
When Wendy introduced herself, Keqing and Ningguang's eyes, which were originally puzzled, suddenly widened.

How could they not have heard of this name?

Isn't that the name of the wind god of Mondstadt?

The bard in front of them?!


Keqing said without thinking:"Hey, if Miss Lisa and the others hear you say this, they will definitely beat you to death."


Wendy's face suddenly became strange.

How come this is different from what he expected?

When he introduced himself, shouldn't the two of them be very surprised and then show expressions of admiration?

Surprised... but also respectful?

What's the matter, do they think of themselves as a liar?

You know, he usually tries his best to disguise himself in front of others. Now that Keqing and Ningguang are about to become colleagues, they naturally don't need to hide anything in front of these two.

"980" That's why I introduced myself.

But... this is completely different from what Wendy wanted to see.

"You don't believe me?"

Wendy's face twitched, and then she introduced Zhongli.

"What about him? You must be very familiar with the name of this person next to me. His name is... Morax."

As soon as these words came out, it can be seen that Ningguang and Keqing's faces suddenly became unhappy.

""Mr. Bard, we can pretend we didn't hear you pretending to be the Wind God of Mondstadt, but Lord Geo is the god of our Liyue, please be careful with your words."


You claiming to be the Wind God of Mondstadt, the people of Liyue can pretend not to hear you.

But Morax, the Lord Geo, is such a respected person in the hearts of the people of Liyue.

Even though Su Yan has protected Liyue several times during this period, his position in people's hearts cannot surpass that of Lord Geo.

And now that it was said by the seemingly careless Venti, how could Ningguang and Keqing tolerate it?

Seeing the two of them full of anger,……

"……You, you don't believe me?"

Wendy was speechless, not knowing how to explain.


Does he have a face that can deceive people? He was telling the truth, why didn't Ningguang and Keqing believe him?

Wendy looked at Zhongli and said,

"Morax, it seems your people don't want to acknowledge you."


Zhongli was speechless.

With Venti's nonchalant look, it was impossible for Ningguang and Keqing to believe him if he suddenly said that he and he were the God of Wind and God of Rock.

His reputation was originally quite good.

If he continued to hang out with Barbatos, his reputation would be damaged in no time.


Su Yan, who had been watching the show with a smile on his face, finally spoke up.

"Well, Barbatos didn't lie to you, they are indeed the God of Wind and God of Rock of Mondstadt."

If... when Venti introduced himself just now, Keqing and Ningguang immediately thought he was a liar.

Then, now that Su Yan said it himself, they would never treat it as a joke.

In other words,……

"Is he really the Wind God of Mondstadt?"

"Mr. Zhongli... is the Geo Lord?!"

Keqing and Ningguang were stunned at the moment.

This frivolous bard, the guy who went to the teahouse to sing every day, was actually the Wind God of Mondstadt?

Isn't it said... that the Wind God of Mondstadt is so great?

How could it be such a guy?

This was Keqing's first reaction.

And from Ningguang's words, it can be heard that she had already investigated Zhongli's identity. She knew that he was a guest official of the Hall of Rebirth, and that he was proficient in many things, but she had no idea about his origins.

But although Ningguang suspected his arrival, she never thought... that he was actually the god of Liyue.

"Rock, Rock King?"

As the Seven Stars of Liyue, they are like the messengers of the Rock God. Now with the god in front of them, Ningguang and Keqing were both ready to show their respect.

But Zhongli suddenly said,"No need to be polite. Barbatos is right. You and I are about to become colleagues. There will be no need for these vulgar formalities when we meet again in the future."


Keqing and Ningguang were completely confused.

Wendy had said this just now, and they didn't take it seriously.

But now Su Yan has revealed their identities, and the Rock King mentioned it again.

Ningguang was so smart, thinking that Su Yan held this competition for another purpose.

Good guy... Su Yan actually hid it from her.

And what about Keqing.

When she heard the word colleague again, she asked without thinking:"Becoming a colleague with gods? Are Ningguang and I going to become gods too?"

"Ah, this, no……"

Wendy's brows furrowed immediately, obviously she didn't expect Keqing to have such bad ideas.

"Let me explain it to you."

Su Yan spoke again.

"Actually, the purpose of holding this competition was to select a person who could manage the Elf Alliance together with the Seven Gods from among the many contestants. I didn't expect that there would be two winners in the end....."

As soon as the words fell,

Keqing and Ningguang were stunned again.

"Manage the Elf Alliance with the Seven Gods?"

Let's not talk about the fact that they don't know what the Elf Alliance is and what it manages.

But the three words"with the Seven Gods" are enough to represent the value.

Facing the surprise of the two, Su Yan said again. (To read the exciting novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"Although there are seven gods, in fact, only the God of Wind, God of Rock, God of Thunder and God of Grass will agree to join the Elf Alliance. I haven't met the other three gods yet. Of course, it doesn't matter if they don't want to, after all, I can persuade them through physical means."

After saying this, Ningguang and Keqing both raised their eyebrows.

Physical persuasion...

In Teyvat, only Su Yan can say this lightly.

If it were someone else, they might just sneer.

But this person is Su Yan...

Especially Keqing... She really saw Su Yan persuade the God of Thunder physically.

In this case...

Ningguang and Keqing looked at Zhongli and Wendy with strange eyes at the same time.

Facing the strange looks of the two, Wendy immediately shook her hand:"Hey, let me make it clear first, I agreed to join the Elf Alliance not because of physical persuasion."

Even Zhongli expressed his own opinion:"Ahem, this emperor has always supported Mr. Su Yan."

Seeing the embarrassment of the two gods, Ningguang and Keqing immediately understood.

At this 2.4, Ningguang's eyes gradually became gentle as she looked at Su Yan. After all, this man who even gods feared belonged to her.

She said with a smile:"Although I don't know what the Elf Alliance is and what it manages, as long as you say so, I will not refuse"

"I know."

Su Yan nodded and smiled.

To be honest, before the end of the competition, he thought Ningguang was the most suitable candidate.

So when they were in the Jade Pavilion, Su Yan hoped that Ningguang could make it to the end.

Of course, to have this qualification, she still needs to rely on her own strength.

Throughout the whole competition, Su Yan did not give her any special treatment. Everything depended on her own efforts to get here.[]

He was very pleased.……


It ’s fun to think about working with gods. Since Ningguang has joined directly, how can I fall behind?".

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