""Hoo, hoo, hoo... I'm so tired, I can't hold on any longer."

At this moment, in the forest, Xiangling, Hutao and Lisa were all breathing heavily.

Looking behind them,……

"It, they finally didn't catch up with us."

Xiangling patted her chest, thankful that she finally escaped.

The three of them took a deep breath.

At this moment, Lisa hugged the shy bud and immediately said to the two of them:"Thank you."

However, Xiangling and Hutao shook their heads again and again

"Lisa, you could have escaped just now. It was all because of our sudden attack on the toucans that you were chased by a large group of them."

In fact, they knew it very well.

If it weren't for the two of them, Lisa would have had enough time to escape when she paralyzed the toucans.

In the end...

Even so, Lisa shook her head and said,"You two worry too much. Under the circumstances at that time, I might not have been able to escape. In any case, the result now is good."

After she finished speaking,

Xiangling and Hutao could only smile awkwardly.

At this time, Lisa suddenly asked,"By the way, have you seen my Klee?"


"I haven't seen it either. We originally agreed with Yunjin, Xinyan and Sister Beidou that no matter where we were teleported to, we would meet at the circular lake in front in the end."

Xiangling continued,"As a result, when I just came in, I saw Hu Tao being chased by a group of colorful butterflies."

The periphery of this space can be described as one.

Snow mountains on the upper left, forests on the upper right.

Fire mountains on the lower left, and deserts on the lower right.

Where the four directions intersect is the O-shaped lake that surrounds the four directions in a circle, which is where Wanyou was teleported before.

So before coming in, they agreed that if they were separated, they would gather at the location of the lake.

At this moment, Hu Tao added:"Then we used the trick just now to teach those colorful butterflies a lesson, hahahaha……"

As she was laughing, she suddenly looked sad:"Who would have thought that it would not work on toucans."

Lisa smiled softly and immediately explained to Walnut.

"That... Miss Walnut, ghost-type moves are ineffective against normal-type Pokémon, so you must remember this."

"Eh, is that so?"

Just after Walnut made a startled gesture... a voice suddenly came from not far away

"Hey, it's you."

The three of them looked over...

Xiangling and Hutao were immediately overjoyed.

"Xingqiu, and……"

Lisa didn't know Xingqiu, but a familiar little figure was following Xingqiu.


Lisa hurried forward, her face full of concern, and asked immediately,"Didn't you say to let the Thunderbolt Ball discharge so that I can determine your location?"

Kelly immediately pointed in the direction she came from and said with a smile

"Hehe, Klee wanted to use the Thunderbolt Ball to discharge electricity, but the brother told me that he saw a lot of owls nearby, and if he discharged electricity, it would wake them up."

"So that's how it is. I really didn't think it through."

Lisa breathed a sigh of relief. After going through the twists and turns just now, she realized how dangerous this was.

"My name is Lisa. Thank you for taking care of my daughter, Kelly."

"Aunt Lisa is so polite. I was just waiting for someone nearby when I saw little Keli.……"

Before he finished speaking, Xingqiu suddenly noticed that Lisa's face looked unhappy.

He quickly changed his words and said,"Ah no... Miss Lisa..."


Lisa coughed twice. Forget it. Since he took care of Keli, she would not bother with him.

"So, what are your plans now?"

Xingqiu thought for a moment and said,"Well... I have an appointment with a person who should be of high status to meet here. I think he is on his way here, and I want to wait for him."

After the voice fell, Lisa thought for a while and immediately made a suggestion to everyone.

"Everyone, this place should be safe for now. Why don’t we wait for Xingqiu’s friends and then form a team. This place is more dangerous than we thought. We may be eliminated if we are not careful. After we meet up, we will go to the lake together. What do you think?"

""Okay, okay!"

Xiangling immediately nodded in agreement.

Hu Tao even said,"There is strength in numbers. Even if we encounter the situation just now, we don't have to be afraid." (To read the exciting novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

"Lisa... No, Miss Lisa is right. This place is far more terrifying than we imagined (bgfd), and we can't use the power of elements. It's difficult to fight the Pokémon here with martial arts alone, so we can only rely on our companions."

At this point, Xingqiu seemed to remember something.

"By the way, I remember the owner of the Elf House said that there are elves here that we cannot fight against. I don’t think he is trying to scare us. If we really encounter one, we must not fight it."

Listening to Xingqiu’s thorough analysis,

Lisa couldn’t help but show appreciation in her eyes:"Your analysis is very comprehensive. I can see that you are very smart.""[]

Walnut smiled bitterly and said,"Hey, Miss Lisa, I think you are calling us stupid."

But before Lisa could speak, Ke Li shook her head and waved her hands.

"How could that be? Sister Hu Tao is very capable. I saw you being chased by someone a few days ago. I thought you must have sold all the coffins, but that person still begged you to sell them to him, right?"

"Ah ha ha……"

Seeing how serious Klee was, Hu Tao tapped her cheek with her hand.

Should she tell Klee that she was actually being chased and scolded?

Just when she was embarrassed, a familiar and cool voice suddenly came.

"You...are all here."

Everyone looked towards the voice and saw that the person who spoke was Zhongli who had come from the snowy mountains.

��Tao (blinks):"Zhongli Keqing, it's you, you can't be the one Xingqiu is waiting for?"

Xingqiu (nods):"Yes, the person of status I'm talking about is him."

Xiangling (surprised):"Oh, he's the guest who often eats at Wanmin Hall"

"Hello, everyone."

Zhongli walked over here slowly, and then looked at Lisa and Klee beside her.

He promised Alice that he would take care of Klee.

Now seeing Hu Tao and Xingqiu, they seemed to know Klee.

Before coming, Zhongli was still thinking about what excuse to use to form a team so that Klee would not think he was a weird uncle.

"This saves a lot of effort."

This way, he doesn't have to move Alice out.

Very good.

After Zhongli talked with everyone, he suddenly said

"What are your plans? Go ahead? Or take a detour? As far as I know, there is a very powerful Pokémon in this forest. We may not be its opponent."

As soon as these words came out, everyone's faces changed.

"really have……"

Xingqiu frowned even more deeply, and then asked:"How did you know?"

Unexpectedly, Zhongli only said two words:



At this moment, everyone fell silent.

Same time... different place.

The direction of the volcano

"Keqing, how is it, can your Blue Flame Blade Ghost continue to fight?"

"Ningguang, keep an eye on your Fanged Land Shark."

At this time, Ningguang and Keqing were standing back to back, with the Blade Demon and Fanged Land Shark in front of them.

But now they were surrounded by dozens of lava worms.

However... they were not nervous at all, but showed excitement on their faces.

"Let's go, Blue Flame Blade Ghost, fire has no effect on you, Shadow Claw!"

"Fanged Land Shark, these lava worms will not be your opponent, use Quicksand Hell to control their actions!"

Please give me flowers and votes. Six more chapters tomorrow!.

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