Emergency Doctor Mercenary Road

Chapter 329: The skull flag is flying

   Chapter 329 The skeleton battle flag is flying

  The two lifeboats quickly rowed to the side of the high cargo ship, and the first mate and a group of sailors who followed were dumbfounded.

   The first officer looked at Lu Fei helplessly, and spread his hands: "It seems that this is my first time as a pirate, and I am very inexperienced, and I have never fought a side battle. What should I do if I can't get on the cargo ship."

  Lu Fei stood up noncommittally, and took out a long rope from nowhere, with a three-claw iron hook at the head of the rope.

"Don't worry, I've been in the air all the time. I'm good at flying around. You wait for me to go up to control the Japanese on the deck or open up a landing site, and then everyone will go up the rope after a few people. The cargo ship's gangway is down."

   After explaining a few words, Lu Fei turned to face the Nautilus, waving his hands over his head, the gesture meant ceasefire. Immediately, the machine guns on the deck of the Nautilus stopped firing, and Lu Fei turned around and threw his flying claws above the cargo ship.

   "Ding, click", the flying claws grabbed the railing of the cargo ship, Lu Fei put Thomson back, and then used his hands and feet together, he quickly climbed up the rope like an ape.

   He arrived at the edge of the deck half a minute later, Lu Fei stretched out his head and glanced at the deck, and habitually shrank back immediately.

   At this time, the deck was in a mess, with dead bodies all over the floor, and many wounded crying for help. Not a single living person could be seen, so it should be either dead or hiding.

   Seeing that there was no immediate danger on the deck, Lu Fei rolled over and climbed over the railing, holding a gun in his hand and staying beside the railing. Then he probed down and waved for the sailors to pull the rope up.

  After two or three minutes, several capable and strong sailors came up, and they formed a semicircle.

   "Leave someone here to guard, and the others will go to the gangway with me, and put the gangway down." Lu Fei picked up Thomson as he spoke and ran towards the front gangway. After all, the sailors behind him were not soldiers of the army, and they hadn't reacted yet. After a few discussions, the sailors who followed Lu Fei's actions were several steps slower.

  Lu Fei quickly ran to the stairs of the next upper deck. Here, a Japanese crew member was holding a southern pistol and looked out on the deck. When he saw Lu Fei suddenly running over, he raised his hand and wanted to shoot.

"Ta-ta-ta", Lu Fei raised Thomson without hesitation, facing the enemy in front of him with a shuttle, and then with a few soft sounds, five or six bullets directly beat him into a **** gourd and planted him. up the stairs.

   After firing, Lu Fei did not stop, and ran to the entrance of the stairs with a few strides. Suddenly, he saw three or four Japanese crew members at the corner of the stairs, hesitating and bewildered.

   "Tack tah tah tah", the gunshots rang violently again and again, Lu Fei did not hesitate to use bullets, and half of the bullets from the magazine spewed out, smashing the Japanese crew below into a sieve.

  The moment he fired, the sailors behind him finally caught up. Everyone looked down at the corner of the stairs with the **** corpse, and then looked at Lu Fei, who had a calm face, and they all gasped.

   Now that the sailors have all accepted it, they felt that the major's discernment was like a torch, and they found a real ruthless man.

  Lu Fei beckoned and asked several sailors to stretch their heads over: "Don't watch the fun, brothers, come with me, hurry up and put down the gangway and pick up all the brothers on the lifeboat."

  Lu Fei then sent a sailor with a Springfield rifle to guard the entrance of the stairs, and he continued to lead the team to explore along the deck. After a while, the gangway of the cargo ship was found and the sailors were let down. A few minutes later, all the submarine robbery team boarded the ship.

"First mate, you sent people to inspect and occupy all parts of the deck, especially guarding the stairs that come up below. I will take two brothers to control the cockpit of the cargo ship, and I will come to pick you up later. Before I come, you should not go down. "

   "Okay Jack, you can tell at a glance that you are a veteran of a hundred battles. We all follow your command. You go to control the cockpit first, and I will lead the team to guard here."

  Lu Fei nodded to the first officer, and then he nodded to two familiar sailor brothers, and ran to the cockpit of the bow.

   After a while, Lu Fei led someone to the bow of the ship. He took the lead and moved forward cautiously against the bulkhead. After walking a dozen steps, he reached the cockpit door. He cautiously took out a mirror and stretched it out slightly into the door, looking into the cockpit.

  I didn't expect that the cockpit had already been hit by 152 cannonballs, and there were corpses and blood on the floor. The scene was extremely miserable.

"Two brothers, you guys stay in the cockpit. I'll go to the first officer's place. There are all dead people here. It's a bit miserable, and the smell doesn't smell good. But it's very important here. You guys stick with it." Lu Fei arranged the two After the person is on duty, turn around and go back.

   Soon Lu Fei joined the chief mate and five or six sailors, and he decided to lead a team to explore the cabin below the deck.

  The robbery team carefully covered each other, and gradually descended along the escalator to the second floor below the deck.

   The entire floor of this floor is a warehouse, which looks very spacious and empty at first glance. The warehouse is full of all kinds of square wooden boxes. Seeing that there is such a large space, Lu Fei thinks that there are still many places to search on the ship, and such a large ship has many corners and nooks, and random rushing can easily cause casualties. Then he and the first mate discussed a strategy for preferential treatment of prisoners.

   The two discussed a few words, and the first officer took out a loudspeaker from his waist and started shouting to all sides:

   "We are not murderous demons. You are all crew members, not soldiers, so you don't need to die. Come out and surrender now, all will be disarmed and not killed. The time limit is one minute. If we find out, it will not be so easy to talk about."

   The chief mate kept broadcasting shouting to all sides.

  Lu Fei motioned for the surrounding sailors to be vigilant. He himself found a crowbar on the side and quickly opened a box. He wanted to see what was in the cargo ship.

  There are a lot of sawdust in the box. When you open the sawdust and take a closer look, there are three copper ingots one meter long, 20 centimeters wide and 10 centimeters thick. He then pried open several boxes, which were all copper ingots.

  Lu Fei turned around and was about to greet the chief mate and the sailors to come and have a look, but saw several crew members trembling and walking out of the shadows in the distance. One of the crew captains was darker, raised his hands, and spoke aloud in English.

   "Don't shoot, we are crew hired by the Japanese, Thais, we surrender."

   "All raise your hands, come here, you send someone to find the rest of the crew, we won't kill the prisoners, let them come out and surrender." The first officer shouted while standing in the middle.

   The crew of five or six cargo ships came over boldly. After a few chats with the first mate, the leading Thai and the first mate immediately called someone to go to the lower cabin to call the other crew members who were hiding out.

Seeing that the crew members were under control, Lu Fei beckoned and called the first mate over: "First mate, I found that there are copper ingots in the box, and the others have not been checked. I guess this cargo ship should be transporting non-ferrous metals or the like. war supplies. Do you think we're going to bring these back?"

The chief mate pondered for a moment and said: "The Nautilus is actually very heavy, and we have several warehouses empty now. We can consider bringing some high-value non-ferrous metals back, as long as it does not affect our operations. If we can't take it, we will take it with us. The cargo ship sank together to the bottom of the sea. The big deal is to put these crew members on lifeboats and let them row to the coast of Japan by themselves or wait for Japanese ships to rescue them.”

Lu Fei nodded and smiled: "Listen to you, in this way, you will accept the surrendered crew here, and send someone to unpack and count the goods. I will take a sailor to look around and check if there are any hidden Japanese on board. Devil. I guess we killed some Japanese soldiers who were escorting them, and if there is a fish that slips through the net, it is also a hidden danger."

   After the two negotiated properly, Lu Fei called the obedient Thai man and let him lead him around on the boat, but no Japanese soldiers were found. He then returned to the deck, climbed onto the railing of the cargo ship, and hung up the skull and crossbones flag.

   For a time, the skull flag fluttered in the wind, which was really domineering.

   Major Brockman, who was pacing back and forth on the deck, was anxious and waited, and when he saw the skull flag hanging up, he laughed happily.

"Chief engineer, bring the submarine to me, and hook the cargo ship with the cable. I will also go up and see what's on the cargo ship. The first time you rob the captain, the captain will always be on the scene, wow, haha. Radar soldier, please keep an eye on the sea for me. , if there is any trouble, notify me in time." The major shouted under the hatch cover of the submarine.

   After a while, the submarine approached the cargo ship. The major jumped up the gangway, jumped a few steps onto the cargo ship, and guided the sailors on duty on the deck to the large warehouse on the next floor.

   At this time, in the warehouse on the next floor, the sailors on the two boats were sitting beside a dozen cargo ship crew members with dark faces, while the first officer and Jack were discussing something softly beside a small door.

   "First mate, Jack, you did a great job, what are you discussing?"

"Major, you're here too. Some sailors found this iron door very strange. The iron door has only a handle but no lock, so it can't be opened. The crew on the cargo ship also said that they had never entered, and they didn't know if anyone was inside. This It seems that the place has always been managed by the ghost soldiers. We are discussing whether to force entry or leave it alone." The first officer introduced.

   "Don't, open it! Use a crowbar, or it will blow up. Anyway, we have to sink the cargo ship in the end. There may be valuables in the door. Do you know where this ship came from?" The major asked.

"I asked a Thai crewman. This cargo ship sailed from Thailand and stopped in Indonesia. So there is a lot of rice ballast in the bottom warehouse, and most of this layer is copper ingots shipped from Indonesia." Lu Fei replied road.

   "Okay! Even bringing these spoils back will not help. Jack, you often participate in battles and have more experience. Find a way to open this door." The major nodded.

"I have a shotgun in my gun bag, and there are special ammunition for opening the door. I'll go get it, you wait." After Lu Fei said, he strode out of the warehouse, returned to the deck, and walked along the gangway to the lifeboat. There he unzipped his gun bag on the boat, "pulled out" the shotgun and a box of ammo, and ran back.

   A few minutes later, Lu Fei stood in front of the iron gate and raised Remington to face the seam of the iron gate. Next to the major was Thomson, who was flying, and the first officer was nervously facing the door with his Springfield rifle.

"I'm going to shoot, you pay attention, when I finish shooting and come back, you will be on high alert. If anyone comes out of it and knocks me down, don't let me take the gun." Lu Fei couldn't believe these two. The combat literacy of a guy who has been at sea all year round.

   "Understood, long-winded, hurry up." The major waved his gun impatiently.

  Lu Fei approached the iron door about a meter, raised his gun to the handle of the iron door, and shot out two shots.

   "Boom, Boom" A few centimeters beside the iron door handle, a large hole was punched open in response. Before Lu Fei could react, gunshots were heard from the door, and bullets shot out of the broken hole.

  Fortunately, he shot diagonally, and when he noticed something was wrong, he immediately ducked to the left side of the door. Lu Fei waved his hand to let the major and first officer get out of the way, then he inserted the barrel of the gun into the hole, and fired three shots in a row while moving the barrel up and down.

   After the three shots of "Boom Boom", the screams of people came from the iron gate. Lu Fei threw Remington to the first officer, pulled out the P14, kicked the iron door open and rushed in.

   "呯呯呯", Lu Fei rushed in and fired indiscriminately no matter what. Two guns are in hand, one shoots and sweeps at the chest position, and the other shoots and sweeps at the leg position. At this time, the two Japanese soldiers who had been shot and lying on the ground were immediately shot by him.

   "Puff puff", the sound of the two Japanese soldiers being hit by bullets could be heard incessantly, and the major outside the door also rushed in, picking up Thomson and swiping at the Japanese soldiers on the floor of the room.

   "Stop, don't shoot, you're about to become rotten." After a few seconds, Lu Fei couldn't stand it any longer and shouted loudly.

"I'm sorry, I'm so excited! This gun is so cool to shoot, the sound is so good, and the power is so powerful." The major looked excited, holding Thomson with one hand, as if I was the most attractive man in the gang. look.

   "Yeah, you chug, I lost half of my drum cartridges, and the bullets don't cost money." Lu Fei complained helplessly.

   While the two were talking, the first officer also walked in, and the three of them began to focus on the situation around the room.

   The room is not big, only six or seven square meters at first glance, there are a dozen small wooden boxes on the right wall, and the others are piled with sundries and daily necessities.

   "There must be something valuable in this box, Chief Officer, go and open it. Jack, close the door first."

   The first mate went outside the door to find a crowbar and walked back immediately. Lu Fei closed the door and stood behind it.

  The first mate quickly pried open the first box, he lifted the wooden board above, his eyes flickered, and he was almost blinded by the golden light in the box.

"I'm going, it's all gold! It's gold bricks! Now it's developed! The first officer continues, pry it open to see, and then nail it up later. Just make sure that all the boxes are filled with gold bricks." Major He rubbed his hands happily.

  Lu Fei stood at the door to take care of the wind, and couldn't help but look inside the box a few more times. I thought that the Nautilus was out of luck, and the first cargo ship that was robbed was a big harvest.

   At this time, the first officer was full of energy, and soon all the boxes were pried open. Most of the boxes are filled with gold bricks, and only one box has three golden Buddhas with Southeast Asian characteristics, as well as many beautiful gold necklaces and some jade wares.

"It's all nailed. As long as these gold bricks are moved to the Nautilus and sent back to China, the brothers will send them. Not to mention the value of other things on board, just talk about the gold, how do you think it is better to distribute it?" The major raised his eyebrows. road.

   "You are the captain, you have the final say." The first mate said honestly.

   "Yes, we're all your subordinates. Besides, I'm still a guest player, so it's not convenient for me to come up with ideas." Lu Fei shrugged.

"So, let me make a preliminary plan first. I will take one box, Jack will take one box, the chief mate and chief engineer will share one box, and the other brothers will share the rest equally. It is estimated that each person can share one-third of the box, you said. how?"

   "Why can I divide a box, I'm sorry." Lu Fei wondered.

   "You have contributed the most. Without you, we would have been in a bad situation a few times. You are here to help. Needless to say, you only have one box."

   "I don't mind, it's fair, and I'll bring Blatt with me when the split is at most." The first mate suggested.

"No problem, let's say that first. After re-stashing the box, the three of us will move it by ourselves. Don't leak it out, and make it public when it's on the boat. If it is heard by the crew on the cargo ship, you will have to kill people and kill them. Surrendering Thais are always not good."

"Okay, since the major is so polite, I won't say anything more. I want that box containing the golden Buddha, okay? I like art, and it would be a pity to sell that box as pure gold. I'll take it home and collect it. In addition, I saw a small crane on the deck, which should be able to lift these things onto the submarine. We will transport dozens of boxes of copper ingots and rice back to the submarine, which will confuse the public, otherwise only these small boxes will be taken by the cargo ship. crew doubts."

"No problem, Jack, whichever box you want. All other suggestions are good, just do it. First mate, Jack, watch when you lift things to the submarine. Hurry up, in case a Japanese warship passes by, we will But the gold is lost. By the way, before we move things to the Nautilus, we will get all the Thai crew away."

   The three of them immediately split up and acted. The first mate took some sailors to **** the crew of the cargo ship to the deck, and then organized the sailors to put two large lifeboats into the sea. Then asked the Thai crew to get on the lifeboat and throw them some fresh water and food, and let them drive away immediately.

  The Thai crew cried and cried for a while, but they also knew that these "pirates" had kept their promises without killing them. Then more than a dozen cargo ship crew members obediently boarded the ship and paddled away to the northeast.

  The first officer went to work with the crew, while Lu Fei went to find a cart. The major and Lu Fei struggled to move the boxes out and put them on the carts. After the first officer came back, he called the sailors, and then went to get two carts, so that the sailors started to carry copper ingots and rice in the bottom bin. And many buckets filled with fresh water. And send someone to drive the crane.

   After ten minutes, everyone transported these things to the deck. A wooden board was placed between the two boats, and the precious metals and rice were slid across the gap between the two boats. Of course, the rice was slipped first, and then the rice pads were used on the submarine as a buffer, and a handful of gold boxes and copper ingot boxes were received, and finally the buckets were rolled down.

   It was not until after three o'clock in the afternoon that the sailors finally moved the gold box, dozens of copper ingot boxes, and a dozen bags of rice into the Nautilus's warehouse. The major and first mate then instructed the sailors to separate the two ships, remove the planks, cables, etc. one by one, and then took back the skull flag.

   After everything was done, the Nautilus began to leave the cargo ship. And prepare to sink it, both to destroy the corpse and to complete the task of breaking the hand.

   (end of this chapter)

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