Emergency Doctor Mercenary Road

Chapter 651: Dongying's sniper

   Chapter 651 Dongying's sniping

  Bell, Webster, and Vasily were not vegetarians either, and followed Dewey bravely to meet them.

   They are tall and powerful, and they have been with Jack for a long time, and their fighting skills are not weak at all.

   Soon the two groups collided, and the sound of crackling sounded continuously.

   You hit me with a knife, and the battle was fierce.

   "Ah, it hurts, go to hell!" Vasily was accidentally swept away by an iron rod on his arm, and when he cried out in pain, he became angry and kicked a black suit away, knocking a large piece of it into the air.

   The furious bear made a bang, leading the brothers to rush to kill, and the black suits who fought back repeatedly, unable to resist.

   A dozen people shouted loudly, and the voices became louder and louder.

   The large floor-to-ceiling window in the middle of the second floor of the villa moved, the thick curtains were pulled open, and a few old men walked towards the floor-to-ceiling window, probably wanting to see what happened outside the villa.

  Lu Fei put his right eye on the scope and his right index finger on the trigger.

   At this time, the black suits at the entrance of the villa have been beaten by the four wild foxes, and they are losing ground.

  The old Yamaguchi-gumi man in a suit who walked to the window said a few words to the people next to him, and then waved his hands backwards and said a few words. At the end of the long table, a white-haired old man slowly stood up and walked forward.

   And a group of black suits poured out from the small door of the villa again, and the fighting group of Chaoye Fox rushed over.

   Seeing that the Wild Fox brothers were at an absolute disadvantage, Raphael and Ada rushed over from the side of the alley with telescopic sticks.

   A group of people gathered together and started a second round of group fights.

   "Jack, the brothers can't hold it anymore. Ada's head is broken and blood is flowing."

   "Hold on for another ten seconds, Kameda is walking like a window, he is moving, and now I don't have full confidence in shooting." Lu Fei didn't move, but the cold sweat on his head dripped down his cheeks.

   "Hold on! Ah, I've been hit by a monkey to steal a peach!"

   "Dare to steal my man's peach, I will fight with you!"

  Ada threw down the black suit that attacked Raphael's lower body, wrapped her arms around her head and neck, and began to force her naked twist!

   The other black suits were startled and raised their sticks to smash her on top.

   In front of the window on the second floor, Kameda walked to the window, pointed to the wild fox team in the alley, and said to Yoneda with a trembling voice: "It's these people, they are the wild fox team, don't let them come up!"

   Nearly a kilometer away, Lu Fei finally pulled the trigger!

   A 12.7mm bullet rushed out of the muzzle and spun toward the floor-to-ceiling windows on the second floor of the villa.

   "Bah! Wow!" The bullet shot through the bulletproof floor-to-ceiling window, but changed direction slightly.

  The huge warhead slid across Kameda's left arm, carrying a tuft of blood!

   Kameda fell down and screamed.

   All the old men on the second floor fell down.

   "Damn, bulletproof glass! The bullet hit the target's arm after being refracted. Someone pulled the curtains, and there was no chance." Fanny put down the telescope angrily.

   Although Lu Fei was disappointed, he didn't care about beating his chest.

  The sound of the gunfire was greatly reduced after the sound was silenced, and the distance was far away, but the gate was made of iron.

  Dangdangdang three shots fired, and the frightened Yamaguchi-gumi group all fell down in black suits. They are not stupid either. It is obvious that someone is using a big sniper. If they don't hide, they will have multiple holes in their bodies.

   Most of the wild fox brothers were hit several times on the body, and they got down and fought back, punching and kicking at the black suits.

   The scene was screaming constantly, but the people in black suits did not dare to stand up and fight back.

   "Withdraw! Get in the car and leave!" Bell shouted.

   "I'll cover, you all go first! Grey cat, remove the traces in the room, we'll retreat in half a minute!" Lu Fei said softly.

  The wild fox brothers got into the car quickly, and the angry Ada was dragged up by Vasily, and Raphael couldn't pull the crazy ocelot.

  After more than ten seconds, the black commercial vehicle drove out of the alley and disappeared into the traffic.


  Although the commercial vehicle had left, Lu Fei still used bullets to tell the Yamaguchi-gumi thugs not to move! Move to kill!

   A group of black suits screamed and screamed, lying on the ground and daring to move.

   In Room 404, one kilometer away, Fanny had wiped the fingerprints of the two of them, and also opened the plastic handcuffs of Yone Tian's wife and the spirit boy.

  Lu Fei quickly dismantled Barrett and walked into the bedroom with his bag.

   "I'm sorry you two, we have to leave. Wait 3 minutes after we leave, then you leave, don't follow us! Otherwise, you will not see the sun tomorrow!"

   After Lu Fei finished speaking, they didn't wait for the astonished two to talk, and dragged Fanny away.

   Two minutes later, the two were standing on the side of the road in front of the building.

  A black commercial car arrived as scheduled, the door opened wide, and the two jumped into the car. The commercial vehicle only braked, and started again before it came to a complete stop.

   "Damn, I missed it, the glass window is bulletproof, the bullet deflected and only wounded Kameda's arm." Fanny cursed softly as she got into the car.

   "Unfortunately, we will talk about killing Kameda later. We must leave now. The police will soon block the surrounding streets. We have to evacuate as soon as possible." Bell said solemnly.

  Lu Fei glanced at Ada, who was covering her head with a handkerchief, and said softly, "Ada, hold on for a while, and I'll treat you after I send the gun bag out."

   "I'm fine, the bleeding has stopped, I'm just afraid that the other party's stick is not clean. Come and help me clean it up after you're done."

  Lu Fei knew that the use of guns was a big deal in Japan, especially with heavy guns like Barrett.

   The black commercial vehicle drove out two streets, and Dewey slowed down and approached a similarly black commercial vehicle.

   When the two cars crossed, Vasily opened the car door, and Lu Fei threw the gun bag in his hand! The other side's sliding door opened simultaneously, and someone caught the gun bag in the car.

  Yehu's commercial vehicle immediately accelerated, and the two cars closed their doors, as if nothing had happened.

  Lu Fei returned to the car, took out a first aid kit from his backpack in the car, and sat next to Ada.

   "I have been treating you for a long time. Every time you are injured slightly, your luck has always been good."

   "That's because I have Raphael as a meat shield. I still have a good eye for a man, or I'll die at least three times." Ada calmed down and looked at Raphael's eyes so tenderly that the water could be squeezed out.

   "That's right, I don't care about my own woman."

   "Stop showing your affection. With me, you won't die even if you get shot. Take your hand away and bite this handkerchief."

   "I'm going to use alcohol to clean the wound. A woman like you who is afraid of pain can shatter the glass if you don't keep your mouth shut."

   Ada shrugged, graciously.

  Lu Fei patiently cleaned the wound on Ada's head under the light of Fanny's flashlight.

   Bell in the co-pilot suddenly said solemnly: "There are roadblocks ahead, the police are here to check passing vehicles."

   "Don't be afraid, we don't have firearms, even if a fight is caught, it won't be a big deal." Lu Fei laughed.

  The commercial vehicle drove slowly behind other vehicles.

   Two policemen stopped the commercial vehicle and came up.

   Next to them was a Yamaguchi-gumi member in a black suit, who should have reported the case.

  The police and Dewey said a few words, and found that the chicken was talking with the duck. Raphael got out of the car to do the translation, and the other brothers also got out of the car.

   Seeing these people, especially Ada with a Band-Aid on her head, her black suit shuddered, and she pulled the policeman's chirping notice.

   The young Dongying police became nervous, took out the walkie-talkie and shouted, and five or six policemen around came up.

  Raphael spoke to them calmly, and the police checked their passports, asked them to get in the car, and followed the police car to the police station. If it wasn't for the passport of a beautiful country, I would have been wearing handcuffs long ago.

   Ten minutes later, the 8 Wild Fox people sat in a large conference room at the police station.

   A sheriff who knew English began to question the Yehu brothers, and Yoneda of Yamaguchi-gumi sat opposite with two of his subordinates.

   "Did any of you shoot the Yoneda's house and wound someone?"

"Crack! You can eat rice indiscriminately, but you can't talk nonsense, or I will sue you for slander! Your policemen have already searched our car and our bags. Do you have any guns? Not to mention long guns, even pistols. ." Raphael slapped the table arrogantly and shouted.

   "But you did make trouble at the door of Yoneda's house. You got into a fight with the Yamaguchi-gumi, and then there was a shooting. How do you explain it?"

Raphael shrugged and said: "Although I can answer your questions after the lawyer arrives, but Akira doesn't do secret affairs, we did fight in front of the villa, and that's because Yamaguchi-gumi protected Kameda! We just Just asking for the money he owes us, he refused to show his face, and sent people from the Yamaguchi-gumi to beat us, which forced us to be self-defense.

   If you don't believe me, you call him here, we can confront him in court. "

   Officer Dongying was stunned on the spot, he had never heard of this. Co-author these foreigners beat people to ask for money. There seems to be nothing wrong with the creditor's money, but who is the shooter? Did someone else deal with Yamaguchi-gumi?

   The Toyo police officers who were confused about the situation went out, and after a while, Kameda was really summoned in.

   Kameda walked in with his bandaged arm trembling, and the wild fox brothers stood up angrily.

   "Sit down! This is the police station, what do you want to do?"

   "Officer, he owes us millions, and the company fired us. If he doesn't pay back the money, you make it up for him!" Raphael roared immediately without any stage fright.

   "No, Mr. Police, they are mercenaries! They are going to kill me and say I betrayed them in Libya."

   Dongying police officer heard that they were mercenaries, one head and two big: "You are war mercenaries? Dongying does not welcome you!"

   "Nonsense, we are employees of the PRIS company and the staff responsible for security."

   "You are obviously mercenaries who killed a lot of people in Libya."

   "You said it's useless, pay back the money!"

   "Yeah, if you don't pay back, you will lose your life!" Fanny immediately coaxed.

   Officer Dongying saw that the two sides were holding their own words and there was no evidence of shooting, and there was a reason for the fight. He was about to punish Yehu for some money when a lawyer in a neat suit came in.

The lawyer put down his bag, walked over to Lu Fei and Bell, and asked them a few questions.

   Then he stood up and babbled in Japanese, unable to catch a single word of the Dongying police officer who scolded him.

   Dongying police became irritable, waved his hand to let the lawyer lead the Yehu team away, turned around and told Kameda and Yamaguchi-gumi to get out too.

   Unexpectedly, Yoneda stood up and scolded Kameda, but before he could answer, he walked towards Lu Fei.

   Yoneda smiled and pulled Lu Lu and flew to the corner, whispering in broken English, "Mr. Panda, we have all been deceived by Kameda. We have investigated clearly in the past two days, and the oilfield contract he transferred to us cannot be executed at all!

   lied to us Yamaguchi-gumi again. Say you are war mercenaries who kill him and steal money.

  I think the conflict between us can end here, just a small request, please agree, Yamaguchi-gumi will no longer protect Kameda! "

   "Then why are you looking for me? Our captain is that handsome guy in his forties."

"You won the money from the casino, can you please give up the cheque to the United Nations Food Programme? Yamaguchi-gumi has now corrected his business and needs to support tens of thousands of people, and he really has no money to pay tens of millions of dollars. , you are also out of anger, and now the goal has been achieved."

   (end of this chapter)

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