the python is just big, and its power is simply incomparable with the ancient whale.

The fierce wind pressure whizzed Cangyu, after the golden horned python, the hanging blank mountain was directly knocked to pieces.

The square and the mountains are all gone!

About one-fifth of the monks on the White Mountain had no time to escape, and they exploded and died under the impact of the black whale!

The endless corpses and dirt mixed with blood mist exploded toward the surroundings!

Huge winds appeared in the void, and the sky was instantly darkened.

Billowing smoke and dust rose into the air, and from time to time you could see red blood rays scattered and cracked.

The result of the full blow of the king-level ancient beast is absolutely devastating. The death shock ripples caused by its collision are still spreading outward? !

Ten miles, one hundred miles, three hundred miles, 6 continued to be enveloped by death ripples.

Those monks who did not escape too far, continued to be reaped by the spreading death shock wave!

At this moment, except for some monks with a relatively high cultivation base and quick response, they fled in the first time, and nearly 30% of the monks on the entire Hanging White Mountain were finally hit by this terrifying force that was beyond imagination. .

Tufts of blood mist rose up, and faintly, a group of twisted and struggling souls could be seen in the blood mist.

The entire sky auction site has directly become the most terrifying hell! !

"Bei Ming is over!"

A monk who seemed to be about forty years old escaped from the collision area of ​​the Ningkong Ancient Whale in shock, turning his head to see this scene, his face flushed instantly.

Under the mixture of fright and anger, he spouted a big mouthful of blood and fainted when his head tilted.

Fortunately, a black-clothed elder from the Beiming Formation Group next to her quickly caught her.

The howling wind roared, and the huge spiritual shock wave light was like a flame, spraying around the center of the explosion, and the entire space directly hit by the powerful force of the behemoth began to collapse, shrink, and explode.

From time to time, you can see small-scale space cracks bursting like black snakes.

Some monks had no time to escape when the Ningkong Ancient Whale impacted, so they used some spatial magical instruments to escape into the spatial passage.

However, they had no time to think about the bombardment of the Ningkong Giant Beast even the entire space.

Under the bombardment of that moment, every inch of space in a hundred li radius centered on the Xuanbai Mountain was crushed and reorganized again by the huge incredible power of the ancient whale.

So you can see that in the cracks in the space, there are often puffs of blood pouring down.

In the rain of blood, there were pieces of broken magical artifacts scattered in all directions.

This terrifying black whale has the potential to destroy the world in one blow!

(End of this chapter)

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