
Seeing Groudon cursing as he dived into the sea from the port, even after entering the sea, bubbles were gurgling from time to time on the surface of the sea.

At this time, Zhongli, who was standing by the port, had a lot of question marks on his forehead.

"Why is it angry?"

It's very strange, he didn't seem to say anything to offend the other party.

"Pokémon...it seems a bit difficult to understand them"

"Forget it, I will find some time to ask Master Liuyunjifeng for advice on chatting skills, and then talk to Groudon later."

After that, in the moment when the pedestrians covered Zhongli's figure... he disappeared in front of Yae Shenzi and Ying.

"Damn, it actually ran away so fast, could it be that it ran away because it saw us?"

Yae Shenzi stomped the ground angrily.

At this time, Ying suddenly asked:"Son of Shenzi, that big red guy just now, could it be a Pokémon? I can feel extraordinary power from it, even stronger than me and Morax."

"How, how is this possible?"

Yaezami had heard Keqing mention it, and had also seen Tanka. She had only heard that Pokémon were very cute, and there were also handsome ones.

In fact, after seeing Tanka evolve with her own eyes, Yaezami also thought so.

It was just that Keqing's Azure Blade was still too weak at the time, and when she was with Inazuma, Yaezami didn't feel much.

When she came to Liyue and saw the existence of Groudon, she was so stunned that she was a step slower and was slipped away by Zhongli.

Now, Ying told her that the Pokémon was stronger than her and Geo?

It was okay that Su Yan was stronger than Ying, but could a Pokémon be stronger than a god?

This made Yaezami hard to believe.

"I, let's go to Liyue first."

Speaking of which.

Ever since Yae Shinko got off the ship, she could always see many people with Pokémon.

They left the port all the way.

Some people were even fighting Pokémons, and there were many spectators around.

But that was not the point.

At this time, Yae Shinko was stunned again.

Because she saw a team of soldiers dressed as Thousand Rocks, who were now saluting a 'bear' and reporting

""Captain of the Martial Arts Bear Master, there are wild Pokémon that have broken in from the west. We have already controlled them to avoid conflicts between them and the public. But please rest assured that they have not been harmed."

That's right.

It was Su Yan's Martial Arts Bear Master.

However, the current Martial Arts Bear Master is now the captain of the Liyue Pokémon Special Operations Team.

In order to facilitate communication with others, Su Yan even helped him speak.

"Well, let's go, I'll go talk to them."

After receiving the report, Master Wudao Xiong nodded slightly, and hurriedly left with the Qianyan Army.


Yae Shenzi didn't know this.

"A bear, a walking bear? And being called captain by the Thousand Rocks Army?"

Yae Shenzi blinked, and she suddenly felt as if she didn't recognize the current Liyue at all.

It seemed that it hasn't been long since she sneaked in last time?

How could Liyue have changed so much?

At this time, the shadow in the light ball touched his chin, as if thinking, and said to himself:"It is not surprising that we Inazuma also have monsters holding various positions, but does Liyue have them too?"


Yae Kamiko didn't know how to start for a moment. She herself was a fox and also served as a priestess in Inazuma.

But could this be the same?

"Forget it, let's ask where the elf house is."



Along the way,

Yaejinko led Ying from the port to the downtown.

Wherever they went, they could see Pokémon following people.

They treated Pokémon like friends and partners, not superiors and subordinates, and even ate at the same table with them.

"Hey, is there anyone who needs to take care of funeral affairs? My crying mask can help you cry!"


"Strange girl."

Yao Shenzi raised her eyebrows. Walking on the street, this Liyue gave her a very strange feeling.

As if she had never been here before.

At this moment.

She saw a girl walking towards her on the street.

Yao Shenzi hurriedly stepped forward and asked:"Hello, how do I get to the Elf House?"

"Elf House?"

The girl looked at Yae Shenzi and found him unfamiliar. She smiled and said,"Are you a guest from afar?"

"Oh... How do you know?"

Yae Shinko asked with great interest, how did the other party know that?

The girl said:"Let's not talk about the fact that your clothes are from Inazuma, but more importantly, you don't know where the Elf House is."

Yae Shinko looked at her own clothes, which were indeed Inazuma's style, so it was unnecessary to ask.

"Oh, are elf houses popular in Liyue?"

"of course……"

The girl immediately said proudly:"Since the Elf House opened in Liyue, not only has everyone in Liyue been able to protect themselves, but it also saved Liyue and defeated the Whirlpool Demon.……"

From the girl's eyes, you can see that she is full of admiration for the owner of the Elf House.

Moreover, when she talked about the deeds of the Elf House, those who passed by showed great respect for the three words of the Elf House, just like the girl.

Although the girl talked a lot, Yae Shenzi and Ying were not in a hurry, let alone stop her.

For them, this would allow them to learn more about the Elf House and why Liyue has changed so much.

Only when the girl talked about her recent deeds……

"He subdued the Whirlpool Demon God?!!"

Yae Shenzi and Ying were both surprised.

Now they understood why Osel had such abnormal behavior.

Although the girl did not say many details... but Ying had contact with Osel, which means... the reason why Osel could talk freely must be that Su Yan washed away the wear and tear on his soul.

"There is actually such a thing!���

Ying's eyes became dull, just like when she heard that there was a chance of resurrection, she was confused.

"Walk along this street and turn left, then walk to the center of Liyue Street. There is the Elf House, with a sign that is very conspicuous. Unfortunately, the Elf House is closed recently to host an Elf Battle Competition, so you may have made a wasted trip."

"Thank you, thank you."

The shocked Yae Shinko finally came to his senses and quickly thanked the enthusiastic girl.

"You're welcome."

Only after the girl left……

"Ying, you heard it all, right? Liyue is now many times more glorious than Inazuma, and all this happened after the Elf House appeared."

Yaezamiko suddenly sighed:"090 It only took 090 a month to make Liyue undergo earth-shaking changes. That person is really extraordinary."

"Shenzi, I understand what you mean."

Ying fell silent at first.

It was she who acquiesced to Inazuma's execution of the Eye Hunting Order, just because she wanted to recover the unstable power in order to maintain eternity.

But Liyue did the opposite, and now even ordinary people have the power to protect themselves.

The result is not only more brilliant than before, but people have even developed a deep affection for creatures like Pokémon.

Since she came to Liyue, she found that everyone had a big smile on their face.

In contrast, Inazuma also has its own culture, and her hometown also has the concept of monsters.

But the atmosphere of life is depressing...

Ying was silent for a while, and then said to Shenzi:"Let's go."


Yae Shinko nodded, knowing full well that Ying's heart was wavering.

Apart from anything else... in this regard, she was only grateful to Su Yan.

If he hadn't appeared in Inazuma, Ying would still be trapped in the Pure Land.

Yae Shinko immediately walked slowly in the direction the girl pointed.

"By the way, the girl just now said that you can draw Pokémon in the Pokémon House. I also want to draw one. Although I heard that it is closed, I still hope to try. I am a little interested in the Pokémon Battle Competition."

""Of course."

At this moment, Yae Shinko discovered that Ying seemed to have suddenly become more enlightened.

Yae Shinko was in a good mood and smiled slyly and charmingly.


Haha , what about you? Want to draw one?".: ๖ۣۜTử ๖ۣۜNhạn

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