Chapter 98 Verse 98!

“yes! Not only grow yourself, but also influence the people around you. ”

Dr. Ohki also sighed, looking at his grandson, he could be sure that if it weren’t for Ash, replaced by someone else, Xiao Mao would definitely not be troublesome.

“Too! I’ll help too. ”

Hanako also smiled, and then stepped forward to help.

PS: The paragraph about who I was in this episode that year was really engaged.

Chapter 192: Covenant War

After about an hour, it was almost cleaned up, and the broken parts were repaired with small fist stones and the wooden planks they found, which looked almost like new, because this small shop was already relatively dilapidated.

After cleaning up, it looked new, and the police also came during the period, and Dr. Ohki went to explain the situation to the police, saving a lot of trouble.

“Okay, the next step is to find a way to make the store’s business better!”

After packing up, the next step is to reopen and let the shop open and make money to pay off Grandpa Liu’s debt.

“We are trainers, of course! Bibi Bird, Pikachu, Jeni Turtle, you are responsible for going out and handing out flyers. ”

“The stove in the store is broken, little fire dragon, you come to help with life!”

“Eevee and the young toothed dragon are responsible for attracting guests!! Xiaoxia, Xiao Gang please be in charge of being a waiter! ”

Ash watched as everyone assigned a task.

“No problem!”

Xiaoxia and Xiaogang also let their Pokémon come out to help, and after the division of labor was clear, the Pokémon began to act.

“Come and help too!”

Xiao Mao also said to the girls beside him.

Soon the shop began to be lively, with Pokémon and the girls around Xiao Mao attracting customers, plus Ash and others had just defeated the mechanical tyrannosaurus, so it attracted many customers.

The small shop that was originally depressed became a hot business in an instant, the small shop could not sit down, and there were many more places outside, becoming crowded, and as the Rockets thought, most of the people who came to travel here were not short of money.

In this kind of business boom, the income is very considerable, on the other hand, Granny Jin’s luxurious restaurant is not cared for by many people.

People are emotional animals, in addition to the gimmicks created by Ash, there is also that Ash and others helped Grandpa Liu to move many people.

On the contrary, Mother-in-law Jin’s use of despicable means to achieve the goal is disgusting, so even if her restaurant is good, people subconsciously feel a sense of rejection in their hearts.

“Damn it, mother-in-law!”

Seeing that the business of the small shop opposite was so hot, Mother-in-law Jin gritted her teeth and watched, but she was helpless.

And the business here, because there is no Rocket Team to make trouble, so it is not affected at all, and Ash has been paying attention to the situation around him, so as not to let others come and cause destruction.

It was operated until the night, the business of the whole small shop did not stop, and Grandpa Liu also made a lot of money, until late at night, the business was less, but there were still many customers in the store.

But finally there is time to rest, Ash sits on the beach outside the store and looks at the sea in front of him, although it is night, but because it is a resort city, even in the wild, the beach here is still very bright.

“So you’ve been doing these things all the way?” No wonder you’re so slow! ”

There was a sudden voice behind him, and Xiao Mao came over, holding two bottles of drinks in his hand, and also sat down and handed one bottle to Ash.

“No matter how fast you are, it is impossible for you to drive fast!”

Ash was also not polite, took the drink and spoke.


Xiao Mao sat on the side and did not speak.

“When I travel, I encounter a lot of interesting things like this, can you come across while driving?”

Ash took a sip of the drink that Shigeru handed over and asked.

“I don’t need to, I just need to become a top trainer quickly.”

Xiao Mao shook his head after hearing this, as if he wanted to clear the distractions from his mind.

“Why? Because your grandfather was Dr. Ohki? ”


Hearing Ash ask, Xiao Mao didn’t say much, but there was no doubt that Ash said what he was thinking.

Because grandpa is Dr. Pokémon Dr. Ohki, as his grandson, he must be the best no matter what he does, and he is often said to be Dr. Ohki’s grandson, to put it bluntly, he actually has a rebellious mentality, and does not want to be in the eyes of others, just Dr. Ohki’s grandson.

“There are no points for victory or defeat today!”

Xiao Mao did not continue the topic, but stiffly changed the topic.

“So you’re not going to say, now you’re going to compete again, are you?”

Ash glanced at it, it was late at night, although there was no rule that you could not swim at night, but the waves became much rougher at night.

Don’t say if he wants to or not, even if he does, he will definitely have to nag him again when his mother knows it, he is not afraid of anything, he is afraid of the old mother’s verbosity.

“I mean, Pokémon Duel, you should have taken enough 6 Pokémon, right?”

Xiao Mao glanced at Ash out of the corner of his eye.

“You mean all-team matches?”

Ash also glanced at Xiao Mao out of the corner of his eye.

“That’s right, the all-team competition is a way to test the true strength of a trainer!”

Xiao Mao also responded at the same time, the two seemed to have a tacit understanding, and fighting spirit appeared in their eyes at the same time.

“Yes, when?”

“How about 9 a.m. the day after tomorrow when you get ready?”

Xiao Mao saw that Ash agreed, and also spoke.


Ash listened and nodded in response, and the two picked up the drink in their hands at the same time and touched it.

Not far behind, Dr. Ohki kept watching this scene, heard the conversation between the two, and was a little looking forward to it.

Others didn’t know about Xiao Zhi’s agreement with Xiao Mao, and helped to fight the ocean in the store, but in just half a day, Grandpa Liu earned back the money in Granny Jin, and not only that, but also a lot more expenses.

In other words, even the cost of his desire to travel the world on a yacht has been earned, and he can use this money as a travel fee, and he is deeply grateful to Ash and others for their help.

Everyone didn’t say much, just as if they were helping an old man fulfill his lifelong dream, after saying goodbye to Grandpa Liu, the group left the beach and returned to the Pokémon Center, and then Ash also told Xiaoxia, Xiaogang and Hanako about the situation.

“All-hands match?”

After hearing Xiao Zhi’s words, Xiao Gang and Xiao Xia were surprised.

“yes! We made an appointment, nine o’clock the morning after tomorrow! ”

Looking at the surprised two, Ash responded calmly.

Xiao Mao traveled, because it was inconvenient to drive Tokiwa Forest and Tsukimi Mountain, so he took a detour, bypassed Nibi City and arrived directly at Hualan City, easily defeating the three Hualan sisters, so Xiao Gang and Xiao Xia have never seen his strength.

But as Dr. Ohki’s grandson, his strength is definitely not simple, and he is a little worried.

“Really? Great, good I have a camera for this trip! You can capture Pikachu fighting them! ”

Hanako seemed excited.

For him, it doesn’t matter if Ash wins or loses, she believes that her child will not be defeated no matter how many setbacks.

Chapter 193: The future goes in different directions

Xiao Xia and Xiao Gang are both trainers from the dojo, so they naturally know what the so-called all-staff competition means.

The so-called all-player competition is the most formal competition rule stipulated by the Pokémon League, which is different from the general roadside battle and the Dojo Challenge.

It is a rule that only the Pokémon League Conference, the top trainer who has reached the top 16, will use.

As we all know, a trainer can only carry 6 Pokémon on him, and the rule of the all-player match is that both trainers use 6 Pokémon to fight.

Not only is the number of Pokémon prolonged, but it is important for all aspects of the trainer’s formation, and the trainer on both sides can also recover the Pokémon under unfavorable circumstances during the battle.

In the Dojo Challenge, the challenger can also change Pokémon, which is also to test the challenger’s on-the-spot resilience to cope with the tougher Alliance Conference.

However, Ash and Xiao Mao are just trainers who have just started traveling, and it feels too early to have an all-team challenge now.

“What a suddenness!”

Listening to Ash’s words, I felt a little surprised.

“Actually, it’s nothing! Anyway, sooner or later there will be a contest. ”

Xiao Zhi didn’t care too much about 463, and he and Xiao Mao would have to compete sooner or later, and it was no surprise.

“None of you have played an all-team match, have you?”

Xiao Gang asked curiously.

“I’ve known a little, but it’s really the first time I’ve played an all-team match.”

Ash did not deny and nodded, although it was the first time, but he was not worried, after all, he was a crosser, and he had seen more of the all-team confrontation match.

Ash didn’t tell them much, since they had already made an appointment, this match would definitely be played.

Everyone had a busy day, and after talking, everyone went back to their rooms to rest, because after a busy day, they fell asleep soon after returning to the room.

Early the next morning, Ash kept the habit of getting up early, and because he had to compete with Xiao Mao, Ash also paid attention to it, getting up early and jogging on the beach with Pokémon as usual.

Not long after, Xiaoxia and Xiaogang also came, and then Grandpa Liu also came to say goodbye to everyone, paid off debts, and now earned travel expenses.

He can now fulfill his dream of traveling around the world, and he is also very grateful to Ash and others for their help, so before leaving, he found Ash and others and thanked everyone.

Then he left on a yacht, and he can be so dashing at such an age, which is honestly quite enviable.

After seeing off Grandpa Liu, Ash took Xiao Gang and Xiao Xia to accompany Hanako to stroll around Lampruch and buy some souvenirs, although tomorrow is a competition, but Ash did not focus on training, but let the Pokémon recharge.

Pokémon battles, cultivation is actually very important, many times, when it comes to the alliance conference, because the number of Pokémon to use is relatively large.

Sometimes if you focus on one battle and consume too much, if there are no other replacement Pokémon in the next match, you may be overwhelmed by the consumption of the previous match.

After a day of shopping outside, when she returned to the Pokémon Center, Hanako also intimately told Ash to rest early as if she were at home.

Ash didn’t say much, went straight back to the room, lay on the bed and looked at the ceiling, Pikachu jumped to Ash’s pillow and lay down.


“Pikachu, are you nervous?”

Ash listened to Pikachu’s voice, turned to lie sideways, looked at Pikachu and asked.


Pikachu listened to Ash’s words, first paused slightly, and then decisively shook his head, and Ash smiled when he saw this.

“Is it? Then tomorrow is up to you. ”


Pikachu responded, and then the room fell into calm, and Xiao Mao was actually in the same mood at this time, and both sides were waiting for the dawn.

The next morning.


Early morning gasps run on the beach where the sun has just risen, and the sun leaps over the horizon to illuminate the figures on the beach.

Today is different from yesterday, Ash didn’t bring the Pokémon with him, even Pikachu didn’t follow, but Ash was alone.

Left a long footprint on the beach, was focusing on the front, but saw that the opposite side was also a figure running from the other side, when he saw the other party, his hands were slightly stunned, but soon a smile appeared on his face.

The opposite side is Xiao Mao, who is going to face off today, and Xiao Mao also rarely raised his motivation, and the two ran to each other without saying a word.

“Ash, you should be ready! Don’t let me down. ”

Transit group 1001671055.

“Wait and see!”

The two staggered over, as if they had just met by chance, but they both spoke in unison.

Instant communication, the two missed each other, each ran in a different direction, the future fate seems to be like this scene on the sea level, the two meet here, but in the end will go in different directions.

“Okay Ash, your Pokémon are fine!”

After the morning jogging, he went back to his room to take a shower, and after meeting with Xiaoxia and eating breakfast, Ash came to the front desk.

Before the match, give the Pokémon to Miss Joy to determine their current condition, they have been recuperating since yesterday, so they dealt with it quickly.

“Thank you!”

Ash thanked him, then put the Poké Ball away, and Pikachu himself jumped onto Ash’s shoulder.

Xiao Mao has already gone to the competition venue, and the rich have rented a private competition venue, although Lampoulucci is a leisure city.

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