Beidou always says this every time she comes here these days, but Su Yan can feel that... today she seems to be particularly confident.

Where does the confidence come from?

Su Yan's face is full of question marks, and he can't figure it out...

But since Beidou wants to draw, he will naturally not refuse

"No problem."

Rotom had already taken his stance.

Beidou stood in front of him and bumped his fists together.

"Come on! Rotom, I'm going to kill you with one shot today!"

Kurumi looked at Beidou with her eyes flickering.

"Oh, Sister Beidou is as heroic as the rumors say!"

At this time, Rotom began to rotate the picture again.

At the same time, Beidou slowly closed his eyes and silently recited in his heart... one, two, three……


Then she suddenly opened her eyes and locked onto the picture on the Rotom Encyclopedia.

At the same time, Su Yan also stared at Beidou without blinking, wanting to see if Beidou's intuition today was accurate.

Who knew...

When Su Yan saw the picture on the Rotom Encyclopedia, her expression suddenly became very strange, and then she looked at Beidou who was waiting for her to explain science.

"Uh, you really got it?"


Beidou paused for a moment, then showed surprise on his face, but his tone was not that confident.

"Did I really draw a quasi-god?!"

"Not bad."

Su Yan smiled slightly. Beidou was able to draw a quasi-god today, not only because she worked hard to prepare a lot of Mora, but also because she had a big heart.

Otherwise, ordinary people would probably give up after three or two days.

But Beidou never gave up.

This alone is enough to make people respect her. With her character, it's no wonder she has so many friends.

"Congratulations, Miss Beidou, the quasi-god you drew is...Baby Dragon!"

"Baby dragon?"

After getting Su Yan's confirmation, Beidou's face was filled with joy, and her whole body was shaking with excitement.

Soon, she clenched her fists, looked up to the sky and shouted loudly:"I finally drew a quasi-god!!!!"

"Great, Sister Beidou, congratulations on drawing a quasi-god."

Hu Tao, who was standing next to her, looked at the excited Beidou and was also happy for her.

However, there was one thing that Su Yan was very curious about.

"Miss Beidou, before you draw the Pokémon, I see that your confidence today is different from usual. Do you have any explanation?"

Who knows that Beidou immediately puffed out his proud chest and answered Su Yan's question.

"Hehe, there is no difference. The main thing is that I once heard an old saying... Seeing a coffin brings wealth, so I want to draw after Hu Walnut, and it will definitely make my wish come true!"

After saying that, Su Yan was stunned.

"……Is there such an old saying in Liyue?"

It's a pity that Beidou's mind is all on Hu Tao at this time.

"Hahaha, Hu Tao, I was able to draw a quasi-god today, all thanks to you for drawing the Crying Mask, otherwise I wouldn't have been so determined to stop just now. I'll treat you to lunch at noon, and I'll go fight Ningguang's quasi-god in the afternoon."

"Oh, sister Beidou, you want to treat me to a meal? Woohoo, you are much better than a certain guest in my hall."

The two women had just talked for the first time, but now they were like old friends, chattering non-stop.

Su Yan sighed.

But as for what Beidou said... there are not so many metaphysics in the world, it can only be said... it's just a coincidence.

He turned and walked into the room.

Not long after, Su Yan brought out the quasi-god that Beidou had drawn.

When Beidou saw the baby dragon that Su Yan brought out, his heroic character revealed his love.

Beidou held the baby dragon high

"Little guy, please give me your advice. Follow me from now on and we will go on adventures around the world together. It will be exciting!"


When the baby dragon saw that his master was such a heroic woman, he immediately responded with a low roar.

"Hahaha, very good, this cry is very domineering!"

Beidou laughed, and the more he looked at the baby dragon, the more he liked it, as if all his efforts this week were worth it.

Of course,

Walnut also liked it very much. She was squatting on the ground holding the little hand of the crying mask.

"Hehe, Crying Mask, you have to work hard to evolve. I believe that with the help of the two of us, we can definitely make the Wangsheng Hall famous!"

At this moment.

Looking at the satisfied smiles on the two people's faces, Su Yan smiled knowingly, and then gave them a Poké Ball, an Energy Cube, and a Pokémon Book as gifts.

"You two, these things are for you."

After explaining the usage of these things, Su Ye said to the two

"You two, this energy cube will be available in the market soon. All major businesses in Liyue sell it."

Since Celebi made the fruit trees mature, Ningguang has been working hard on the factory.

She is efficient.

Now the energy cube can be produced.

Of course, the production machine was provided by Su Yan later, so we won't talk about it for now.

"Boss Su Yan, I have heard from Ningguang and I know how to use the illustrations. I will teach Hu Tao the rest."

After handing over the elves, Beidou immediately took Hu Tao's hand and said,"Let's go and have dinner. We have to celebrate today."

Just like that...

After paying the bill, the two of them walked out of the door happily.

"……Today's transaction is really interesting."

After Su Yan finished talking to himself, Menghuan and Celebi both nodded.

Just as Su Yan said, these are two interesting young ladies.

At this moment, Su Yan seemed to remember something, so he looked at Celebi and asked,"By the way, the voice you heard last time, did it never come back to you?"

Celebi shook her head.


A week ago, after Celebi made the grass and trees grow wildly, it heard a voice.

It seemed to want to make friends with it.

Celebi naturally told Su Yan about this.

"That's fine, it seems the other party is still a little wary."

Su Yan didn't dwell on this matter, and he knew who the other party was.

It was almost noon.

Su Yan suddenly said:"There will be no business at this time. I want to go somewhere."

"Where are we going?"

Meng Huan was very curious. Of course, after coming to Teyvat, he rarely went out.

At this time, Su Yan had already started to lock the door of the shop and answered Meng Huan's questions.

"Lonely Cloud Pavilion"

"Lonely Cloud Pavilion……?"

After repeating the sentence, Huanhuan suddenly remembered something Zhongli had said before.

The sword it slashed at Qunyu Pavilion seemed to have affected a seal of Guyun Pavilion.

But since then, Huanhuan had not seen Su Yan take any countermeasures or other actions.

Why did this happen suddenly...

At this time, Su Yan had already locked the door.

"Palkia... Never mind. You stay at the shop and I'll take Mew and the others with me."

""Yes, Master Su Yan."

A response came from the void. It was Palkia's voice.

Su Yan nodded, then took the hands of Dream and Celebi on each side, and then stepped lightly.


With the space barrage shaking.

In a blink of an eye, they had disappeared into the store.

The next second.

There were islands a hundred miles away from Liyue Port.

Su Yan, Dream, and Celebi appeared with the barrage.

But as soon as they appeared... they saw two people and a dragon in front of them, one of whom was standing on a protruding rock pillar.

"Mr. Su Yan, you are finally here"

"That guy has been hitting the broken seal for a while. If it continues like this, it will be able to break the seal and get out of the Lonely Cloud Pavilion in less than two or three days."

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