
As the red and white ball flashed red, it turned into a bear-like elf with black and gray hair and a martial arts turban, and flashed out from inside. At this moment, Ningguang and Keqing gradually changed from surprise to shock.

The reason was simple. It was because this elf, which looked like a bear and had a body like a martial artist, opened its arms left and right the moment it appeared...

It held the Xuanji screen with its left hand, and stretched out two fingers with its right hand, easily clamping Keqing's lightning sword.


The elf shouted...


Ningguang's [Xuan Ji Screen] was smashed by the bear's punch.

The lightning sword in Keqing's hand was also pushed away by the elf's two fingers...

Then, Keqing turned over in the air, staggered to the ground, and even took a few steps back when she landed.

The sudden change shocked everyone.

Not only Ningguang and Keqing were stunned, but all the people watching around were also stunned.

"Blocked, blocked, the attacks of Lady Ning, Lady Ningguang and Lady Keqing were blocked by a bear?!"

Most of the people standing here are from Liyue.

As two of the Seven Stars of Liyue, Ningguang and Keqing, everyone present knew very well what kind of power they possessed.

In Liyue, no, even in the entire Teyvat, they were definitely the top existences.

But even so... the suddenly appeared bear-like elf not only easily blocked the attacks of the two at the same time, but even broke the [Xuan Ji Screen] with one punch.

"This bear is obviously the same species as those two pets. I thought they could only defeat wild boars at best, but, but it can actually block the full force attack of the owner of the Eye of God?!"

"It's incredible, where do these pets come from?!"

"So, if I have this bear, can I compete with the owner of the Eye of God in the future?"

The scene just now was unbelievable to the people of Liyue. Even

Beidou, who had been hiding in the crowd and traveling around for many years, was stunned.


"It's so interesting that it can block the attacks of Ningguang and Keqing at the same time. Who sent this bear?……"

Thinking of this, Beidou's eyes had already moved away from the street, and finally fell on the person at the door of the [Elf House] shop.

Su Yan!

That's right, it was Su Yan who sent this bear elf out.

He walked slowly in front of the shop, pulling up a bitter smile.

"Well, if you fight here, it will affect my shop, so let’s just give in and call it a draw." As soon as the words fell,

Ningguang and Keqing, who were still in shock, turned their heads.

"Mr. Su Yan, this bear is yours……"

Su Yan nodded and introduced:"Yes, it's my Pokémon, the martial arts bear master." As soon as he finished speaking, the bear elf that looked like a martial artist jumped back to Su Yan from the street in the blink of an eye.

It stood upright with its arms folded, like a most loyal bodyguard, a top fighter.

"Martial Arts Bear Master?"

Ningguang and Keqing repeated the name.

Immediately, Keqing put away her sword and looked at the Martial Arts Bear Master beside Su Yan with a sharp gaze.

Others might just be shocked, but Ningguang and Keqing knew it very well.

They were angry just now and did not hold back when they used their moves.

Even so, this elf named 'Martial Arts Bear Master' could easily block their attacks at the same time... and even broke the [Xuan Ji Screen] and pushed Keqing away.

Could this be the [Legendary Elf] that Su Yan mentioned?

Too strong, so strong that it was terrifying.

Hearing Su Yan's suggestion that the two of them end the game in a draw, Ningguang and Keqing looked at each other.

They were not unwilling.

Instead, they were thinking the same thing.……

"If I can train the Tan Xiaoshi (Round Land Shark), will they be as powerful as Mr. Su Yan's elves in the future?!"

Whether it's Menghuan or Wudao Bear Master.

Ningguang and Keqing are very clear that these two elves are far more powerful than them.

If they can also train their own elves to this level... then let alone ordinary owners of the Eye of God, they will even be stronger than themselves, the top masters...

Ningguang, Keqing:"I will definitely train the Tan Xiaoshi (Round Land Shark)!"

Just thinking of this...

Su Yan's voice came slowly, without blame, but with a little apology.

"And... Miss Ningguang, I have to apologize for what I said before. You misunderstood me."

"I asked you to fight alongside the elves, but I didn't mean for you to fight them yourself.……"

Seeing Su Yan slowly walking towards her and what he said, Ningguang was obviously stunned.

""Huh? Isn't it?"

Su Yan smiled bitterly and shook his head:"No."

He was careless.

Before Ningguang and Keqing fought, he did explain the rules to them, but he didn't take into account that the people in the original world of God were no worse than the elves in terms of combat power.

If it was a battle with life at stake, then there was nothing to say.

But in a fair fight of ordinary competition, if the person with the"Eye of God" took the field personally, a careless incident might lead to bloodshed, and it would be very unfair to people without the Eye of God.

That's why Su Yan sent out the martial arts bear master to stop the two from continuing to fight.

After all, Ningguang and Keqing were already angry at that time.

At this moment, Keqing still had a cold face.

"Humph, I told you what Ningguang did just now was too despicable."

If Ningguang hadn't intervened, Keqing would have had a great chance of winning after she sealed the dangerous move of the Round Land Shark.

However, Su Yan, who had already walked up to the two of them, said:

"Miss Keqing, actually this can't be blamed on Miss Ningguang, it's my fault for not thinking it through first"

"After all, you have strong power, and whether it is Tan Xiaoshi or Yuan Lusha, there is still a big gap between you and you."

"Your help will only turn the elves' competition into a duel between the owners of the Eye of God, which will lose the meaning of the elves' battle."

Listening to what Su Yan said,

Ningguang, who had calmed down, did feel a little regretful.

"Mr. Su Yan is right. If you hadn't stopped them just now, it would have turned into a contest between Keqing and me."

Because the two of them were immersed in the battle just now, the destructive power of the two Pokémon was not strong enough, causing them to forget that this was Liyue Street. If these two owners of the Eye of God really fought in the downtown area... the consequences would be terrible.

So Ningguang was not angry about Su Yan's intervention, but felt a little guilty.

"Miss Ningguang, you don't have to do this. I didn't think it through first. Besides, not everyone has the Eye of God. If it's a friendly competition, it's unfair to others."

At this point, Su Yan suddenly pointed his finger.

"Let's put it this way. In order to popularize elf battles to more people, I plan to hold an elf battle event in a month. There is no participation fee. No matter who you are, as long as you have an elf, you can participate."

"Winner Takes It All……"


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