Emergency Doctor Mercenary Road

Chapter 893: Doomsday strategy

  Chapter 893 Strategy of Doomsday Wasteland

   "The organization is 100 people." Kate said softly.

   "Jack, let me die, I can't beat him!" Robbie turned around and hugged Lu Fei, sobbing in despair, not sure if it was true or not.

   "Oh, don't cry, don't cry, you have to fight if you can't! We've killed a lot, and there shouldn't be so many soldiers now."

"Well, I killed 6 or 7 a few days ago, and I have to kill at least 20 tonight. Sigh, there are 70 special soldiers. Jack, let's die, we can't beat it." Hulk broke He broke his fingers and smiled wryly.

   This level of elite fighters, a few of them may be able to hold a dozen or twenty, but seventy can't really beat them.

   Kate, whose emotional intelligence is almost equal to zero, added another sentence.

   "And seven or eight giants."

  Lu Fei was hugging Robbie and rubbing it for comfort. He looked up at Kate helplessly: "Miss, if you don't speak, you will die. Are you going to let them kill themselves?"

  Kate shrugged and said, "My dad told me since I was a child that although the truth is cruel, it is always the truth, and knowing the truth is always beneficial in the end."

   "Your father is really a **** talent, he died."

   "Well, dead, drunk and drunk."

   "You! Are you going to send them off the building because of the creed given to you by an alcoholic?"

"Don't worry, Jack, Robbie, Hulk, I have a way to deal with CdC! For a few months of hiding here and being isolated from the world, I have been planning how to destroy CdC all the time. can think.

  With you, it will be different! In particular, Jack's combat level is called the king of soldiers, and it is finally possible to destroy the CDC. "

  Kate stretched out her left hand excitedly, hooking and hooking with two fingers.

   "Is it true or false, is it reliable? What is this movement in your hand?" Robbie smiled and frowned.

   "Smoke, give me a cigarette, I'll tell you about it."

  The long white smoke was stuffed between her fingers, and the lighter was lit.

   "If we want to deal with the CDC, it will definitely not work, so we need to find help!

   Don't look at me like that, keep listening to me.

  We are looking for zombies to help! CDC's defense against zombies mainly relies on the infrasound horns on both sides of the gate on the first floor and several cars in the parking lot in front of the gate. As long as they are destroyed, and then the zombies are driven to attack the building, there is a high probability that they will be exhausted! "

   "It's a good idea, but how to turn off the horn, and what's more difficult is how to drive the zombies to attack the building?" Hulk shook his head.

   He thinks that Kate is afraid of hallucinations in pain, and the prerequisites given are impossible tasks.

"Also, zombies need power to attack the building. How can they know that the building is full of food? You must know that such a place with a laboratory will be completely closed and managed, and the ventilation facilities are all on the roof." Lu Fei frowned.

   "Of course I have considered what you said, and I have even considered the difficulties you did not expect. There are two other difficulties, one is the rescue and attack of the Sharks, and the other is the separate security system on each floor of the building."

   "Let's just go and conquer the White House, it's not that difficult!" Robbie said in frustration.

   "Cough, the White House has fallen." Hulk smiled wryly.

   "Don't worry, I've figured out how to do it.

The   horn can be destroyed by sniping from a long distance; the zombies can be driven away by the infrasonic horn truck led by the Shark Gang; it is a bit difficult to break through the thick glass door of the building, and if it is not possible, it can also be broken open with grenades or explosives.

   As for the Sharks, they had to kill them first and **** their infrasound horns.

  More importantly, after entering the building, we have to quickly enter the negative floor, destroy their diesel engines, and cut off their power systems, so that all security systems will fail! "

   Although Lu Fei thinks Kate's thinking is too simple, it's not unfounded, at least they have a focus on their efforts, and they won't be like headless flies who don't know where to start.

  Lu Fei: "The difficulty is a little more difficult, but it's not that there is no chance at all, Robbie, Hulk, don't be discouraged. By the way, Kate, do you know where the shark gang's nest is?"

  Kate: "Just one kilometer south of the CdC building is an independent eight-story apartment."

  Lu Fei: "How many are they?"

  Kate: "I don't know."

  Lu Fei: "Cough, how's the defense inside? What heavy weapons do they have?"

  Kate: "I don't know."

  Lu Fei: "Their station is under attack. Will the CDC come to support them?"

  Kate: "Definitely."

  Lu Fei shook his head, and he didn't care about Kate's low emotional intelligence in spite of his frustration.

   "Then we are dead?" Robbie raised his head in confusion and asked Hulk.

   "It should be, Miss Kate doesn't know anything about the Sharks, and when we fight the Sharks, the people from CdC will definitely come to the rescue and catch us for experiments by the way." Hulk also began to have low emotional intelligence as a straight man.

   "Look, I have prepared the strategy for the CdC building for you, and the Sharks help these non-professional combatants to leave it to you to deal with it yourself, isn't that too much?" Kate said as a matter of course.

   "It doesn't seem difficult to deal with the Sharks, Jack, what should I do? Kill it now?" Robbie said eagerly.

"It's not that easy. How many people are there in the Shark Gang? What are the internal security measures? I don't know all of this, so let's give away the heads now. Time is so tight, if you can't enter the CdC building for a week, the two of you will be in trouble. "

   "It's very tricky, although the Shark Gang's fighting power and IQ are very anxious, but in case there are people number 60 or 70 living in their apartment, Jack has to escape." Hulk lit a cigarette and frowned.

   "I think I need to go to the Shark Gang base to reconnaissance on the spot to have a good idea. Kate, you hold the bleeding port on your wrist, I have already pulled out the sling."

  Lu Fei disposed of the IV needle, took out the city map in his backpack, and asked Kate to point out the specific location and reference.

   Robbie and Hulk's heads came together.

   "The apartment is right by the river, so lonely and hard to get close to."

   "Yes, if there is another searchlight or something, it will be even more troublesome."

   "It's been a long day, you all go to bed first, I'll go to the Shark Gang's apartment to investigate by myself, even if it's difficult to enter, I won't be exposed." Lu Fei looked up at the two people who came close.

   "It's too dangerous. It's full of people from the CDC outside. Maybe there's a shark gang joining the fun, aren't you throwing yourself in the net when you go out? Tomorrow?" Hulk shook his head and disagreed.

   "It is because they are searching for us that their lair may be empty.

   Besides, it’s not so safe for us to hide here, and we will be found sooner or later. They can't find it today, it will continue tomorrow, and I can lure these **** away when I go out. "

  Lu Fei cleaned his backpack, took out food and drink, put on the black clothes of the captured CdC soldiers, and put on a helmet.

   "I'll go with you! Our combination must be invincible in the world! Wow, hahaha, Harley Quinn is the queen of the night." Robbie picked up the baseball bat and smiled like a devil.

   "You can't do anything sneaky, I'm free to come and go by myself. Listen to my order, everyone sleeps."

  Lu Fei ignored Robbie's disappointed expression, turned around, opened the door and left.

   Before Kate could interject, Lu Fei had already gone out.

   This wave of simple and rude operations made her stunned.

   "He, he just left? You don't persuade him!"

   "How to persuade? You can't talk and fight, it's useless to babble, Jack is very macho."

   "Maybe we really dragged him down. To be honest, we wouldn't dare to fight CdC without Jack."

   "Okay, let's go to sleep, alas, it's really uncomfortable when no one hugs you to sleep."

   "Well, why is Jack more reckless than Harley Quinn?" Kate muttered to herself, dumbfounded.


   Lu Fei left them rudely and hastily because he wanted to act alone.

   It's better to let yourself go to the tiger's den at night. You can use any equipment and actions on your own, without too many scruples.

  The seven circles went up to the ground, discerned the direction in the faint moonlight, and hurried away toward the southeast.

   Walking on the sidewalk of the small road only a few hundred meters away, I encountered a few wandering zombies.

   cut them neatly, put on gloves, and endured the nausea and smeared the flesh and blood of the zombies on the helmet and body.

   He is not afraid of zombies, but he is worried that running all the way to attract zombies, they will also attract people from CDC and Shark Gang. Without the leading party, in this dark and numb outfit, the ghosts can find him.

   Soon, he set off on the road again. The zombies he encountered along the way had doubts but did not pursue them. They could only rely on their sense of smell at night. Since there was no human smell, they were not interested in exploring the behavior of "similars".

   He turned right and ran for a block, when suddenly there was a muffled sound of a car engine in front of him, and Lu Fei immediately stuck to the east wall. Two beams of light swept across, and three pickups drove past the intersection.

   Lu Fei heard cursing sounds floating by.

   is a member of the Shark Gang, and it shouldn’t be very pleasant to be called out in the middle of the night to find enemies.

   The direction of the pickup is the building where Robbie and Kate are hiding.

   Lu Fei's mind turned abruptly, HKM27 appeared in his hand, he stepped out and raised his gun to shoot.

   Don't let them get close to the search, turn people away!

   "Da da da, da da da!"

  The sound of gunfire pierced the silence of the night, and the rear of the car hit by bullets splattered with sparks.

   "Someone shot! Stop!"

   "Ah! The ricochet hit my thigh!"

   "Fight back! The enemy is there!"

  The three shark gangsters who were sitting in the back of the car kept yelling and yelling. Thirty or forty meters behind the car, a black figure strode across the intersection, and they were staring right at them.

  The sound of the gunshots sounded again, this time it was the black buddies of the Shark Gang behind the pickup truck who were shooting.

   After more than ten seconds, a group of black buddies rushed out of the car and rushed to the intersection shouting.

   Seven or eight bundles of flashlights shone on the north side of the crossroad. They didn't see the attackers, but they saw a group of zombies coming from the wind.

  The black buddies were shooting at the zombies, and three pickups came over with their infrasound horns on. The zombies rushed or fled, and the scene was in chaos.

   And Lu Fei had already run away, turned right and rushed towards the Los Angeles River.

   The lights of the pickup truck behind him and the chaotic gunshots kept ringing, and the Shark gang team was completely attracted.

  The darkness helped him a lot, and the driven zombies also provided good cover, and Lu Fei ran among them. Even playfully learn the roar of zombies.

   The black buddies on the pickup truck who were chasing could only see a group of zombies running around in a hurry.

   (end of this chapter)

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