Chapter 3 Verse 3!

“Everyone, leave this to the uncles, you follow Dr. Ohki to the camp first.”

The staff shouted at the children with poké balls.

Two staff members escorted the children and Dr. Ohki ran from under the road ahead, and the flaming sparrow in the air immediately swooped down when he saw this.

Bang bang!!!!

Two flames struck from behind, forcing the sparrow to scatter and dodge, and in front of the two staff members behind stood a canine-shaped Pokémon with an orange body, a snout, a milky yellow abdomen, black longitudinal stripes on the body, and a thick mane on the head and neck.

Katy dog, a good partner of humans and trainers, is not only cultivated by ordinary people, but also vigorously cultivated by the police of this world.

As a precaution, the staff still carry Pokémon, which are cultivated in the Dr. Ohki Research Institute.

“Now, everyone must follow me!”

Dr. Ohki looked at the road in front of him and shouted at the children at the same time.

He took the lead in front, signaling the children to follow, and two staff members covering on both sides, but some of the children couldn’t help but cry and fled in a hurry.

Ash followed behind, looking at the fierce finches around him, and couldn’t help but complain in his heart, sure enough, wherever the protagonist goes, something has to happen.

I don’t know how many times Ash provoked such things as sparrows, big needle bees and the like in anime.

But now he can’t do anything, after all, he is not a trainer, in fact, in Ash’s opinion, a trainer does not necessarily have to be 10 years old, but 10 years old is qualified, followed

Human courtesy is about the same.

But like Ash’s current situation, an adult’s soul can completely fight if he has a Pokémon, but now he doesn’t have a Pokémon yet, so he can only run along.

After the flaming finches opened the passage by the attack of the Katy dog, they did not give up.

They themselves are a kind of intruding into their territory, and unless they are defeated, they will pursue them on a large scale.

Some of the flaming finches immediately turned around and chased after the fleeing crowd, while others surrounded the staff who attacked them and did not let them support.

The Sparrow is a social creature that is very good at team combat, and can even be said to be a tactic.

“The situation is not good, hurry up and solve it here!”

The staff quickly spoke when they saw this scene, if something happened to the children, things would be troublesome.


On the other side, Ash fled with Dr. Ohki and the children, but found that the Flaming Sparrow behind him was chasing after him, how could the speed of people run faster than the Flaming Sparrow? ignorance

Unconsciously, the sparrow chased after him and hovered above everyone’s heads.


The sparrow immediately launched an attack, many children covered their heads and cried, and the two staff members also released Katy dogs and began to attack.

“Children come to us!”

As soon as they heard the sound, the children immediately gathered around the two staff members and Dr. Ohki, and directly surrounded the three, so that Dr. Ohki and the two staff members could not move.

I can only change to protect the children with my hands while giving a big attack command to the catty dog, and then take advantage of the Katy dog’s attack at the same time, open up a space, and take the children to continue to retreat.

After tossing a lot and entering a dense forest, the flaming finches finally did not chase after them, because although the flaming finches breathed in the jungle, flying in the dense forest was not good for them.

Coupled with the threat of Katy dogs, they did not rush to chase again, and finally escaped, Dr. Ohki quickly signaled and took the children to the camping site.

Twenty minutes later

Finally taking the children to the camping site, Dr. Ohki and the others were relieved, and the children were exhausted, although some were crying.

However, the children of this world are indeed more adaptable to such a situation than the children of the world where Ash was in his previous life, and under the comfort of the staff, the mood gradually calms down.


At this time, on the other side of the forest, several figures ran over, it was the staff who were responsible for intercepting most of the flaming finches before, they all looked a little embarrassed, but the situation was fine.

“Everyone is okay, are you all right?”

“Are we okay, how are the children?”

The staff were worried about the inquiry, after all, they were negligent, and they were not careful enough when investigating before.

The Sparrow itself is a territorial, overbearing Pokémon that do not have a fixed domain and also like to compete for someone else’s domain.

They think that the territory of other Pokémon is better, and they will immediately forcibly compete for it, and when the resources of that place are consumed, they will immediately look for other territories, so it is a migration lifestyle, which should have been thought of a long time ago.

“Everyone is fine, don’t worry!”

“Grandpa!!! Small. oo Ash is gone!! ”

At this time, an exclamation sounded.

It is natural to call Dr. Ohki’s grandfather here Xiao Mao, and Xiao Mao is not scared and crying like other children, and after coming back to his senses, he looks at the children around him crying, instinctively wanting to see if Ash is crying to hurt him.

But after looking carefully, he found that Ash was not in the team at all, and suddenly shouted worriedly.

Therefore, what really hurts you is what really cares about you, and although he often makes fun of and argues, when Ash is really away, he is more worried than anyone else.

“What?? Let’s see if any other children are away. ”

Dr. Ohki was shocked when he heard this, and quickly shouted to the staff.

Dr. Ohki was still calm, not flustered because Ash was away, the first thing to determine was whether there were any other children lost besides Ash, and when they were attacked by Spirit, the situation was too chaotic, so there was no way to be sure.


After hearing the sound, the staff began to roll call to confirm whether anyone was still lost, and soon the faces of the staff changed.

Chapter VI Serena.

“Dr. 26,27,28ooo is one less besides Ash!”

After counting the number of people, it soon became clear that something was wrong, not only Ash, but also one less person besides Ash.


Dr. Ohki couldn’t help frowning after hearing this, it is very troublesome to lose one person, not to mention two people, it is not so easy for their manpower here to spread out and find two people.

And it’s bad if you encounter attacks from Flaming Sparrows, or other ferocious Pokémon repeatedly.

“Ahhh!! It’s Serena! Serena was gone. ”

At this time, a girl spoke.

These children are from various places, not all of them know each other, but although many of them meet for the first time, they have also interacted with each other, at least knowing each other’s names.

It’s just not like the relationship between Xiao Mao and Xiao Zhi, you can find it when it disappears, plus it is a girl, it is more easily frightened, and now when it is mentioned, it reacts.

“Serena, I remember, it seems to be a girl from the Carlos region! Doctor, now what? ”

After hearing the name, the staff remembered it too.

“So be it! I’m here watching the children, you leave the two to help take care of them, the others go to look for each other, I’ll contact Miss Junsha and ask them to come and help!” ”

Dr. Ohki didn’t expect such a thing to happen on the first day, but now there is no way, it is important to find someone.


Listening to Dr. Ohki’s orders, the staff did not refute it, and now it is indeed the best way to call the police.

“Grandpa! I’ll help too! ”

Seeing this, Xiao Mao also spoke at the same time.

“No, I know you’re worried about Ash, there may still be danger in the forest, if you go, there will be danger, you are here with everyone, I will find a way to get Ash and them back.”

The two children were watched by Dr. Ohki and grew up, one is his grandson, and although Ash is not his grandson, he has always regarded Ash as his grandson, and he has seen the love and righteousness of the two children since childhood.

But no matter what, now these children can only stay here, and there is no way to distract them from taking care of them.

“Got it!”

Xiao Mao clenched his fists, although he was a little unwilling, he could only do what Dr. Ohki meant.

“Ash, you guy… It’s going to be a real nuisance! Better give me okay. ”

“Everyone!! Where are everyone!!! ”

At this time, deep in the jungle, a panicked voice shouted, but it was not Ash’s voice, it was obviously a girl’s voice, and the voice was full of fear, it was another child lost in the team.

Lama Lama!!!

Suddenly, the grass next to it trembled, and a crackling sound came out, and the spirit that had been attacked by the flame sparrow had been tense before, and hearing the sound made the girl even more frightened.

“Ahhh!! Woo!! ”

Subconsciously turned around to escape, but because she was too anxious, she tripped and fell to the ground, and let out a cry of pain, but now she didn’t have time to pay attention to the pain, and looked at the grass taller than her on the side with horror.

“That’s why I said I didn’t want to camp! Woohoo!! Mom! I want to go back…”

After all, it was a girl, and she was surprised one after another, and her tears couldn’t help but fall, and she trembled even more when she looked at the shaking trees.

“Don’t shout, if you summon those flaming finches again, you won’t be able to escape.”

When the girl panicked, she suddenly understood the voice that belonged to a human, was crying, subconsciously stopped, heard someone’s voice, and naturally had a sense of security in an instant.


The girl looked forward and saw that it was not a Pokémon that came out of the bushes, but a boy, and she was also a boy, and she also knew that the boy’s name was Ash.

At that time, when Dr. Ohki talked about Pokémon knowledge, it attracted more attention among children because of the excellent play of Shigeru and Ash.

At that time, like other children, she felt that Ash knew a lot and applauded together, so she was more impressed, and when she heard Ash’s words just now, she did not dare to shout anymore, but sobbed softly.

“Are you all right?”

Ash walked up to the girl’s side and asked.

He didn’t get lost in a panic because he was attacked by the sparrow, but because he ran at the end, saw that the girl was attacked, did not follow the team, and ran into the jungle in a hurry.

“I… Not! It hurts!! ”

The girl was just about to answer when she noticed that she was injured.


Ash glanced at it, there was a bruise on her knee, not very serious, or the skin was broken, Ash saw this and took out a handkerchief to help her bandage the wound, the girl looked up at Ash, and gradually became fascinated.

“I’m sorry, I scared you.”

When he first came over, he heard movement and knew that he might have scared her before he was hurt.

“Ahhh!! Not…… Never mind! Thank you. ”

Just as he could see the god and heard Ash’s voice, he reacted, and his cheeks were slightly red and a little embarrassed to respond.

“Nothing, that’s fine, get up!”

After bandaging the girl’s wound with a handkerchief, Ash got up and held out his hand.

“I… I…… No, it hurts, I… I can’t get up!! “Seeing this, the girl tried to get up, but she couldn’t get up, and tears welled up in the corners of her eyes as she spoke.”

“Alas… What a cryer, forget it, I’ll carry you! ”

Ash is also a little helpless, he didn’t know what to say for a while, he thought that the children of this world would be more self-reliant, it seems that there are exceptions!

Ash didn’t lift girls much in his previous life, but watching TV, at this time, it seems that as a boy, he should do this, right? Turned around and squatted down, turning his head slightly to look at the girl.


The girl looked at Ash’s back and side face was also a little out of her mind, and she was a little overwhelmed for a while.

“Hurry, otherwise the flaming sparrow will not be able to leave when it comes.”

Seeing that the girl did not react, Ash reminded again.


The girl heard the sudden change in Lieque’s face, and then quickly supported her body and hooked her hands around Ash’s neck, and Ash took the opportunity to carry the girl up.

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Chapter VII Large-billed finches

The girl is not heavy, although her body has not yet grown, but she is talented, and it is still very easy to carry a little girl.

If you think about it, it is said that it is a release master, and to be honest, it is impossible for trainers to fight with trainers, otherwise who is my opponent Zhiye?

The strength is comparable to the Kabi beast, the defense is comparable to the kettle, the running is not slower than Pikachu, and the jump can be compared to the flame chicken, this physical quality, where do you need Pokémon to go.

While Ash complained about herself, the girl felt an unprecedented sense of security and warmth on Ash’s back, and her cheeks involuntarily reddened.

“That… My name is Serena! Thank you for saving me. ”

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