The next day, on a hillside somewhere outside of Liyue, a white crane stood on the edge of the hill with a strange look on its face.

"So... he knows that it was me who asked you to go?"

"And he knows my name……"

This crane is one of the immortals of Liyue.

Master Liuyunjiefeng.

There is another person beside him, it is Ganyu who visited Su Yan with Ningguang yesterday...

At this time, Ganyu is still so cute.

But don't think that she is usually in a trance, but her efficiency is no worse than Ningguang.

At this moment, Master Liuyunjiefeng turned his head and asked with curiosity in his eyes:"How does he know that I am so good at chatting?"


Ganyu was speechless.

Then she shook her head and said,"From what I can see so far, that person has no intention of harming Liyue, but……"

At this point, Ganyu suddenly fell silent.

But Master Liuyunjiefeng said something that Ganyu had not said before.

"Are you saying that Pokémon might replace the gods?"

Ganyu frowned slightly and said,"Based on the current situation, I believe this day will come sooner or later."

"Interesting, I know the thoughts of the people of Liyue. Yesterday I heard that a divine bird suddenly appeared and brought wind and snow to Liyue. It is indeed no different from the power of immortals. What a pity.……"

At this point, Master Liuyunjiefeng suddenly sighed.

Ganyu saw a bit of reluctance in her expression.



After hesitating for a moment, True Lord Liuyun Jiefeng said,"Last night, the Emperor used his divine power to summon us immortals and yakshas not to provoke that person, and... it was in the form of an order. It can be seen that the Emperor is very wary of this matter. If I had known this earlier, I would not have asked you to inquire. I hope you will not offend that person."

"In the form of an order?!"

Gan Yu was shocked, and her silly expression disappeared instantly.

She knew very well that the immortals and Yakshas were all comrades and friends who had accompanied the Rock King Emperor in battle for many years.

And now, as if afraid of offending Su Yan, he actually gave the immortals and Yakshas an order?

"That's fine. Since the Emperor is so cautious, he must have his concerns. We just need to obey him."

After he finished speaking, True Lord Liuyunjiefeng suddenly flapped his wings and flew out of the mountain.

Seeing this, Gan Yu hurriedly asked,"Where are you going?" At this time,

True Lord Liuyunjiefeng had already disappeared into the sky, leaving only a sentence.……

"Since he already knows of my existence, I naturally want to go and have a chat with him to see if he can recognize me!"

""Oh no!"

Gan Yu seemed to want to stop him, but Master Liuyunjiefeng was gone.

She was so anxious that she could only shout

"Please don't kill the conversation!!!"


Unfortunately, there was no response from the direction where Master Liuyun Jiefeng left...

Not long after.

In the downtown of Liyue, a mature woman wearing tight black stockings and a white feathered dress walked leisurely on the stone road.

Her target was the elf house not far away!

As for the elf house ,……

"Miss Ningguang's work efficiency is indeed extraordinary. Yesterday we agreed to get the factory done within two days. I didn't expect that this evening, you not only secured the factory, but also drafted the contract."

At this time, there was no one else in the store except Su Yan and Ningguang.

Ningguang put it on the counter and let Su Yan read it carefully.

You know, Liyue believes in"contracts" the most.

And this cooperation contract shows Ningguang's sincerity in cooperation.

In response to Su Yan's praise, Ningguang pursed her lips and chuckled,"Mr. Su Yan's business can not only make me earn a lot of Mora, but also bring a new side to Liyue. Naturally, I have to put it first."


Su Yan's appreciation for Ningguang grew.

Apart from anything else, he brought trees from outside the world, and these trees can also bear fruit after they grow up.

It is a great thing for humans, elves, and Liyue.

But Ningguang dared to frankly put"earning Mora" first.

There was no pretense or hypocrisy.

But in actual action, in this contract, Ningguang did not mention any payment for the trees.

Su Yan immediately asked tentatively:"There were hundreds of hired workers yesterday, and the cost must be at least millions of Mora, right? What, Miss Ningguang forgot to make a note?"

"Mr. Su Yan, that's not true. The seeds you brought are already priceless in Teyvat, so how can we let you spend more money on them?"

Ningguang immediately explained:"The cost of hiring labor will naturally be settled by Keqing and me."


These days, Su Yan has been earning Mora in order to use it on the Elves, plant trees, cultivate fruit trees, and build energy block factories. This will ensure that the Elves can survive in the wild when they arrive in the future.

But he didn't expect that Ningguang and Keqing would take care of all the Mora before they were spent.

The other party was full of sincerity, so he was not stingy.

Su Yan took out a book from his waist, handed it to Ningguang, and said:

"This is the recipe for the energy cube"

"Ah, so thick?"

Ningguang was surprised and delighted. She really didn't expect Su Yan to trust her so much. It was just that she didn't expect such a thick recipe book.

No wonder Su Yan said that without years or even decades of research, the fruit of Teyvat could not be replaced.


This recipe book contains eighteen ways to mix energy cubes, corresponding to the eighteen attributes of Pokémon.

"Pokémon actually has eighteen attributes?!"

Although Ningguang was surprised, she didn't seem that surprised.

She had studied these days, and in addition to the elements possessed by Teyvat, she found that Pokémon had other elemental energies that she had never seen before.

She was surprised, but she didn't expect there would be as many as eighteen.

When she was surprised, Su Yan suddenly said:"Miss Ningguang, I have taken a look at the contract, but I want to modify some places. I will pay for all the expenses of the factory, and you only need to be responsible for the operation. The profit part will be divided according to what is written in your contract, 30% for you and 70% for me. I have only one condition."

"You pay for all the expenses? Then I will earn more, right?"

Ningguang nodded and smiled, then asked,"Mr. Su Yan, please tell me what conditions you have."

Then, Su Yan said

"It's very simple. No matter how much Mora it costs, I hope that energy cubes can be supplied to the whole of Teyvat in the near future, because in the future...Pokemon will be all over the world, not just in Liyue."

After the voice fell, Ningguang raised her eyebrows, but she relaxed them in an instant.

"What Mr. Su Yan said is exactly what I want, but... the tree was just planted yesterday. If I want it to grow and bear fruit, I'm afraid it will take a lot of time.……"

"Miss Ningguang, don't worry about this.

Su Yan had already made preparations.

"Miss Ningguang's concerns, I'll ask a partner to help you solve them……"

He suddenly turned around and shouted towards the room deep inside the store.

"Celebi, thank you for your help."

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