At this moment.

No matter the power or speed of the Sharptooth Land Shark, it was beyond the Blue Flame Blade Demon's ability to deal with.

When the Blue Flame Blade Demon dodged the first attack, the Sharptooth Land Shark had already swung out another dragon wing at a faster speed than it...

If it was hit, the game would undoubtedly be decided.

But, at this moment...

Keqing suddenly shouted with a tearing roar:"Blue Flame Blade Demon, we share the same fate!!!" As soon as these words came out


Ningguang was immediately shocked.

Same fate? This was the first time that Ningguang heard the name of the move that Keqing called out.

In this situation, Keqing could call out this move, which proved that she still had a chance to fight back?

How was this possible?

In this situation, what else could the Blue Blade Ghost do?

But... at this time, Ningguang could do nothing.

The Sharp-toothed Land Shark couldn't hear her voice at all, and the dragon wing that was swung out had already chopped off the Blue Blade Ghost.

Then, everyone saw...


When the fierce dragon wing hit the Blue Blade Ghost heavily... the dark soul suddenly burst out from the Blue Blade Ghost's body.


The irrational Sharp-toothed Land Shark was surrounded by endless ghosts.

Seeing this, Ningguang widened her eyes in disbelief.

"What is this 710? Ghost? Soul? Why does the Blue Blade Ghost still have the power to release such a thing?!!"


Being haunted by the ghost, the Sharptooth Land Shark roared again, and its two dragon wings kept slashing around.

Unfortunately... the Blue Blade Ghost released more and more dark souls.

But in a blink of an eye, it swallowed the Sharptooth Land Shark...

At the same time , the two Pokémon fell to the ground of the ring at the same time.

The dark souls also disappeared at this moment, as if they had never appeared just now.

Only the Blue Blade Ghost and the Sharptooth Land Shark lost consciousness and fell straight on the ring.

At this moment, everyone, including Ningguang, widened their eyes in disbelief.

What's going on?

The Sharptooth Land Shark had clearly hit the Blue Blade Ghost just now.

Logically speaking, the Blue Blade Ghost could not have counterattacked at all, and even if it counterattacked, it should not have been able to knock down the Sharptooth Land Shark with one blow.

But the facts are in front of us...

The Blue Blade Ghost not only released those dark souls, but also made the Sharptooth Land Shark lose its combat effectiveness?


"Hey, is this true? What exactly is Blue Flame Blade Demon's [Same Fate] move? How could it actually defeat Sharptooth Land Shark?"

"The Sharptooth Land Shark was about to win just now, so how, how did it get defeated?"

"Same fate... Could this be a move where both parties will perish?"

"Ah? There is such a move, isn't it against the rules?!"

Everyone present couldn't imagine what kind of move [Same Fate] was.

Of course, after hearing the name of the move, some people also vaguely guessed it.

And Su Yan shook his head helplessly.

"Oh... I didn't expect Keqing to use the move [Same Fate]. This is a difficult situation."

Same Fate, a ghost-type move!

So the power that Blue Blade Demon finally bursts out will look like a soul from the netherworld.

And this move [Same Fate] can only be used under one situation.

That is, when the Pokémon is hit by a fatal blow, the power released in the body can perish together with the opponent!

Of course... it means falling into a coma at the same time.

And Su Yan's helplessness was not because Keqing used this move, nor was it because of anything else...

Don't forget, this is the finals.

Now that two Pokémon are in a coma at the same time, who will he judge as the final winner?

At this moment.

Countless people's eyes are looking at Su Yan, as if waiting for his explanation...

Keqing is even more guilty. (To read the exciting novel, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

She is very clear about the effect of [Same Fate].

It's just that she saw that Blue Blade Demon was indeed about to lose, and she didn't know how to think about it, so she shouted this move.

In fact, at that time, she just didn't want Blue Blade Demon to lose from the bottom of her heart.

Even a draw is fine...

But, Su Yan's next words made Keqing's guilt slightly subsided.

"Everyone, I have said that in a Pokémon battle, trainers should never relax until the final verdict is announced. And the move that Miss Keqing asked Blue Blade to use just now is a Pokémon move, so she certainly did not violate the rules."

Whatever Su Yan said was authoritative.

And everyone could see that the final burst of power came from Blue Blade, not Keqing's intervention.

Since it was the power of Pokémon, it was naturally not a violation.

Ningguang sighed after hearing this.

"I was too impatient. If I had held out a little longer and not let the Sharptooth Land Shark use its Reverse Scale, maybe the outcome would have been different."

Su Yan was right.

As long as the match was not decided, no one could assume victory was certain.

Under the circumstances at the time, Ningguang had a very high chance of winning as long as she stood firm and played steadily.

If she hadn't been in a hurry to let the Sharptooth Land Shark use [Reverse Scale] and got into chaos, then when Keqing called out [Same Fate], she might have been able to make the Sharptooth Land Shark stop and wait and see.

But... now it ended in a draw.


"So, who wins and who loses in this game?"

"Is it possible to fight again?"

"It's not impossible……"[]

Countless pairs of eyes were still on Su Yan.

After all, the two Pokémon lost their combat power at the same time. Since [Same Fate] did not violate the rules, it was equivalent to a tie between Ningguang and Keqing.

What would Su Yan do next?

Of course, it was not impossible to fight again.

The battle between Ningguang and Keqing was really exciting, more exciting than any of the previous battles, especially the middle part was full of the beauty of power.


Su Yan hesitated for a moment and suddenly announced:

"I declare that in this match, Miss Ningguang and Miss Keqing tied and jointly won the first Pokemon Battle Competition."

After these words came out,

Ningguang and Keqing were stunned, and then looked at each other.

This result was obviously something they had never expected.

But soon... Ningguang smiled in her daze.

"A draw? That's good too. This result will alert me. I must not be careless until the last moment."

Look at Keqing again...

Although Su Yan has said that [same fate] is within the rules, she still feels that this result is a bit unfair.

In this case...

Keqing can only smile bitterly.

However, compared to the two of them, the audience below the ring was in an uproar.

"So there are two winners in this contest?!"

"Ha, it's not impossible. After all, Lady Ningguang and Lady Keqing have defeated all their opponents to get to this point. Their strength is unquestionable."

"That's right, it's a pity that we can't have another one to satisfy our cravings."

Amidst the discussion, there was continuous applause.

This was everyone's congratulations.

Of course, there were also some viewers who were still unsatisfied, because Su Yan's announcement undoubtedly told everyone that the first Pokemon Battle Competition was over.

But, at this moment... someone suddenly asked

"Wait, wait, Boss Su Yan, didn’t you say that the winner can get the legendary elf egg?"


Then, then... who will get this legendary Pokémon , Lady Ningguang or Lady Keqing?".

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