Miss Junsha walked around Mu Qing, striding her long black legs, and went straight to the lounge.

Mu Qing was sweating on his forehead and was about to stop her.

At this time, a Katie rushed in from outside and roared loudly.

""Woof woof~"

Junsa Katie turned around and looked at her dog.

She frowned and said anxiously

"It's too late, Mr. Mu Qing, please come with me, Jilidan."

Mu Qing breathed a sigh of relief.

"OK, Jigglypuff, let's go."

"Jili~ Jili~"

Jili Dan jumped up and down, ran to the counter, picked up a medical kit and hung it on himself.

The two walked out of the Pokémon Center.

Miss Junsha raised her long black silk legs high and sat astride the white police motorcycle.

"Mr. Mu Qing, please sit behind me."

This police car has two seats specially prepared for Pokémon, hanging on both sides of the rear of the car.

Therefore, Mu Qing had to stick close to Junsha's back to barely sit down.

Caty Dog and Jigglypuff sat steadily in the two seats at the back.

Miss Junsha felt the warmth coming from behind, and her heart beat uncontrollably.

Her face flushed slightly, she glanced at Mu Qing, and said softly

"Hold on tight."

Hold on tight?

Where to hold on?

Mu Qing had no idea where to put his hands, how to hold on tight.


In the roar of the engine, the police car whizzed away without giving him any extra time to think. A strong gust of wind blew in his face, and Miss Junsha's hair brushed across his face, and the fragrance filled his nose.

Suddenly accelerating, Mu Qing subconsciously grabbed what he could hold on to.

Miss Junsha trembled, and her face instantly flushed.

"Don't grab randomly, grab below."

The wind was too loud, and Mu Qing couldn't hear clearly.

But he also knew that he was a bit impolite.

So he moved his hands down.

Miss Junsha gritted her teeth and wanted to stop the car immediately and throw him down.

But considering the emergency situation, there was not much time to waste.

She gritted her teeth and endured it.

After a while, the motorcycle drove to a large ranch on the edge of Pallet Town.

Mu Qing saw from afar.

The fence of the ranch was destroyed horribly by something.

Dust was everywhere in the distance.

A group of Kentaro were running wildly outside the ranch and rushing towards the forest farther away.

A middle-aged man dressed as a herdsman was directing Butterfree to release hypnotic powder to try to stop the group of Kentaro.

Miss Junsha rode a motorcycle at a speed of 80 miles per hour.

After a while, she came to the front of the group of Kentaro.

"Mr. Mu Qing, you also saw that this group of Kentaro suddenly lost control for some reason. If they rush into the forest, the wild Pokémon there will be in trouble."

Miss Junsha got out of the car quickly, not caring about Mu Qing's rude behavior just now, and spoke anxiously.

Then, she took out a Poké Ball

"Come out, Butterfree, use the Death Powder on Kentaro"

"Jigglypuff, you come on too, use hypnosis.

Jigglypuff jumped off the car, clasped his hands together,


A large amount of hypnotic powder floated forward under the flapping wings of Butterfree.

Between the hands of Gilgamesh, layers of white light waves were emitted.

Many crazy Kentaro fell to the ground, either by inhaling hypnotic powder or being affected by hypnosis.

But there were still a large number of Kentaro who stayed awake and rushed over.

After all, they were facing hundreds of Kentaro, and three or two Pokémon were obviously not enough.

Mu Qing looked very solemn.

Why didn't you say it earlier? I would have brought Jigglypuff over directly, and a song could have knocked them all down.

It's useless to think about these things now. Mu Qing also took out a Poké Ball and threw it out.

"Enchanting Flower, use Hypnotic Powder"

""Woo woo~"

Charm Flower shook the petals on its head, and large flakes of pollen floated out.

It was the first time Miss Junsha saw this kind of Pokémon, and she couldn't help but look at it a few more times.

"Is this the enchanting flower that Irene rescued from the Ono Forest?"

Mu Qing nodded.

"That's right, but these few Pokémon alone can't stop all the Kentaro.

I heard that the Kentaro tribe has a leader, and as long as the leader is appeased, the others will obey."

Miss Junsha frowned and swept her eyes across the Kentaro group.

"Yes, I'm looking for the leader, but it's too dusty to see clearly."

"What are the characteristics of a leader?"

"Generally speaking, the leader has the largest body and horns, and the three bumps on the forehead are dark brown."

After listening, Mu Qing took out another Poké Ball.



Junsha was surprised when he saw Mu Qing's giant hornet.

It was so big!

It was the first time he saw such a big hornet, which was the size of an adult.

Mu Qing jumped up, grabbed the stinger on the tail of the giant hornet, and ordered

"Take me to the top of the Kentaro.

The giant bee quickly flapped its wings and flew towards the Kentaro group with Mu Qing without any effort.

Miss Junsha's face changed.

"Wait, are you crazy? If you accidentally fall into the Kentaro group, you will be trampled to death."

Mu Qing waved his hand and said loudly

"Officer Katie, rest assured, I will help you stop these Kentaros."

Miss Junsha clenched her fists, her delicate face puffed up, and she stomped her feet hard.

What a joke.

Isn't this playing with your own life?


More than a hundred meters away, dust filled the sky.

A large number of Kentaro stomped on the ground, making a rumbling sound, like an earthquake.

This scene was even more spectacular than the scene of the migration of African buffalo in the animal world he watched in his previous life.

Because these Kentaro were too huge.

Each one was equivalent to a car. If it hit a person, it would probably cost half of his life if he didn't die.

The Pokémon world is really not as beautiful as in the cartoons.

There are dangers everywhere.

Mu Qing wiped the sweat from his forehead and ordered the Beedrill to quickly come to the top of the Kentaro group.

"Beedrill, help me search for the leader of Kentaro"


The Beedrill had good eyesight, and even in the dust, it could see every Kentaro below.

Mu Qing was also scanning and searching.

Not long after, he saw a Kentaro with an extremely majestic body, curved horns, and exaggerated size.

"Beedrill, I found it, take me there."

From the outside, it was hard to find the Kentaro leader because of the heavy dust.

But when you look at it from a closer distance, the size of the Kentaro leader is very obvious, like a crane standing out among chickens.

The Beedrill buzzed over.

Mu Qing looked closely.

Sure enough, the Super Kentaro had three dark brown bumps on its forehead.

It was the leader, no doubt about it. After finding it, Mu Qing took a deep breath and decisively let go of his hand. With one leap, he landed steadily on the back of the Kentaro leader.

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