"Yunjin, Ganyu, Xianyun, Xinyan, we have to save those two Pokémon!"

In the desert, the Dragon King Scorpion was still killing people everywhere.

There were originally about a hundred contestants in the desert, but since the Dragon King Scorpion appeared, one-third of them have been killed by it.

Whether it is the trainer or their Pokémon, the Dragon King Scorpion is merciless.

Of course.

This is also what Su Yan told these king-level Pokémon in advance, those people will not really die, and the same is true for the elves.

So they didn't let them go at all.

And the two people just abandoned their elves and ran away, and Beidou and the others also saw it.

They were even more angry.

Especially Beidou...

It was her who said she wanted to save the two elves just now.

It's just that the Dragon King Scorpion is too strong, and the few of them have lost the power of the Eye of God, so they can't fight against it at all.

Even so...

Xinyan suddenly grabbed the guitar behind her

"Roaring Bomb and I can lure the Dragon King Scorpion over, but then we will become its target."

Beidou nodded immediately:"It's okay, Xianyun, when the Dragon King Scorpion comes over, you let Dancing Swan use water-attribute moves on it!"


Xianyun was slightly stunned, as if she was not used to being commanded.

But she quickly recovered and nodded:"Okay."


Beidou seemed to want to say something, but Ganyu nodded and said,"I know what to do."

"Okay, let's go, roar bomb!"

Xin Yan played the guitar and gave the order to roar bomb.

"Ultrasonic waves!!!"


In an instant, the deafening sound waves blew the sand and gravel, drowning the Dragon King Scorpion like a gust of wind.


The Dragon King Scorpion turned its head suddenly, with anger flashing across its face.

Although the noise could not cause any harm to it, it made it feel very irritated, and immediately ran towards Xin Yan.

"It really worked!"

They were all delighted, but also very nervous.

At this moment, the two Pokémons breathed a sigh of relief when they saw that the Dragon King Scorpion had changed its target.

However, when they turned around, they could not see their trainer, as if they did not know that their trainer had already run away.

This was... after all, they were concentrating on dealing with the Dragon King Scorpion.

At this moment, they looked left and right, their expressions were all confused.

However, the next second... they disappeared from the spot.

Beidou and the others did not notice this scene.

Because the Dragon King Scorpion had already rushed towards them.

"Dancing Swan, take advantage of now."

Xianyun pointed directly at the Dragon King Scorpion and immediately issued an order:"Water Waves!"

"Leave it to me."

At this moment, the Dancing Swan immediately flapped its wings, gathered the power of the water element in its mouth, and then turned it into a wave of water that rushed towards the Dragon King Scorpion.

The Dancing Swan can be said to be the highest-level elf among them.

After all, it is an elf that has descended into this world and has a high level.

But even so.

Facing the King Dragon Scorpion, its water wave is obviously not worth mentioning at all.

Sure enough... just like with other contestants, the Dragon King Scorpion did not dodge at all, but swung out with its giant pincers, easily shaking off the Dancing Swan's water wave.

It has only one goal... to kill Xin Yan who made the noise.

However, because of the Dragon King Scorpion's arrogance, although the water wave did not cause any harm to it, it also contaminated it with water.

""Ice Dragon!"

Ganyu aimed at this opportunity. She pointed directly at the Dragon King Scorpion, which was less than a hundred meters away, and shouted,"Use the Aurora Beam!!!"

At this moment, the Ice Dragon stretched back its long neck and suddenly spit out a cold beam of light at the Dragon King Scorpion.

The beam was gone in a flash and fell on the Dragon King Scorpion...

At this moment.


The Dragon King Scorpion's entire body had been frozen into a huge icicle.

This was all thanks to the water wave just now.

Otherwise, the Aurora Beam alone would never have caused such power.

"Hahaha… As expected, water plus ice can freeze. The moves of the elves are actually no different from ours." (To read the exciting novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

Beidou laughed loudly, because everything was the same as she expected.

At this moment, Ganyu brushed past her.

"Oh, okay, we'll go first."


Yunjin, Xianyun, Xinyan and the others walked past Beidou one by one.[]

"We won't continue the attack.……"

Unexpectedly, Beidou had just said half of his words.


The ice pillar that froze the Dragon King Scorpion made a faint sound of shattering.

The movement immediately made Beidou's face twitch.

She looked at the place where the two elves were just now, and found that the place was empty...

No, Beidou thought they had escaped.

This made her feel relieved.

Looking at Ganyu and Xianyun...

At this time, they were actually running desperately towards the distance

"Hey, you, wait for me."

Beidou panicked and ran in the direction they were fleeing, using all his strength.

"You guys are so disloyal!!!"


Crack, crack!

The giant claws of the dragon king scorpion broke the ice and recovered from its frozen state.

At this moment, it could still vaguely see Beidou and the others.

"In order to save Piaopiao and Mud Loach, these people actually dared to face me directly, which is quite good. It would be a pity if they were eliminated here.……"

If the Dragon King Scorpion wanted to catch up with them at this time, Beidou and the others would not be able to escape at all.

But it did not do so, instead it scratched its head with its right pincer.

""By the way, I just pretended to be frozen. I think I acted pretty well, right?"

In fact, the freezing attack of the elves at level 20 was nothing to the King-level Dragon King Scorpion.���It doesn't matter.

The reason why it pretended to be frozen... is actually because Beidou and the others wanted to save the two abandoned elves.

You know, there were many contestants in the desert just now, but no one was willing to do this except Beidou and the others.

After all, those people were already scared by the Dragon King Scorpion, so how could they care about the two elves.

Therefore, whether it was pretending to be angry or frozen just now, it was actually pretended by the Dragon King Scorpion.

Looking at the disappearing backs of Beidou and the others again... the Dragon King Scorpion turned around.

"Then go ahead."

About an hour or so……

"Huh, Huh……"

The two had already left the desert.

That's right.

They had their floating balls and mud loaches attack the dragon king scorpion to attract the other party's attention.

So that they would have time to escape...

Since they ran from the desert, they appeared on the side of the dense forest.

("We are safe here."

They gasped for breath, but their faces looked very ugly.

"What a pity! I managed to catch the loach by tricking and tricking it. It's a pity to lose it now."

"At least it's free for you. I bought my floating ball with Mora. Oh, don't say it. I'm so heartbroken now. If I can't get the reward of 10 million Mora, then I will lose a lot this time."

"Don't keep saying Mora. What's the point of Mora if you're going to lose your life? Didn't you see how many contestants were killed by that scorpion just now?"

"Damn it, the boss of the Elf House deliberately tricked us into coming here to kill us. If I had known this would happen, I would never have participated in this kind of competition."

"We can't get out now, we either have to get to the end quickly or find a place to hide until tomorrow night."

"……Hey, the elves are gone, how are we going to get to the end?"

The two slowly sat down against the tree, in addition to breathing, they were also discussing what to do next.

Little did they know... the eyes like an assassin had already locked on them on the tree..

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