Emergency Doctor Mercenary Road

Chapter 465: kill you while you are sick

   Chapter 465

  The commercial vehicle that the Wild Fox Squad took started slowly and drove away silently.

   Countless sirens sounded behind him, and a large number of police cars rushed to the scene of the fight, trying to stop the gang war. The two gangs were still spraying bullets at this time, and the line of fire went back and forth in the air, and it took a while to stop.

  The police did not dare to enter the battlefield, until a large number of gangsters ceased fire and withdrew, and the police began to clean up the mess, and took hundreds of injured people into police cars and sent them to ambulances.

   That night, the public housing area was chaotic, with chicken feathers everywhere.

   At this time, Lu Fei in the car was on the phone with Bourne, telling him his ideas and implementation steps, and he got his support.

  Byrne's idea is very simple, no matter how you do it, the drug trafficking activities of the gangs in Chicago should be reduced by at least an order of magnitude.

   After a while, Colin called again. The two discussed it for a long time and hung up.

When he got back to the hotel, Lu Fei cooked some instant noodles for everyone for supper, put the noodles on the table, and said casually, "I made an agreement with Inspector Ke Lin, tomorrow night, he will lead a team to raid the Giants Gang with hundreds of people. The team will make an all-out raid on the ten drug possession sites, taking advantage of their heavy losses and lack of manpower, they will definitely gain a lot."

  Bell scooped up the noodles angrily, looked up and said, "Then what are we going to do? Are we going to make a move?"

   "He invited us to sit at the scene. In case of fierce resistance or a place where the FBI is difficult to kill, please let us take action."

   "That's not bad, just let the FBI enter first, we are out of oil and water. We said that the cash in the loot will be ours, and the drugs will be given credit to them." Webster asked in surprise after taking a few bites.

   "You're a money fanatic. If you spend a lot of money chasing women, you're also worried about that money." Ada raised her eyebrows at him.

"Don't make a fuss, Ada, Webster is right, what you say is what you say. Colin has already told me that all the cash collected goes through him, and they give us half of what they collect. After all, the intelligence is We provide it." Lu Fei said.

   "That's good, by the way, the last address on Moya's notepad is not in the southern district, do you want to go and have a look?" Webster thought about it and asked.

"The white fox has carefully looked at the satellite image and can't see anything. This address is in the storage area, it should be a warehouse, but according to the white fox yesterday, I checked the surveillance on the road near it and found that there are almost no vehicles entering or leaving the warehouse gate. , occasionally there are several ordinary family cars, not trucks." Bell shook his head.

   "There is a problem with this. After dealing with the Giant Gang and the GK Gang, you should go and find out." Raphael said.

"Yes, I said last time that the two gangs were dealt with, and then I would find the "king" to start. Now it seems that this place should be the "king"'s drug storage warehouse. Of course, we have to go to the scene to reconnaissance to find out." Lu Fei said seriously. .

   The next afternoon, the wild fox brothers took the newspapers in the hotel lobby and gathered in the executive suite to watch with relish.

   "Chicago Gangs Rush, Blood on the Streets, Heavy Casualties!"

   "The FBI has seized a large amount of drugs and achieved remarkable results."

   "According to people familiar with the matter, the hospital admitted hundreds of seriously injured gang members, and more than half of them suffered serious head injuries with blunt instruments."

   "The police arrested more than a dozen suspects in the shooting and seized more than 20 unregistered firearms!"

   "Damn it, Jack did the head injury, right? This guy is still a doctor. He's doing his best to say hello to the vital parts like the head and the crotch, bah." Ada spat.

   "These guys are not good people. It's better to send them to the hospital than to be beaten to death in the future." Lu Fei shrugged.

   "That's right. It's not a pity for these gangsters who sell drugs to die. It's okay to kill a few." Bell nodded.

   "It's the FBI who took all the credit for us, shameless." Fanny pouted.

   "We are the FBI people, you forgot. We use people's money and people to eliminate disasters." Raphael laughed.

"Can't we still go out? There are so many delicious food in Chicago, and there is nothing special to eat in the hotel. I want to go out to eat delicious food, and then go buy some clothes for my Honey." A little upset.

"No way, just when such a big incident happened, people in the underworld want to know the truth of the matter. Our group of people are wandering outside, and we will soon be associated with people who have a heart. After they are settled, we can go to eat and shop. "Lu Fei shook his head.

   "Yes, I'm still eating in the hotel today, and I'm not allowed to go out." Bell ordered.


   At 9 o'clock in the evening, the wild fox team came to the FBI office where they arrived yesterday. Colin asked them to rest in the conference room, and smiled: "According to the informant, the "King" invited Ciel and GK to his villa tonight as a guest. He seems to want to mediate their dispute."

   "Why, what does the fight between these two factions have to do with him?" Vasili said bluntly.

"There is a problem with the channel delivery. The two groups of people are now out of their minds, and the addicts are afraid to buy goods. The "king" of the wholesaler can't stand it for a long time. Besides, he still has to charge some money. ” Colin explained.

"Inspector Colin, you chose to attack today, the timing is very clever. When they were getting together and ready to laugh at the end of their grudges, suddenly the magic weapon fell from the sky and swept away the inventory of the Giant Gang. This Ciel has no idea. I also have an association." Lu Fei laughed.

   "Tonight, I will try to break half of the Chicago gangsters' bones and muscles, confiscate their drugs, arrest their people, and if you are lucky, maybe you can get witnesses and material evidence, and prosecute GK and Shire and others."

   "Okay, we'll support you, let's go. You go first, and the Wild Fox Squad will stand up for you! If the attack doesn't go well, you can let us go." Bell patted Colin on the shoulder and smiled.

   Ten minutes later, a large number of black suits from the FBI swarmed out, a dozen commercial vehicles drove out, and there was even a bus with dozens of black suits on the road.

  Wild Fox's Mercedes-Benz commercial vehicle followed their car and drove towards the public housing community.

   After a while, the convoy entered the public housing community. More than a dozen commercial vehicles drove to their respective targets. The men in black suits on the bus also wore bulletproof vests, and they were divided into three teams and went to the three public housing estates.

   After a while, the public housing area was full of hustle and bustle, and even faint gunshots were heard.

  The wild fox brothers did not dare to slack off, and each got out of the car with guns.

   "Tsk tsk, big scene, it seems that tomorrow's front page is today's action. I hope Colin is lucky and can reap a lot. We still have to buy clothes for the women by capturing them." Dewey said with a smile.

   "Looks like Jack's idea is good. Listening to the gunfire, the resistance is obviously not fierce. The Giant Gang must have been hurt last night. There are not many people today." Raphael said expertly.

   "That is, who am I, a descendant of China who has inherited the strategy of 5,000 years of civilization. The so-called gentleman speaks and acts with a villain. Another meaning is that we only play with our brains."

   "You mean we are all villains, now you are miserable, I want to translate for everyone." Fanny laughed.

  Lu Fei knew he had made a blunder, and was about to make amends when a commercial vehicle rushed over at a rapid pace.

   "Jack, where is Jack, I'm so unlucky, I was shot, help me!" Colin clutched his stomach in pain and got out of the car with the help of two men, shouting from a distance.

"Let me see, you have a doctor on the car, don't rush over to find me, I'll check first, Bison, help me lay Colin on the concrete floor." Lu Fei said in a hurry, turning around in the gun bag in the car Pulled out the first aid kit.

Lu Fei was still examining Colin's abdomen, and Colin kept babbling: "My son is still young, it's only been less than a month since the divorce, my son will be miserable when I die, today is so **** lucky. Back, these gangsters dare to shoot me?

  Pass my order, prepare to attack the fortress, don't let one go, ah, it hurts, I won't die, Jack, I have read your report, it is said that you are the best in the FBI system of emergency technology. "

  Lu Fei flipped it over and scolded with a smile: "What's the matter, the FBI system is not a hospital system, you are swearing without swearing.

You are all right, the bullet pierced through the bulletproof vest, and the bullet was shattered and embedded in your subcutaneous and fat layer. You are lucky, you didn't even break a few capillaries. Do you want me to take it out for you now, or go Hospital doing it. "

   "Come on, you have saved many policemen and our people, I believe in you, come on, I'm not afraid of pain."

   "I don't believe you, come on, brothers, come on, hold down Colin's limbs, I'm going to cut him." Lu Fei waved his hand and let the wild fox brothers hold him down and inject him with a morphine.

   "How can you not believe me, I have served in the Navy before."

   "Oh, what exactly? Have you been injured?" Lu Fei washed his hands with alcohol gel, put on gloves, and then asked.

   "I am an artilleryman. Of course, my main job is to carry artillery shells. Does burns count?"

   "Oh, the burn from the barrel should be serious."

   "No, I got burnt while baking a cake."

   "Go away, brothers, hold on tight, he must be a giant of mouth cannons! He's about to take a knife."

  Lu Fei said that he disinfected his round belly with alcohol, holding a scalpel and gently slashing it down.

   "Ah, it hurts! What are you rummaging in my stomach, murder! Quack doctor, I want anesthesia!"

"It's been said that you are a weak chicken. Jack just opened your stomach by two centimeters, and you didn't do anything. You are too exaggerated. Back when Jack took bullets from my abdominal cavity in Afghanistan, I didn't shout like you did. shouted."

   "Oh, that's a mistake, I just shouted and asked him to count."

   "Stop beeping, I have taken out two small pieces, it doesn't hurt."

   "Yeah, it doesn't seem to hurt, hey, hey, no, it's starting to hurt now, this thing is lagging! Ah, help."

   "Nonsense, morphine has a certain effect, but it's just an emergency anesthetic."

   "Stop arguing, it's annoying, I'm prone to making mistakes. Polar bear, if he quarrels again, look for the rolling pin in my bag and knock him out."

   "Ah, I don't scream anymore, it really hurts, dare to shoot at me, I will never let you die of drug dealers!"

   Five minutes later, Lu Fei sutured three small wounds on Colin's stomach, a total of about ten stitches. When Lu Fei put gauze on his stomach, Ke Lin stopped screaming.

  The FBI's black suits looked at their superiors yelling, thinking how serious it was. Unexpectedly, ten minutes later, Inspector Colin actually got up and could walk.

  The people in black suits didn't know the inside story, and they all gave Lu Fei's medical skills thumbs up.

   When Colin grinned and drank half a bottle of water, he couldn't help his voice hoarse, and came over in a black suit with a gray face.

   "Inspector, the 6th floor of the building where you were injured still hasn't been conquered. The door of Room 615 is blocked and it can't be opened. Do you want to call in the SWAT team?"

   "You idiot, why should we give our own credit to the police, didn't you see a bunch of sturdy soldiers beside me! Bell, Jack, please help me and get them done for me.

   Anyone who resists will be shot to death. Whatever happens, I will carry it for you, and it will blow up! "

  Bell nodded, waved his hand and said, "It's our turn to go, Jack, look at Inspector Colin, we'll just go."

  Lu Fei said with a smile: "Don't look at him, let's go together. You can understand the inspector's injury as three toothpicks were inserted into the stomach and pulled out."

   The FBI black suits around him lowered their heads and smirked, while Colin looked embarrassed, feeling that his wise and powerful personality had collapsed.

   A few minutes later, the wild fox team entered the corridor on the 6th floor, and there were several corpses of gangsters lying in the corridor filled with gunpowder smoke. Bell looked ahead and waved his hands. Dewey and Lu Fei each walked forward with their explosion-proof shields, and the brothers followed behind them.

  The wild fox team quickly ambushed on both sides of the door of room 615. Bell pointed to Vasily, he nodded instantly, took out a plastic bomb from his bag, stuck it on the door lock, and inserted a detonator.

After    was installed, Vasily waved to the brothers, and everyone retreated a few meters. Vasily pressed the remote control.

   With a loud bang, the plastic bomb exploded.

The door of   615 was blasted in by the blast of air, and the various piles of debris behind the door were completely washed away. Only the sofa supported diagonally behind the door fell to the ground and did not fly far.

  Lu Fei held an explosion-proof shield in his left hand and turned right into the room at the first time.

   Wearing goggles, under the illumination of the headlight, he saw the single sofa on the ground and stopped in the aisle. He didn't stop, his right leg flew, kicked **** the armrest of the sofa, kicked the sofa out a few meters and slid into the room, and he rushed in.

   "Da da da", gunshots were heard everywhere, and more than a dozen rifle bullets hit Lu Fei's explosion-proof shield.

  Lu Fei didn't flinch, he immediately extended his P14 from the right side of the explosion-proof shield, listened to the sound of the wind, and shot at the source of the gunshot at full speed.


   "Ah, I was shot, run to the back room!" Someone yelled.

   As soon as the opponent's rifle stopped, two gun barrels suddenly stretched out from behind Lu Fei and swept across the room.

The gunshots of "da da da" kept ringing in the square inch, and Pippi's puffing sound and the faint moaning of people were faintly heard. At this time, Dewey also entered the room with an explosion-proof shield, and the sides behind him also stretched Take out two barrels and keep firing.

   "Cease fire! Cease fire! Even an elephant in the room was killed by you! Spread out, check!" Bell shouted.

   The wild fox brothers dispersed immediately, and Lu Fei put down his explosion-proof shield and joined the brothers. After a while, everyone responded that they found a lot of gangster bodies, and only two survived by hiding in the back room.

   Then everyone searched the room and found two big bags, still the same, one bag of drugs and one bag of money.

   "Brothers, call it a day, go back to supper, Inspector Colin please!" Bell said with a smile.

   (end of this chapter)

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