
Bang, bang, bang!!!

Before she knew it, Menghuan had already moved eighteen bags of goods out of the room with her mind power.

The bags were piled up in the store like a small mountain.

Even so, Menghuan clapped her hands effortlessly.

""Hey, Su Yan, all the things you prepared a while ago are here."

This stunned Ningguang and Keqing.

Especially Ningguang...

She was curious about what these things were, and was puzzled by another thing.

Ever since Su Yan took the round land shark out of the room last time...

She noticed that the business of [Elf House] has been very hot in the past few days, and hundreds of elves have been sold.

However, these elves were all brought out one by one by Su Yan from the room deep in the store.

Ningguang knew the specifications of the shops on this street very well.

A shop is at most dozens of square meters, and the rooms inside are at most twenty square meters.

How did he hide so many Pokémon in it?

This is not scientific...

Since there is no explanation, there is only one answer, there must be something hidden in the room inside.

But Ningguang couldn't ask directly, so she asked indirectly:"Mr. Su, Mr. Su Yan, what are these? How did you fit so many things in your room?!"


Su Yan glanced at Ningguang and knew that what she really wanted to know was the latter question.

He said leisurely,"These bags are filled with seeds. As for how I put them into the room, why don't you try to guess, Miss Ningguang?""


Su Yan saw through her intentions, and Ningguang coughed twice, then put on an awkward smile.

"It's hard for me to guess. By the way, when you said you needed my and Keqing's help, did you mean……"

"Plant trees."

It was obvious that Su Yan didn't care what Ning Guang was thinking, and he didn't care, and then said

"These are seeds of different fruit trees in the elf world. I hope to borrow your connections to find people to plant these in the mountains near Liyue. When they grow and bear fruit, they can not only be used to make energy blocks, but also become daily food for Pokémon."

As soon as these words came out,

Ningguang and Keqing showed surprise on their faces.

"The seeds of these trees can produce fruits? And they are also materials for making energy cubes?"

In fact, they came here today, in addition to asking Su Yan about the issue of 'evolution', they also hoped to buy some energy cubes from him.

After all, Su Yan only gave them three days' supply before.

Yes, although the range of food for Pokémon is wide, even the food of Liyue can be used to fill their stomachs.

But energy cubes are different. In addition to filling the stomach, they can also help to improve the level of Pokémon.

But here comes the problem...

After Ningguang was overjoyed, she suddenly raised her curved eyebrows.

"Mr. Su Yan, I can arrange people to plant these seeds for you, but it will take several years for the seeds to grow into trees and bear fruit. Is there anything that can temporarily replace the energy blocks during this period?"

"To make energy cubes, you need a recipe. This is what the ancients in the elf world spent countless hours to combine. I don't know if the fruit of Teyvat has this potential, but if you want to combine it to replace energy cubes, I'm afraid it will be impossible without years or even decades of research.……"

At this point, Su Yan smiled faintly.

"Who says it takes years for these seeds to bear fruit?"


Ningguang and Keqing were both stunned.

Isn't this common sense?

Do trees in the elf world grow in different cycles?

One month?

Two months?

Half a year?

Ganyu, who had been very quiet, was guessing in her heart.

Ningguang said with curiosity on her face.

"Then I really want to see the trees outside this world. Mr. Su Yan, your seeds are absolutely beneficial to Liyue now. Leave the planting to me."

In just a few days.

Liyue has changed dramatically. People can be seen with Pokemon on the streets at any time.

Then, the amount of food needed in the future will inevitably increase dramatically. Although this hidden danger cannot be seen now, it will definitely become a problem in the near future.

If these fruit trees can be planted, this hidden danger can be solved.

Ningguang can think of it, so can Keqing.

"I'll help here too."

"Thank you very much."

Su Yan nodded to the two of them and then said,"One more thing, can you help me find a piece of land, preferably a ready-made factory, for me to use to process energy cubes."

However, just as he finished speaking, Su Yan saw Ningguang's eyes suddenly light up.

She quickly approached Su Yan.

"Mr. Su Yan, you have just arrived in Liyue. You may not be familiar with the business model and manufacturing model here. In addition, you also have to run the [Elf House]. I wonder if you are interested in finding a partner?"

When Ningguang heard about the production of energy cubes, she knew that this was definitely a big business.

Judging from the current trend, Pokemon will be all over the world in the future.

Then, energy cubes will definitely become a hot commodity.

In addition, the formula for making energy cubes is only in the hands of Su Yan. If this is not a business opportunity, what is it?

Ningguang immediately took Su Yan's hand intimately, and Keqing next to her glanced at her speechlessly.

"Ningguang, you really have a good idea."

Anyone can see that this is definitely a big business.

But Su Yan didn't care. It would be better to say that he deliberately asked in front of Ningguang...

Business, making money?

Su Yan's goal is not these. On the contrary, if she cooperates with Ningguang, she can quickly promote it to the whole of Teyvat with her ability.

However, Su Yan didn't intend to nod directly.

"Let me think about it. Before that, the planting of fruit trees, factories, and labor are the most urgent matters."

When Ningguang saw that her proposal was not rejected, her smile became even bigger.

"Haha, Mr. Su Yan, leave these things to me. If you are free, we can get them done right now. This way, you can see how efficient I am."

"That would be great."

Su Yan never doubted that Ningguang could become the number one merchant in Liyue, but he had never seen it with his own eyes.

Anyway, no one was coming to visit him now, so he was very interested in Ningguang's proposal.

"In that case, Dream, please bring these seeds with you."

"No problem, leave it to me!"

I saw Dreamy's little finger move slightly, and under the control of the power of thought, the eighteen bags containing seeds floated up without any effort.

After a while... a sign was placed at the door of the elf house.

【[Closed today]

As Su Yan, Ningguang and others left the store...

a man was sitting on the roof hundreds of meters away from the Elf House.

He was young, sitting cheerfully, and seemed harmless.

But in fact, he was the eleventh executive officer of the Fatui of the Kingdom of Winter.

Young Master...


In order to obtain the Heart of the God of the Rock, he had been lurking in Liyue for a long time.

But since the appearance of the out-of-this-world creature [Pokemon] in Liyue, he has been secretly observing the Elf House from afar for several days.

Unfortunately, Su Yan has not left the store for the past few days, and today...


"Finally, I have waited for the opportunity."

Tadalia stood up from the roof.

At this time, Su Yan and Ningguang and others had already left the elf house. It was the best time for him to spy. What

Ningguang could think of, Tartaglia naturally saw long ago.

"What kind of secrets are in that room... I'm really curious"

"Let me reveal the answer!"

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