""Here I come."

Inside the elf house, Su Yan was smiling, looking like a polite gentleman.

If it weren't for the two people who came in, they would have known how scary this person was.……

"……Mr. Su, Mr. Su Yan, we are here as promised."

Don't mention it, when he was outside, Yaezaki was still calm. But now he started to get nervous again after seeing Su Yan.

After all, this man can cause a purge of Inazuma with just one word.

Even in this purge, she is still the executor.

But this is different...

Looking at Yaezaki who walked in cautiously, Su Yan said with a smile:"You fox are really despicable, I won't eat you"


Yae Shinko quickly adjusted his state and gradually calmed down his breathing.

"Mr. Su Yan said with a smile."

At this time, Ying's body was standing next to Su Yan, but Yae Shenzi just glanced at it and stopped paying attention.

They all knew that without Su Yan's consent, this body would never belong to Ying.

At this time, Ying's voice also rang out from the light ball in Yae Shenzi's hand.

"Mr. Su Yan, the shadow has completed your instructions and is here as promised."

After saying that, the shadow in the light group bowed slightly to show respect to Su Yan.

The other party put his attitude so low, Su Yan did not feel embarrassed

"Well, you have done very well in fulfilling the two conditions I proposed to you, and you have indeed not missed any person who deserves to die. As for Kujo Sara...it's okay to let him go."

With these words, the eight 820 Shenzi couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

After all, when they discussed with Ying whether to let Kujo Sara go, they didn't have much confidence at that time.

But after all, Su Yan said that"the guilty should be killed", so they finally chose to give Kujo Sara a chance. Now seeing that Su Yan did not blame them, but was very satisfied, they finally felt relieved. But soon, the eight

820 Shenzi suddenly raised her head in surprise.

"Hey, wait, how do you know about Kujo Sara?"

"Yae Shenzi, do you think your every move in Inazuma can escape my eyes?"

Su Yan said in a teasing tone, twitching his fingertips.

"You first wiped out the Tenryo Bugyo on the first day, then you found the Fatui's hideout and sent Kujo Sara to annihilate them to make up for your mistake, and then on the fourth day you took Ying on a ship to the island."

After hearing Su Yan recounting Inazuma's three-day purge one by one,……

"Hey, hey hey……!!!!"

It is conceivable how interesting the expressions of Yae Shen Zi and Ying were at this time.

Wasn't he in Liyue?

Why did he know so much about what happened to Inazuma?

At the same time.

Yae Shen Zi and Ying were secretly thankful that they had done everything according to Su Yan's conditions without any tricks, otherwise... the consequences would be disastrous.

But there was one thing that Yae Shen Zi couldn't figure out, and she didn't know if Su Yan knew it.

After hesitating for a moment, she still felt that she couldn't hide it from the other party.

"Mr. Su Yan, there is something……"

"You want to ask why you can't find the doll of Sanbing even though I killed him on the outlying island, right?"

When Su Yan said this, Yae Shenzi blinked in disbelief.

But the next second, Su Yan's teasing tone reappeared:"Ah, how come this person knows what I want to say?! This is too scary, right?"


Yajyou Shenzi was really confused this time.

Because what Su Yan said was exactly what she was thinking.

"You, you can read minds?!"

"Haha, I don't bother to use tricks like mind reading. In fact, I can roughly guess it just by looking at your expression. But don't worry, Sanbing is indeed dead. As for why I didn't completely destroy him and why he disappeared, it's because I wanted to get rid of another scum who must die.……"

Su Yan hesitated to speak, and then pointed to the figure next to him.

"Forget it, you don't need to ask more about this matter. Since both of you have done a good job, I will return this body to you."

After saying that, he stretched out his hand in front of the Eightfold God.

Who knew that the Eightfold God pouted his mouth. Why did this man only say half of the words? It was really frustrating.

And who is the scum?

Forget it, no matter who it is, that person is definitely dead.

Who is not easy to mess with, mess with this person...

However, Su Yan was willing to return the body to Ying. It can be seen that the Eightfold God was happy, and he immediately handed over the Pure Land.

Ying in the space bowed again and said

"Thank you, Mr. Su Yan."

As mentioned before, Yi Xin Pure Land was tampered by Su Yan.

Ying can only pull people in, she can't get out.


After Su Yan took over the 'Yi Xin Pure Land', he used his hand to sink the light ball into the heart of the doll with lightning speed.

The next second!

A gleam of light suddenly flashed in Lei Ying's dull eyes.

Her eyes were no longer so cold and lifeless, but had a soul...

Only at this moment, Ying saw Su Yan's hand on her heart.

Her face suddenly turned red.


This opening


Yae Shinko and Ying were both stunned.

Especially Ying...

Why did she blurt out"Master" just now?

And she called him so fluently???

However, Su Yan pulled his hand back at this time, but he also took out the space of"One Heart Pure Land"

"As the god of Inazuma, you should face your people directly, instead of hiding in there and pursuing eternity. The so-called eternity only belongs to the truly powerful."

Then... he just squeezed it a little harder.


The Pure Land of One Heart was like a glass ball, and was directly crushed by Su Yan.���The light finally dissipated into the air.

Seeing this...

Yae Shinko and Ying couldn't help but break into a cold sweat.

They hadn't forgotten that Su Yan almost crushed Yixin Pure Land, including Ying inside, in Inazuma.

If Yae Shinko hadn't appeared, begged for mercy, and offered conditions, then... Inazuma's Thunder God would probably no longer exist.

"Mr. Su Yan's teaching is right."

If it were Ying's previous belief, she would definitely not agree with Su Yan's words.

But since she was controlled by Su Yan and saw his endless tricks, she realized that she had indeed taken the wrong path.

Escape is not eternal.

The same is true for Inazuma...

Without power, there is no eternity.

Because eternity has no end.

Seeing Ying's change, Su Yan nodded with satisfaction.

"Although my body is now returned to you, I still have a third condition. If you can't do it, I can still take it back at any time."

In fact, without Su Yan saying anything, Ying also understood this truth.

In front of someone with absolute strength, whether she returned to this body or not, it would be difficult for her to escape from the other party's grasp.

"Please tell me."

As for Su Yan's third condition……

"Found a country, establish a policy to protect Pokémon, and then prepare for their arrival"

"……Pokémon will come to Inazuma?"

Ying seemed a little bit unbelievable.

Su Yan smiled and nodded.

"Yes, in a short while, Pokémon will come to Inazuma. Now I don’t have time to go there to learn about it, so I’ll leave this matter to you and Shen Zi. Is it possible?"

"Ying will not let him down."

Ying nodded and agreed.

Since she came to Liyue, she has only seen a few corners and can already feel the amazing changes in Liyue.

If Inazuma can also introduce Pokemon, it would be a dream come true for Ying now.

"Very good, but there is still a trace of demonic aura in Inazuma's geology. The current environment is not suitable for Pokémon to live, so I will go to Inazuma in person to deal with it before the Pokémon arrives. Before I leave, you need to complete the tasks I have assigned you."

"Deal with the aura of the demon god?"

Ying looked at the person in front of him in surprise.

Because many demon gods died in Inazuma, the aura of the demon gods spread made many places lose their vitality.

Even after so many years, those lands still did not improve, and Ying had no way to change them.

But this person... is there anything he can't do?

Just thinking about this.

Yae Shenzi suddenly approached Su Yan, and then acted cute and coquettish, using a numb tone.

"Boss, help Ying promote Pokemon. Leave it to me. It's a rare trip to Liyue, and I heard you're going to hold a competition. Can you let me participate?" Seeing that

Su Yan not only returned the body to Ying, but was even willing to let Pokemon come to Inazuma, Yae

Shenzi completely relaxed.

She returned to her usual cunning self.……

"I also want to draw a Pokemon~"

However, Yan Yan didn't give any face at all, and even couldn't help but get goosebumps.

"You are already a 500-year-old fox... Stop being cute. I can let you participate in the competition and draw Pokémon, but you must pay Mora".

Don't worry: ๖ۣۜTử ๖ۣۜNhạn

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