""Good, so strong!"

Below the ring, watching the changes of the Blue Flame Blade Ghost, Ningguang and Ganyu's faces became extremely solemn.

If... the most powerful move they have seen in all the games, it must be Klee's ~ Naughty Thunder Bomb.

At this time, the feeling of Keqing's Blue Flame Blade Ghost was no weaker than the [Self-explosion] of Naughty Thunder Bomb.

Only when it turned into a fireball, you could see the dark flames burning the entire ring.

As an opponent... what a terrifying existence it is!

"Ningguang, I have a bad feeling. It would be better if we move to the audience seats for now.……"

And just when Ganyu gave Ningguang advice... at this moment!

""Go ahead, Blue Blade Ghost!!!"

Unlike the beginning of the battle, Blue Blade Ghost has completely opened Keqing's heart.

No matter what traps are ahead, no matter what countermeasures Lisa has, she must go forward and believe in Blue Blade Ghost!

It doesn't matter even if she loses the game!

Because this is Blue Blade Ghost's choice, she just needs to believe!

And with Keqing's call, Blue Blade Ghost, which had already turned into a huge fireball, was like a meteor.

With a bang.

The ground where Blue Blade Ghost was originally located suddenly exploded, leaving a sunken charred hole.

Not only that... wherever the fireball passed, it looked like a meteor passed by, and a deep gap was cut on the floor of the ring.

Not to mention that the people below the stage were all nervous.

Lisa's face on the ring was even more shocked, so she hurriedly shouted:"Poison Rose, it's coming, hurry up, use the Leaf Storm!!!""

As she thought before, the Blue Blade Ghost is now at the end of its rope.

The next attack... no matter if Poison Rose is hit by [Energy Accumulation Flame] or any attack touches the Blue Blade Ghost, whoever... will definitely fall first.

Lisa did not make a wrong judgment on this point.

So when the Blue Blade Ghost rushed over, Poison Rose had already condensed enough grass attribute elements. As a result, as soon as the Blue Blade Ghost rushed over half of the arena...

Poison Rose began to rotate at high speed, and her body even scattered hundreds of leaves, which immediately turned into countless sharp blades along the rolling storm.

No matter what creature, just a slight touch of the storm is enough to make it skin and flesh.

This is Poison Rose's strongest skill...

Although the special attack power will be greatly reduced after it is used.

Although this move has a reduced effect on the Blue Blade Ghost Half...

But in Lisa's opinion, these are no longer important.

Just one strike, as long as it gives the Blue Flame Blade Ghost... even a little bit of damage, it is enough to decide the final victory or defeat!

Just like that... the storm of leaves swept across most of the arena, and the moment the wind started, the vortex of flames no longer existed.

However, the Blue Flame Blade Ghost, which turned into a giant fireball, still moved forward... only when it swept across half of the arena!

The fireball suddenly hit the storm.

In just a blink of an eye... the fire burned all the leaves and turned into thick smoke.

But the high-speed rotating poisonous rose still sprinkled new leaves condensed from the grass attribute, continuously.

The storm mixed with flames has turned into a large fire tornado.

The leaves turned into blades, the flames engulfed the leaves, and the storm absorbed the flames again.

The cyclical scene once became extremely horrifying.

"Oh my god, aren’t Lady Keqing and Miss Lisa’s Pokémon too powerful?!"

"This power... is far greater than the explosion of the previous naughty thunder bomb. If it weren't for Boss Su Yan's protective shield, I'm afraid we, the audience, would all be caught in the fire storm, right?"

"Fortunately, Boss Su Yan had foresight, otherwise watching a game would be life-threatening!"

That's right.

At this moment, the collision between the two ultimate moves of Cang Yan Blade Ghost's [Charged Flame] and Poison Rose's [Flying Leaf Storm] has already triggered the [Burn] and [Diffusion] reactions.

If Su Yan hadn't set up a protective shield in the audience seats, who knows how many people would have died.

Look... before the two moves collided, the contestants had all hidden in the audience seats, not daring to take a step forward.

But Keqing and Lisa were miserable.

As trainers, they naturally had to stand on the ring and side by side with Pokémon.

Now the fire storm was raging... their situation was precarious.

Fortunately, Su Yan's pupils suddenly flashed, forming two invisible forces, which enveloped Lisa and Keqing's bodies respectively.

The next moment! (To read the exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

A protective shield exactly the same as the one in the audience seats rose around the two of them.

"Phew…I’m saved!"

""Thank you, Boss Su Yan."

The two of them wiped their sweat. With the energy shield, the pressure of the fire storm disappeared instantly.

Su Yan just nodded to them.

"The ring has no energy absorption device, which is a bit troublesome……"

In the Pokémon world, the competition arenas are equipped with energy absorption devices that can absorb the power released by Pokémon to a large extent and equally.

In this way, the power of Pokémon's moves will be greatly weakened, and there is no need to worry about hurting the trainers on the field.

But this arena obviously does not have such a device.

Coupled with the elemental reaction, the collision between the two Pokémon has already exploded with enough power to threaten the trainers, including the owner of the Eye of God.

Back to the topic...

The Blue Blade Demon and the Poison Rose, the three elemental energies of fire, storm, and leaves are still in continuous collision.

However, with the bonus of [Sword Dance], the Blue Blade Demon, which has turned into a fireball, is now being squeezed into the storm little by little.

And the leaf blades rolled up by the storm seem to have no effect on it at all.

Seeing this scene...

Lisa's eyes became unbelievable.

"Impossible, if the Blue Blade Ghost wants to enter the storm, he will definitely be attacked by the Leaf Blade.���Attack, it, how can it be safe?!"

But soon……[]

Lisa discovered that the Blue Flame Blade Ghost that turned into a fireball, in addition to the flames, seemed to have other forces around it, which turned into a protective shield to protect the fireball.

This is why the Leaf Storm failed to cause any damage to the Blue Flame Blade Ghost.

"Cang, does Cang Yanrengui have any defensive moves?"

Although Lisa's face was full of surprise...

Keqing, who also discovered this, was also confused at this moment.

"The Blue Flame Blade Ghost has no defensive moves, did it just learn this move?!"

Only Su Yan knew what was going on after seeing this scene.

"The protective shield formed by the wave power... At present, it seems that only the Blue Flame Blade Ghost has awakened the wave power."

Just as Su Yan's voice fell.


The Blue Flame Blade Ghost has broken through the fire storm.

At this moment... the figure of the Poison Rose has been exposed in the eyes of the Blue Flame Blade Ghost.

It is conceivable...

The Blue Flame Blade Ghost did not hesitate at all, and it turned into a fireball meteor and resolutely fell towards the location where the Poison Rose was.

But at this moment!


The Blue Flame Blade Ghost felt the poison in its body attacking again.

It had no strength left, and it only felt a blackness in front of its eyes...

But... it had already turned into a meteor fireball, still falling from the top of the storm.


A shocking sound, like a meteor falling to the ground, caused a huge earthquake on the ring. Was it the Poison Rose that was knocked down... or was the Blue Flame Blade Ghost poisoned first and lost its fighting power? It depends on who can still stand after this blow!.

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