Grass-green energy exploded from Celebi's body...


The energy was like a barrage, like a wave, and began to spread around Celebi and Ningguang.

The green energy could be seen with the naked eye, and it seemed to flow endlessly in all directions.

At this moment,

Ningguang and Xianyun didn't know where to look.……


Celebi's joyful voice seemed to bring life to this wave.

And the next scene made Ningguang and Xianyun stunned.

The suburbs of Liyue were already lush with trees and mountains.

However, where the green wave passed... the originally green trees were actually growing taller little by little, and soon formed towering trees.

The Teyvat fruits on the trees were also gradually becoming more abundant with the growth of the trees...

Compared with the original size of the fruits, they even expanded by more than twice.

Not only that.

There were flower buds on the mountain. Buds are about to bloom, and this should not be their blooming season.

But when these buds feel the fluctuation of grass-green energy, they gradually bloom at a speed visible to the naked eye.

The bright red petals are instantly all over the mountains and plains...

The scene is magnificent, eye-catching, and makes people unable to recover for a long time.

And Celebi's influence is not only around Ningguang and Xianyun.

Liyue City.

A little girl suddenly saw white flowers with blue leaves blooming on the grass next to her.

She quickly pointed in the direction of the blooming flowers and shouted,"Mom, look, the glass lilies are blooming!""

"Hehe, how is this possible? Glass lilies only bloom at night. It's only early in the morning now.……"

The girl's mother didn't think so. Everyone in Liyue knew that the glazed lily would only be in bud form during the day and bloom at night.

At this time, the sun was high in the sky, how could the glazed lily...

But before the girl's mother finished her words, she saw countless white flowers in the other direction, which were now blooming in beautiful shapes.

"Oh my god!"

"Is it true that the glass lily blooms in the daytime?!"

As soon as the girl's mother finished speaking, someone in the distance was talking in surprise.

"Hello, is this true? Look at this tree, it is actually growing at a visible speed!"

"This is impossible. The tree has been here for a hundred years and it has not grown since decades ago."

"But...but this is the fact. If you don't believe me, just look at it."

"It’s actually true!!!"

At this moment, no matter in the streets and alleys of Liyue, people were talking almost every few steps, all of them showing surprise and shock.

"How could this happen? A few days ago, the Jade Pavilion slashed out a flaming sword that split the sea in half."

"The grass and trees are growing wildly today. Is our Liyue secretly experiencing something that I am not aware of these days?"

"Hmm... do you think these two things may be related to Pokemon?"

"Something to do with Pokemon?"

"Think about it, Pokemon only appeared these days, and these two things happened just in the past few days. Besides, have you forgotten the heavy snow in Liyue a few days ago?"

"That makes sense."

"I never expected that Pokémon can not only change the seasons, but also make plants grow. We still know too little about it."

"Hehe, luckily I have already bought Pokemon, and I have been training them very well these days. I will definitely participate in the competition held by the Pokemon House next month."

"So... we will be competitors then."

It has to be said.

Miraculous things have been happening one after another in Liyue these days. As if in the past, people would be horrified, and even pray to God, fearing that some natural disasters would befall, and asking for the protection of the Geo King.

But ever since they knew the magical power of Pokémon, some people have gradually begun to get used to it.

How to say it, after all, there are already quite a few people in Liyue who own Pokémon.

What's more, most people treat Pokémon as their partners and work hard to cultivate them.

At this moment, there was a man and a woman standing in a restaurant.

Looking at the changes in Liyue, the girl in a black dress and a black hat raised her eyebrows and asked the man next to her:"Guest Zhongli, do you think these changes are due to the power of Pokémon?"

The young man was Zhongli.

After seeing the changes in Liyue again, his face did not fluctuate at all.

"Yes, it is the power of Pokémon. The changes outside of Liyue will be even more amazing."

"Pokémon is really amazing."

Hearing Zhongli's explanation, the girl's eyes sparkled, but soon she sighed:"Oh, if the Hall of Rebirth could be as popular as the Elf House, it would be great. But Pokémon is so amazing, I don't know if there is any existence beyond life and death." After saying this,

Zhongli frowned suddenly, as if he was thinking about something.

"It shouldn't be possible... Even if you live forever, it's hard to bear the wear and tear of your soul, but... why did I feel a little hope after listening to what Master Hu said?"

Thinking of this, Zhongli shook his head and stopped thinking about it.

As the saying goes, the greater the hope, the greater the disappointment.

He just wanted to be a bystander and see what new changes Su Yan would bring to the world.

"What, Master Hu is interested in Pokémon?"

Yes, the girl is Hu Tao, who runs the Wangsheng Hall. She nodded repeatedly:"Of course I am interested. I plan to buy one in a few days."

After hearing Hu Tao's decision, Zhongli said with a little surprise

" seems that Master Hu has a lot of money recently. I wonder if he can lend me some Mora."

Then, Hu Tao said firmly.

"no way"

"……Then I'll change the way.���You pay for the morning tea. I forgot to take Mora out.

The scene changed.

It returned to Ningguang and Xianyun.……

"Good, so powerful, this is the power of the God of the Forest."

From just now, within the range of Ningguang's eyes, in just less than a minute, she felt as if all the previous scenery had completely changed. The changes in the flowers, plants and trees were as if they had grown for ten or even dozens of years.

The breath of the forest was everywhere.

Xianyun was even more stunned. She didn't even notice that her red-framed glasses tilted to the side in surprise. She couldn't even say a word.

As a fairy in Liyue, she could do many things with fairy magic, but she felt that no fairy could do something like Celebi.

If there is... there is probably only one in all of Teyvat.

Xumi's former grass god!

"By the way, where are the fruit trees from the elf world?"

Compared to Xianyun's shock, Ningguang, who had already witnessed the power of dreams, was more emotional at the moment, and she still remembered the purpose of this trip clearly.

She hurriedly looked at the place where one of the seeds was buried yesterday.

There was no doubt... the seeds were buried yesterday.

Today, the seeds have grown into lush fruit trees, and they are full of fruits that Ningguang has never seen before.


Seeing this, Ningguang's nervous heart suddenly relaxed completely.

During this guess, Ningguang's face unconsciously revealed a sense of inexplicable shyness.

"I guess he has an extraordinary status in the elf world."

Just as Ningguang was thinking,

Celebi, who had already gathered her strength, was about to return to Ningguang.

But at this moment, she suddenly heard a voice.

"what's your name?"

"You are awesome... Can we be friends?"

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