The ring was repaired by Su Yan in a blink of an eye.

Naturally, the competition between Ningguang, Ganyu, Xiangling and Yunjin would not be affected.

To be honest... the others were watching the ring from a distance after all. As for how this was done and what the process was, no one present could react.

But don't forget... Ningguang and the others were standing on the ring just now. Even so, they, like everyone else, didn't know how the ground under their feet suddenly became brand new.

At that time... the four contestants looked at Su Yan in confusion. It was not until Su Yan signaled that they could compete that they came back to their senses.

Look... the game has already begun, and it is in full swing!

The brand new ring can naturally allow both sides to go all out.

However... they did not choose the way for the trainer to go out in person.

But this will not affect everyone's performance at all.

At the beginning of the game, Ningguang and Ganyu took the lead in attacking, with a clear goal of forcing Xiangling's flaming tumbler and Yunjin's Jigglypuff to���Then...

Ningguang seized this opportunity.

""Sharptooth Land Shark... Now, quicksand hell!" Sharptooth Land Shark and Ningguang are getting more and more in sync.

As soon as Ningguang shouted, Sharptooth Land Shark had already melted the place where Flame Red Tumbler and Jigglypuff were standing into a vortex of mud and sand.

This restricted the movement of the two Pokémon.

One third of their bodies had already been trapped in the quicksand trap. At this time, the Ice Dragon, who was originally pressing Jigglypuff, also received Ganyu's order.

""Ice and Snow Dragon, use the original power to attack the flaming red tumbler!" As soon as the voice fell, the Ice and Snow Dragon immediately used its mind power to control the rocks, which passed by Jigglypuff and attacked the flaming red tumbler that was far away from it.

Seeing this, Yun Jin hurriedly reminded:"Oh no, Xiangling, the Ice and Snow Dragon has changed its target to the flaming red tumbler!"

As soon as the game started, the cooperation of Ningguang and Ganyu caught Xiangling and Yunjin off guard.

Their goals were very clear.

Land Shark fought against Flaming Red Tumbler, and Ice Dragon took Jigglypuff as its opponent.

After all, Land Shark can restrain Flaming Red Tumbler, but its dragon-type moves are not good for Jigglypuff.

Although Ice Dragon cannot restrain Jigglypuff, it can reduce the pressure on Land Shark.

The four people standing on the field at this moment, although they have all reached the quarterfinals, there is a big gap in strength between the two sides.

Not to mention, Yunjin's elves tend to be auxiliary, and the attack power of Flaming Red Tumbler is not very strong.

Soon, Xiangling and Yunjin were panicked by the opponent's continuous attacks.


Ice Dragon suddenly changed its target again.

But when Yunjin just reminded Xiangling, Land Shark suddenly appeared behind Jigglypuff.

"Mr. Yun, you shouldn't be distracted at this time. Land Shark, use [Clave] to attack Jigglypuff!"


Yun Jin had just come to his senses when the Sharptoothed Land Shark had already used its sharp claws to knock the Jigglypuff stuck in the quicksand away.

At the same time,

Xiangling's flaming red tumbler was also hastily knocked out of the quicksand trap by the [Original Power] of the Ice Dragon.

Of course, the two elves did not lose their fighting power because of this, and they still tried very hard to climb up.

"Yunjin, be careful, Ningguang's fanged land shark is watching you"

"You too, she, they changed their targets."

Xiangling never expected that Ningguang and Ganyu would suddenly change their targets.

At the same time...

Ningguang on the opposite side suddenly said:"Xiangling, Mr. Yun, do you think we choose our targets because of attribute restraint?"

As soon as the voice fell, Ganyu next to her also spoke up

"Mutual restraint of attributes is beneficial to combat, but it is not absolute. After all, Pokémon can perform more than just one attribute move. Trainers should seize every opportunity to attack and use the most effective means to defeat their opponents."

Not to mention...

At this moment, the cooperation between Ningguang and Ganyu has exceeded the vision of many trainers.

Is attribute restraint important?

Very important.

At this stage, trainers are still afraid of attribute restraint.

However, the two of them have already taken this step.

Even Su Yan was a little surprised.……

"Ningguang and Ganyu have actually thought of this, which is really amazing." (To read the exciting novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

As they said, attribute restraint is important.

But in every battle, it is impossible to encounter a restrained opponent, and you may even be restrained.

What a trainer needs to do is... No matter whether you encounter an advantage or a disadvantage, you should seize the best opportunity and use the most effective attack!

This undoubtedly taught Xiangling and Yunjin a good lesson.

""That's what Master Ningguang taught me."

Yun Jin no longer cared so much. When Jigglypuff stood up again, he pointed at the nearest opponent in front of him.

"Jigglypuff, use [Charming Voice] to attack Sharktooth"

""Fiery Red Tumbler, use [Burn] to attack Fanged Land Shark!"

Xiangling was also not able to lag behind, and her target was Ningguang.

This time, the two of them were in command, but because Fanged Land Shark was in the front position, the Ice Dragon was slower and fell behind... Although it seemed that way on the surface,

"That's how it should be……"

Facing the simultaneous attacks of the two, Ningguang remained calm.

"Fanged Land Shark, retreat behind the Ice Dragon!"

Just when Jigglypuff's sonic wave and the flame of the Fiery Tumbler came, Fanged Land Shark suddenly jumped back and hid behind the Ice Dragon.

However, [Enchanting Voice] and [Burn] did not stop there, but continued.


Ningguang and Ganyu nodded to each other.

Ganyu waved her hand and signaled:"Ice Dragon, open [Mirror Reflection】!"

As soon as the words fell, the Ice Dragon immediately erected a complex colored barrier in front of it.[]

When [Mirror Reflection] was just erected... the sound waves and flames just barely landed on it.

Seeing this, Ganyu waved her hand and said,"Ice Dragon, bounce the attack back!!"

The next second... as the Ice Dragon's pupils widened, the two attacks bounced back at a faster speed.


At this moment, Xiangling gritted her teeth and said,"Yunjin, we have already made the Fanged Land Shark and the Ice Dragon distance themselves. I will block this attack, and you let Jigglypuff sing!" In fact, their attack this time did not care whether they could hurt the other party.

In fact, Yunjin and Xiangling just wanted the two sides to distance themselves.

It was just that they did not expect the Ice Dragon to bounce back the attack...

Although it was unexpected, Xiangling still signaled,"Fiery Red Tumbler, use [Hold On] to help Jigglypuff block the opponent's attack!"

Because it was previously restrained by the Ice Dragon's [Original Power], the Fire Red Tumbler had little physical strength left.

In order to give Jigglypuff time to use the [Sing] skill, the [Hold On] skill will undoubtedly allow the Flaming Tumbler to survive.……


Yun Jin did not hesitate at all this time.

"Jigglypuff, use Sing】!"

Remember last time Jigglypuff raised the microphone and sang everyone to sleep.

Then he woke up the fiery red tumbler and finally turned defeat into victory.

They plan to do the same.

Before going on stage, they knew in their hearts that this was the key to defeating Ningguang and Ganyu...

So... as long as Jigglypuff sings, can Yunjin and Xiangling still achieve the previous counterattack?!.

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